Özoran, Emre

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Özoran, Emre

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  • Placeholder
    A distinctive stromal reaction as the herald of uncertain carcinoma foci in the peritoneal frozen sections of post-neoadjuvant gastric poorly cohesive /signet ring cell carcinomas
    (Elsevier Science Inc, 2023) Aktaş, Berk Kaan; Esmer, Rohat; Tezcan, Nuray; Taşkın, Orhun Çığ; Armutlu, Ayşe; Saka, Burcu; Kapran, Yersu; Gürses, Bengi; Rencüzoğulları, Ahmet; Özoran, Emre; Buğra, Dursun; Özcan, Gülnihal; Balık, Emre; Adsay, Nazmi Volkan; School of Medicine
  • Placeholder
    Multimodal assessment after total neoadjuvant therapy versus standard neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer accurately predicts complete responders
    (Springer, 2023) Gürbüz, Bülent; Özoran, Emre; Özata, İbrahim Halil; Uymaz, Derya Salim; Omarov, Nail; Bozkurt, Emre; Tüfekçi, Tutku; Karahan, Salih Nafiz; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Bölükbaşı, Yasemin; Taşkın, Orhun Çığ; Gürses, Bengi; Rencüzoğulları, Ahmet; Buğra, Dursun; Balık, Emre; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital
    Purpose This study aimed to compare local regrowth rates after total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT) versus standard neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (SNCRT) in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) patients that were strictly selected and assessed with a multimodal approach. Secondary outcomes were 4-year disease-free (DFS) and overall survival (OS) rates.Methods Locally advanced rectal cancer patients without distant metastases treated at Koc Healthcare Group between January 2014 and January 2021 were included. Patients were assessed for complete response with a combination of digital rectal exam, endoscopy, and magnetic resonance imaging with a dedicated rectum protocol. The systemic evaluation was performed with an upper abdomen MRI using intravenous hepatobiliary contrast agent and a thorax CT.Results Of the 270 patients with LARC, 182 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Ninety-seven (53.3%) underwent TNT, while 85 (46.7%) underwent SNCRT. A cumulative combination of pathological and sustained clinical complete response was significantly higher in the TNT group than in the SNCRT (45.4% vs. 20.0%, p < 0.0001). After a median follow-up of 48 months, seven patients in the W & W group had regrowth [TNT: 4 (10.8%) vs. SNCRT: 3 (23.1%), p = 0.357]. Based on pathological examination, complete/near complete mesorectum rates (p = 1.000) and circumferential resection margin positivity rates (p = 1.000) were similar between the groups. The 4-year DFS and OS rates were comparable. The patients with clinical or pathological complete response had significantly longer overall survival (p = 0.017) regardless of the type of neoadjuvant treatment.Conclusions Multimodal assessment after TNT effectively detects complete responders, resulting in low local recurrence and increased cumulative complete response rates. However, these outcomes did not translate into a survival advantage.
  • Placeholder
    Metastasis to lymph nodes around the vascular tie worsens long-term oncological outcomes following complete mesocolic excision and conventional colectomy for right-sided colon cancer
    (Springer-Verlag Italia Srl, 2021) Zenger, Serkan; Aytac, Erman; Gurbuz, Bulent; Ozben, Volkan; Baca, Bilgi; Hamzaoglu, Ismail; Karahasanoglu, Tayfun; N/A; Özoran, Emre; Balık, Emre; Buğra, Dursun; Teaching Faculty; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 307296; 18758; 1758
    Background Oncologic outcomes after complete mesocolic excision (CME) in colon cancer are under investigation. The aim of our study was to compare CME and conventional colectomy (CC) in terms of pathological and oncological outcomes for right colon cancer and to evaluate the impact of lymph node metastasis around the vascular tie on survival. Methods Consecutive patients with right colon cancer who had CME or CC between January 2011 and August 2018 at two specialized centers in Turkey were included. Statistical analyses were performed with respect to demographic characteristics, operative and pathologic outcomes, harvested and metastatic lymph nodes around the vascular tie (LNVT), recurrences, and survival. Results There were 91 patients in the CME group (58 males, mean age 64 +/- 16 years) and 192 patients in the CC group (96 males, mean age 66 +/- 14 years). The mean number of harvested lymph nodes (CME: 42 +/- 15 vs CC: 34 +/- 13, p = 0.01) and LNVT were higher in the CME group (CME: 3.2 +/- 2.2 vs CC: 2.4 +/- 1.6, p = 0.001). LNVT metastases were 7.7% and 8.3% in the CME and CC groups, respectively (p = 0.85). Three-year overall and disease-free survival rates were 96.4% and 90.9% in the CME group and 90.4% and 87.6% in the CC group in stage I-III patients (p > 0.05). In stage III patients, the 3-year overall survival (92.5% vs 63.5%, p = 0.03) and disease-free survival (85.6% vs 52.1%, p = 0.008) were significantly better in LNVT-negative patients than in LNVT-positive patients. Conclusion LNVT metastasis seems to be the key factor associated with poor disease-free and overall survival in right colon cancer regardless of the radicality of surgery.
  • Placeholder
    Association of TMPRSS6 polymorphisms with hematologic parameters, histopathological data and breast cancer risk in Turkish population
    (Elsevier, 2021) Güven, Mehmet; Mete, Meltem; Trabulus, Didem Can; Erhan, Duygu; N/A; Özoran, Emre; Teaching Faculty; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 307296
    Mutations in TMPRSS6 gene encoding matriptase-2 result in Iron refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA). Polymorphisms in the TMPRSS6 gene have been found to be more common in comparison with mutations in this gene. These polymorphisms were reported to lead to changes in hematologic parameters. Matriptase-2 (TMPRSS6) was found to be a risk factor leading to breast cancer. Two different TMPRSS6 polymorphisms (rs2111833, and rs228919) were analyzed in 281 people (181 patients with breast cancer and 100 healthy controls). The relationship between different genotypes, risk of developing breast cancer, hematologic values, and histopathological data was analyzed. TMPRSS6 gene polymorphisms were not found to be associated with breast cancer risk. Histological grade and TMPRSS6 rs2111833 gene polymorphism had a statistically significant relationship. Further studies with a larger cohort of patients are needed in order to identify potential haplotypes and polymorphisms responsible for the clinical and pathological parameters of breast cancer patients; which could aid in understanding the pathogenesis and clinic parameters of breast cancer.
  • Placeholder
    Should we perform routine prophylactic central neck dissection in patients with thyroid papillary microcarcinoma?
    (Edizioni Luigi Pozzi, 2018) Bilgiç, Cağrı; Karabay, Önder; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; Şengün, Berke; Özoran, Emre; Taşkın, Orhun Çığ; Dereli, Dilek Yazıcı; Tezelman, Tevfik Serdar; Faculty Member; Undergraduate Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 175476; N/A; N/A; 166686; 179659; 114860
    PURPOSE: Cervical lymph node (LN) metastases in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) are common in tumors especially that are larger than 1cm. Ipsilateral central neck dissection (CND) is usually preferred even in the absence of a palpable LN. This study aims to clarify the incidence and predictive factors for occult ipsilateral central LN metastasis in these patients, and the management of patients without clinical evidence of metastasis. METHODS: 204 PTC patients were studied. The patients were divided into two according to the tumor size of <= 5mm or larger. Patient demographics, tumor properties, LN metastasis, preoperative neck ultrasonography findings and surgical outcomes were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 152 patients in study group-1 (nodule > 5 mm) and 52 patients in group-2 (nodule 5 mm). The mean tumor size was 11.9 mm. Overall, preoperative neck ultrasonography showed central neck LN in 25 (12.3%) patients, however, final pathology revealed metastatic LN at central compartment in 59 (28.9%) patients. There were 56 (27.5%) patients with metastasis in group-1 compared to 3 (1.4%) patients in group-2. CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic CND is advised in PTC for the reduction of recurrence in central compartment. According to our results, in patients with tumors smaller than 5 mm and without evidence of nodal metastasis in preoperative neck ultrasonography, we do not recommend prophylactic CND.
  • Placeholder
    An investigation of the relationship between TMPRSS6 gene expression, genetic variants and clinical findings in breast cancer
    (Springer, 2020) Mete, Meltem; Trabulus, Didem Can; Talu, Canan Kelten; Mutlu, Tuba; Tekin, Bülent; Güven, Mehmet; N/A; Özoran, Emre; Teaching Faculty; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 307296
    Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women worldwide. The TMPRSS6 (Transmembrane Serine Protease 6) gene encodes matriptase-2, which plays an important role in iron hemostasis as the hepcidin regulator and may play a role in breast cancer susceptibility. In this study, we examined the expression levels of the TMPRSS6 gene in healthy tissues and tumor tissues of breast cancer patients; and the relationship between these levels and pathological findings. The relationship between TMPRSS6 polymorphisms (rs733655, rs5756506, rs2413450, rs855791, rs2235324, rs4820268) and patients' hematological parameters. The gene expression study encompassed 47 breast cancer patients and the gene polymorphism study consisted of 181 breast cancer patients and 100 healthy controls. Gene expression analysis was performed by qRT-PCR. The genotyping of TMPRSS6 polymorphisms was performed by RT-PCR. TMPRSS6 gene expression levels in tumor tissues were found to be 1.88 times higher than the expression levels in the control tissues. We examined the relationship between TMPRSS6 gene expression levels and pathological data, statistically significant relationship was found between patient's estrogen receptor (ER) and HER2 findings and TMPRSS6 gene expression (respectively p = 0.02, p = 0.002). When the relationship between TMPRSS6 gene polymorphisms related genotypes distributions and hematological findings was investigated, a significant relationship was identified between mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) parameter and the polymorphism of only the rs733655. According to our findings, the increase in TMPRSS6 gene expression in cancerous tissues shows that matriptase-2 may be effective in the cancer process. Thus TMPRSS6 gene polymorphisms may affect the disease process by affecting the blood parameters of patients.
  • Placeholder
    Low regrowth after cCR in non-operative TNT management of locally advanced rectal cancer patients
    (Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2022) N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; Selek, Uğur; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Özoran, Emre; Balık, Emre; Bölükbaşı, Yasemin; Mandel, Nil Molinas; Buğra, Dursun; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Teaching Faculty; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 27211; 202015; 307296; 18758; 216814; 194197; 1758
  • Placeholder
    An investigation of the relationship between matriptase-2 protein expression and histopathological data in breast cancer
    (2022) Erhan, Duygu; Talu, Canan Kelten; Trabulus, Didem Can; Mutlu, Tuba; Güven, Mehmet; N/A; Özoran, Emre; Teaching Faculty; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 307296
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females. Therefore, early recognition of the disease is essential. Matriptase-2, a member of the Type II Transmembrane Serine Proteases (TTSP) family, plays a role in various types of cancer (breast, prostate, etc.). The matriptase-2 level is thought to be related to patients' prognosis. This study used the tumor and the normal breast tissue samples from 21 female patients with breast cancer. The levels of matriptase-2 protein expression in the tumor and the normal tissues of the breast cancer patients and examined the relation with histopathological findings were analyzed. The matriptase-2 protein expression levels was determined using the Western Blot method. The matriptase-2 protein expression levels in the tumor tissues were significantly lower than in the normal tissues (p = 0,012). The matriptase-2 protein expression levels in the normal tissues of patients with nuclear grades I/II, histological grades I/II, clinical stages III/IV, presence of lymph nodes, and microcalcification were statistically significantly higher than the matriptase-2 protein expression levels tumor tissues (p = 0,0001 for all). The results of our study are in line with findings in the literature showing that the increase in matriptase-2 level is associated with a good prognosis. Decrease in the level of the matriptase-2 protein in the tumor tissues and the relationship of this decrease with poor prognosis suggests that matriptase-2 may play a role in limiting the development of breast tumors by the mobile and invasive nature of breast cancer cells. The matriptase-2 level may have a prognostic value in breast cancer patients.
  • Placeholder
    The da Vinci Xi system for robotic total/subtotal colectomy vs. conventional laparoscopy: short‑term outcomes
    (Springer-Verlag Italia Srl, 2019) Ozben, V.; de Muijnck, C.; Bilgin, I. A.; Aytac, E.; Baca, B.; Hamzaoglu, I.; Karahasanoglu, T.; Zenger, S.; N/A; Karabörk, Merve; Özoran, Emre; Balık, Emre; Buğra, Dursun; Undergraduate Student; Teaching Faculty; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 358512; 307296; 18758; 1758
    Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of robotic total/subtotal colectomy procedures with the Xi robot and to compare its short-term outcomes with those of conventional laparoscopy. Methods Between October 2010 and September 2018, consecutive patients with colonic neoplasia, inflammatory bowel disease, familial adenomatous polyposis or colonic inertia who underwent elective robotic or laparoscopic total/subtotal abdominal colectomy at two specialized centers in Turkey were included. Data on perioperative characteristics and 30-day outcomes were compared between the two approaches. Results There were a total of 82 patients: 26 and 56 patients in the robotic and laparoscopic group, respectively (54 men and 28 women, mean age 54.7 +/- 17.4 years). The groups were comparable regarding preoperative characteristics. All the robotic procedures were completed with a single positioning of the robot. Estimated blood loss (median, 150 vs 200 ml), conversions (0% vs 14.3%), and complications (0% vs 7.1%) were similar but operative time was significantly longer in the robotic group (median, 350 vs 230 min, p < 0.001). No difference was detected in the length of hospital stay (7.9 +/- 5.7 vs 9.5 +/- 6.0 days, p = 0.08), anastomotic leak (3.8% vs 8.3%), ileus (15.4% vs 19.6%), septic complications, reoperations (7.7% vs 12.5%), and readmissions (19.2% vs 12.5%). The number of harvested lymph nodes in the subgroup of cancer patients was significantly higher in the robotic group (median, 66 vs 50, p = 0.01). Conclusions In total/subtotal colectomy procedures, the robotic approach with the da Vinci Xi platform is feasible, safe, and associated with short-term outcomes similar to laparoscopy but longer operative times and a higher number of retrieved lymph nodes.
  • Placeholder
    Optimizing the personalized care for the management of rectal cancer: a consensus statement
    (Aves, 2022) Aytaç, Erman; Özer, Leyla; Baca, Bilgi; Uluç, Başak Oyan; Abacioğlu, Mehmet Ufuk; Gönenç, Murat; Aygün, Cem; Yıldız, Mehmet Erdem; Ünal, Kemal; Er, Özlem; Beşe, Nuran; Ceyhan, Güralp Onur; Özbek, Uğur; Tozun, Nurdan; Erdamar, Sibel; Yakıcıer, Cengiz; Saruç, Murat; Özben, Volkan; Esen, Eren; Vardareli, Erkan; Güner, Levent; Hamzaoğlu, İsmail; Karahasanoğlu, Tayfun; N/A; Balık, Emre; Kapran, Yersu; Taşkın, Orhun Çığ; Bölükbaşı, Yasemin; Çil, Barbaros Erhan; Baran, Bülent; Erkol, Burçak; Yaltı, Mehmet Tunç; Attila, Tan; Gürses, Bengi; Bilge, Orhan; Mandel, Nil Molinas; Selek, Uğur; Kayserili, Hülya; Özoran, Emre; Buğra, Dursun; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Doctor; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Teaching Faculty; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; N/A; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 18758; 168101; 166686; 216814; 169993; 167583; N/A; 221690; 118342; 113169; 176833; 194197; 27211; 7945; 307296; 1758
    Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Turkey. The current guidelines do not provide sufficient information to cover all aspects of the management of rectal cancer. Although treatment has been standardized in terms of the basic principles of neoadjuvant, surgical, and adjuvant therapy, uncertainties in the management of rectal cancer may lead to significant differences in clinical practice. In order to clarify these uncertainties, a consensus program was constructed with the participation of the physicians from the Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar and Koc Universities. This program included the physicians from the departments of general surgery, gastroenterology, pathology, radiology, nuclear medicine, medical oncology, radiation oncology, and medical genetics. The gray zones in the management of rectal cancer were determined by reviewing the evidence-based data and current guidelines before the meeting. Topics to be discussed consisted of diagnosis, staging, surgical treatment for the primary disease, use of neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment, management of recurrent disease, screening, follow-up, and genetic counseling. All those topics were discussed under supervision of a presenter and a chair with active participation of related physicians. The consensus text was structured by centralizing the decisions based on the existing data.