Bal, Haluk Mert

Job Title

PhD Student

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Haluk Mert

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Bal, Haluk Mert

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  • Placeholder
    Disrupting the spectacle: the case of capul TV during and after Turkey's Gezi uprising
    (Univ Westminster Press, 2017) Department of Media and Visual Arts; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Bulut, Ergin; Bal, Haluk Mert; Faculty Member; PhD Student; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 219279; N/A
  • Thumbnail Image
    PublicationOpen Access
    Sustainability and communication practices in grassroots movements in Turkey following Gezi Park protests: cases of Dogancilar Park Forum, Macka Park Forum and Validebag volunteers
    (Intellect, 2020) Department of Media and Visual Arts; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Baruh, Lemi; Bal, Haluk Mert; Faculty Member; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 36113; N/A
    Recent social movements, as exemplified by the informal organizations formed during and after the Occupy Movement in the United States and Gezi Park Protests in Turkey, are characterized by distrust towards institutional political bodies and hierarchical organizations (Boler et al. 2014). Also, the debate on the relationship between social movements and digital media technologies often highlights the opportunities that these technologies provide for ‘largely unfettered deliberation and coordination of action’ (Castells 2012). Scholars critical towards the concept argue that horizontal grassroots organizations may suffer from problems of continuity and formation of a durable movement (Calhoun 2013). This article aims to investigate the organizational characteristics and media practices of grassroots organizations that were established or mobilized following Gezi Park Protests, a nation-level social protest in Turkey. Drawing on participant observation of three grassroots social movement organizations in Istanbul – Dogancilar Park Forum and Imrahor Garden; Macka Park Forum and Komsu Kapisi Association and Validebag Volunteers – this analysis will aim to contextualize opportunities and obstacles associated with the horizontal structures of such movements. The article will particularly focus on the strategies that these organizations utilize to maintain the sustainability of the respective movements and approaches they employ in media and communication practices at a local level.