Yousefi, Mohammadreza

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PhD Student

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Yousefi, Mohammadreza

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    Pediatric-onset chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a multicenter study
    (Elsevier Science Inc, 2023) Uzan, Gamze Sarikaya; Yuksel, Deniz; Aksoy, Erhan; Oztoprak, Ulkuhan; Canpolat, Mehmet; Ozturk, Selcan; Yildirim, Celebi; Gulec, Ayten; Per, Huseyin; Gumus, Hakan; Okuyaz, Cetin; Direk, Meltem Cobanoullari; Kosmur, Mustafa; Unalp, Aycan; Yilmaz, Unsal; Bektas, Omer; Teber, Serap; Aliyeva, Nargiz; Dundar, Nihal Olgac; Gencpinar, Pinar; Gurkas, Esra; Yilmaz, Sanem Keskin; Kanmaz, Seda; Tekgtil, Hasan; Aksoy, Ayse; Tuncer, Gokcen Oz; Arslan, Elif Acar; Tosun, Ayse; Ayanoglu, Muge; Bodur, Muhittin; Unay, Bulent; Kurul, Semra Hiz; Yis, Uluc; Vural, Atay; Yousefi, Mohammadreza; Kızılırmak, Ali Burak; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM); School of Medicine; Graduate School of Health Sciences
    Background: To evaluate the clinical features, demographic features, and treatment modalities of pediatric-onset chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) in Turkey. Methods: The clinical data of patients between January 2010 and December 2021 were reviewed retrospectively. The patients were evaluated according to the Joint Task Force of the European Federation of Neurological Societies and the Peripheral Nerve Society Guideline on the management of CIDP (2021). In addition, patients with typical CIDP were divided into two groups according to the first-line treatment modalities (group 1: IVIg only, group 2: IVIg + steroid). The patients were further divided into two separate groups based on their magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics. Results: A total of 43 patients, 22 (51.2%) males and 21 (48.8%) females, were included in the study. There was a significant difference between pretreatment and post-treatment modified Rankin scale (mRS) scores (P < 0.05) of all patients. First-line treatments include intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) (n = 19, 4 4.2%), IVIg + steroids (n = 20, 46.5%), steroids (n = 1, 2.3%), IVIg + steroids + plasmapheresis (n = 1, 2.3%), and IVIg + plasmapheresis (n = 1, 2.3%). Alternative agent therapy consisted of azathioprine (n = 5), rituximab (n = 1), and azathioprine + mycophenolate mofetil + methotrexate (n = 1). There was no difference between the pretreatment and post-treatment mRS scores of groups 1 and 2 (P > 0.05); however, a significant decrease was found in the mRS scores of both groups with treatment (P < 0.05). The patients with abnormal MRI had significantly higher pretreatment mRS scores compared with the group with normal MRI (P < 0.05). Conclusions: This multicenter study demonstrated that first-line immunotherapy modalities (IVIg vs IVIg + steroids) had equal efficacy for the treatment of patients with CIDP. We also determined that MRI features might be associated with profound clinical features, but did not affect treatment response.
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    Frequency of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies in pediatric onset multiple sclerosis
    (2022) Solmaz, İsmail; Konuşkan, Bahadır; Öncel, İbrahim; Anlar, Banu; Doran, Tansu; Yousefi, Mohammadreza; Vural, Atay; PhD Student; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; 182369
    Background: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies (MOG-Ab) are associated with acute demyelinating syndromes and only rarely detected in multiple sclerosis (MS). As MOG-Ab associated disease is common in childhood, we speculated young patients might be more likely to produce MOG-Ab and investigated the frequency of MOG-Ab seropositivity in pediatric onset MS (POMS).Material and methods: Patients who experienced their first acute demyelinating event before age 18 years and were diagnosed with MS during follow-up were included in this single-center study. Patient data were retrieved from clinical records. Serum samples obtained and frozen at clinical visits were analyzed for MOG-Ab by a live cell-based assay (CBA) measuring delta mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) and MFI ratio. The control group consisted of patients referred to pediatric neurology for headache or vertigo and who had no neurological dis-order (n = 48). Another control group consisted of patients with systemic inflammatory disorders systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 17) and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (n = 13) diagnosed in the rheumatology clinic.Results: The patient group (n 1/4 122, F/M: 90/32, mean age 17.8 & PLUSMN; 2.6 years) were initially diagnosed as: MS, 62/122 (50.8%), clinically isolated syndrome, 43/122 (35.2%), radiologically isolated syndrome, 9/122 (7.3%), and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 8/122 (6.5%). All received the final diagnosis of POMS. Serum was sampled 22.4 & PLUSMN; 29.2 (0-132) months after the first episode. None of the control groups had MOG-Ab positivity while 2/122 (1.6%) POMS cases had MOG-Abs, and a third patient had positive MFI and a MFI ratio slightly below the cut-off. These three patients' initial and final diagnoses were MS, their annualized relapsing rates (ARRs) were 0.4-0.6, and most recent Expanded Disability Status Scale was 0.Conclusion: Low titers of MOG-Ab can be detected in a small number of POMS patients at similar frequency with adult MS. Our POMS cases with MOG-Abs presented brainstem-cerebellar findings or seizures and had low ARR. Further series and longer follow-up will define whether these cases differ significantly from MOG-Ab negative POMS cases.
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    Cytoprotective and cytofunctional effect of polyanionic polysaccharide alginate and gelatin microspheres on rat cardiac cells
    (Elsevier, 2020) Amini, Hassan; Hashemzadeh, Shahriar; Saberianpour, Shirin; Rahbarghazi, Reza; Nouri, Mohammad; N/A; Heidarzadeh, Morteza; Mamipour, Mina; Yousefi, Mohammadreza; Sokullu, Emel; PhD Student; PhD Student; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM); Graduate School of Health Sciences; Graduate School of Health Sciences; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Medicine; N/A; N/A; N/A; 163024
    This study investigated the cyto-functional effect of Alginate-Gelatin microspheres on rat cardiomyoblasts after 7 days. Rat cardiomyoblasts were encapsulated inside Alginate-Gelatin microspheres via application of high voltage rate and dropping in a stirring CaCl2 solution. The swelling rate, biodegradation, and mechanical features were measured. Cell viability was assessed using MTT. Cell membrane integrity was monitored via calculation supernatant SCOT, SGPT, CPK, and LDH. We also measured SOD, GPx, and anti-oxidant capacity. Protein levels of Nrl-2 and PCCG-1 alpha were detected via western blotting. The cyto-functional activity of encapsulated cells was monitored using real-time PCR assay targeting the expression of Connexin-43, alpha-actinin, and myosin light chain. Data showed suitable biodegradation and swelling rate in Alginate-gelatin microspheres by time. 7-day incubation of rat cells inside microspheres did not exert cytotoxicity compared to control cells (p> 0.05). The release of SGPT, SGOT, CPK, and LDH in encapsulated cells was significantly decreased compared to the control group (p < 0.05). We also found enhanced anti-oxidant capacity and SOD and GPx activity in cells after being-encapsulated inside Alginate-Gelatin microspheres (p < 0.05) coincided with increased Nrf-2 synthesis (p < 0.05) compared to control cells. The expression of Connexin-43, alpha-actinin, and myosin light chain was significantly up-regulated, showing cyto-functional effect of Alginate-Gelatin microspheres after 7-days
  • Placeholder
    Investigating myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies in hereditary citrullinemia
    (Elsevier, 2022) Öncel, İbrahim; İnci, Aslı; Gülten, Zümrüt Arslan; Kısa, Pelin Teke; Karaca, Meryem; Ünal, Özlem; Gündüz, Mehmet; Kor, Deniz; Mungan, Neslihan Önenli; Arslan, Nur; Tümer, Leyla; Gücüyener, Kıvılcım; Vural, Atay; Anlar, Banu; N/A; Yousefi, Mohammadreza; PhD Student; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM); Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; N/A; N/A
    Metabolites like lipids, amino acids or peptides can affect the immune system. Citrulline is an amino acid that activates several inflammatory pathways. Serum citrulline levels are markedly elevated in hereditary citrullinemia type 1 (CTLN1), and cases with CTLN1 have have been described with inflammatory lesions of the central nervous system (CNS). This suggests the presence of a relatively proinflammatory state in CTLN1. We therefore tested sera of CTLN1 patients for anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies which are a frequent cause of inflammatory CNS disorders in young patients. Patients with CTLN1 (n = 15) and control groups consisting of phenylketonuria (n = 22), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (n = 13), pediatric onset systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 17) and healthy controls (n = 48) were tested for serum anti-MOG IgG and anti-MOG IgG1 antibodies in a live-cell based assay. Serum citrulline levels were elevated in 14/15 CTLN1 patients at the time of the study. No clear anti-MOG IgG positivity was detected in any of the CTLN1 or control groups. One CTLN1 and one healthy control case with anti-MOG IgG titers close to borderline were also tested for MOG-specific IgG1, with similar results. These findings did not support the role of elevated serum citrulline levels in facilitating antibody response against MOG. Other pathways that can be investigated in CTLN1 include lymphocytic responses against neural antigens or any direct effects of citrulline on neural tissue.
  • Placeholder
    Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies in genetic leukodystrophies
    (Elsevier, 2022) Eroğlu Ertuğrul, Nesibe Gevher; Pekgüzel, Faruk; Guenbey, Ceren; Topçu, Meral; Oğuz, Kader K.; Özkara, Hatice Asuman; Anlar, Banu; N/A; N/A; Yousefi, Mohammadreza; Doran, Tansu; Vural, Atay; PhD Student; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM); N/A; N/A; N/A; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Medicine; N/A; N/A; 182369
    Accumulation of intermediate metabolites due to enzyme deficiencies and demyelination can provoke inflammation in genetic leukodystrophies. Thirty patients with genetic leukodystrophy and 48 healthy control sera were tested for anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies by fixed and/or live cell-based assays. MOG-IgG was detected in two late infantile metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) cases, both of which were also weakly positive for IgG1, and one with IgG3 as the dominant anti-MOG IgG subclass. MOG-IgG was borderline positive in a vanishing white matter (VWM) disease patient. These results suggest that inherited metabolic or degenerative processes can have an autoimmune component, possibly as an epiphenomenon.
  • Placeholder
    Toll-like receptors in the functional orientation of cardiac progenitor cells
    (Wiley, 2019) Sokullu, Sadiye E.; Ghaderi, Shahrooz; Amini, Hassan; Rahbarghazi, Reza; N/A; N/A; Yousefi, Mohammadreza; Mamipour, Mina; PhD Student; PhD Student; Graduate School of Health Sciences; Graduate School of Health Sciences; N/A; N/A
    Cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) have the potential to differentiate into several cell lineages with the ability to restore in cardiac tissue. Multipotency and self-renewal activity are the crucial characteristics of CPCs. Also, CPCs have promising therapeutic roles in cardiac diseases such as valvular disease, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, and cardiac remodeling. Toll-like receptors (TLRs), as the main part of the innate immunity, have a key role in the development and differentiation of immune cells. Some reports are found regarding the effect of TLRs in the maturation of stem cells. This article tried to find the potential role of TLRs in the dynamics of CPCs. By showing possible crosstalk between the TLR signaling pathways and CPCs dynamics, we could achieve a better conception related to TLRs in the regeneration of cardiac tissue.