Dörtbudak, Zeynep

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Dörtbudak, Zeynep

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    The proceedings of the panel “Effects of air pollution on human health, air pollution problem in the world, Turkey and our region”
    (Dicle Üniversitesi, 2006) Bayram, Hasan; Fişekçi, Fatma Evyapan; Kargın, Murat; Bülbül, Baytekin; N/A; Dörtbudak, Zeynep; N/A; School of Nursing; N/A
    Air pollution still exceeds safe limits worldwide, particularly in big metropolitans, despite regular monitoring facilities and measures taken. It is usually originated from industrial activities, fossil fuel use in domestic settings and vehicle exhaust emission. Although there is a decrease in air pollution in big cities of Turkey due to use of natural gas, it is still a serious health concern. In Diyarbakır, because of a rapid increase in its population recently, wrong urbanisation and a relative increase in industrialisation, air pollution leads to dangerous levels, particularly in the winter. Epidemiological studies from all over the world, and Turkey have reported a close relation between air pollution and respiratory morbidity and mortality. Studies investigating the mechanisms underlying respiratory effects of air pollution demonstrated that pollutants lead to increased respiratory symptoms, decreased respiratory function and induce inflammatory changes in airways. In vitro studies have shown that air pollutants exert their effects by causing cellular injury directly, and by activating intracellular oxidative pathways indirectly. The attempts to reduce air pollution levels have been implemented in Turkey and worldwide. In order to solve the problem in Diyarbakır, several measures such as prevention the use of out standardized fuel, use of reliable burning techniques, and a close car emission monitoring system need to be implemented. / Öz: Hava kirliliği düzeyleri düzenli olarak izlenmesine ve mücadele edilmesine rağmen, bütün dünyada, başta büyük metropoller olmak üzere halen kabul edilen sınırların üzerinde seyretmektedir. Kirlilik özellikle endüstriyel tesislerden, konutlarda ısınma amaçlı yakıt tüketiminden ve motorlu taşıt egzozlarından kaynaklanmaktadır. Ülkemizde doğal gaz kullanımıyla büyük kentlerde hava kirliliğinde nispeten bir gerileme olmasına rağmen, halen ciddi bir sorun olarak varlığını sürdürmektedir. Diyarbakır’da son yıllarda hızlı nüfus artışı, yanlış kentleşme ve nispeten artan sanayileşme nedeniyle özellikle kış aylarında hava kirliliği ciddi boyutlara ulaşmaktadır. Dünyada ve ülkemizde yapılan çalışmalar hava kirliliği ile respiratuar mortalite ve morbidite arasında yakın bir ilişki olduğunu bildirmektedir. Hava kirliliğinin solunum sistemine etkilerinin altında yatan mekanizmaları araştıran çalışmalar, kirleticilerin solunum semptomlarını artırdığı, solunum fonksiyonlarında bozulmaya yol açtığı ve hava yollarında inflamatuar değişikliklere neden olduğunu göstermektedir. In vitro çalışmalar, hava kirleticilerin etkilerini hücre düzeyinde direkt olarak hasara yol açarak, in direkt olarak intraselüler oksidatif yolakları aktive etmek suretiyle gerçekleştirdiklerini bildirmektedir. Dünyada ve ülkemizde hava kirliliğini sınırlandırmaya yönelik çalışmalar çeşitli boyutlarıyla devam etmektedir. Diyarbakır’da da sorunun çözümü için standart dışı kalitesiz yakıtların kullanımının önlenmesi, uygun yakma tekniklerinin kullanılması ve araçlarda emisyon kontrolünün daha etkin yapılması gerekmektedir.
  • Placeholder
    Capsaicin exposure as a risk factor for asthma-like symptoms: Gaziantep rural area respiratory symptoms survey
    (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2004) Avşar, Ayşe Filiz; Bayram, Nazan Gülhan; Neas, Lucas M.; N/A; Dörtbudak, Zeynep; N/A; School of Nursing; Koç University Hospital; N/A
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    PublicationOpen Access
    A time series study on the effects of heat on mortality and evaluation of heterogeneity into European and Eastern-Southern Mediterranean cities: results of EU CIRCE project
    (BioMed Central, 2013) Leone, Michela; D'Ippoliti, Daniela; De Sario, Manuela; Analitis, Antonis; Menne, Bettina; Katsouyanni, Klea; de'Donato, Francesca K.; Basagana, Xavier; Ben Salah, Afif; Casimiro, Elsa; Iniguez, Carmen; Peretz, Chava; Wolf, Tanja; Michelozzi, Paola; Dörtbudak, Zeynep; Researcher; School of Medicine
    Background: The Mediterranean region is particularly vulnerable to the effect of summer temperature. Within the CIRCE project this time-series study aims to quantify for the first time the effect of summer temperature in Eastern-Southern Mediterranean cities and compared it with European cities around the Mediterranean basin, evaluating city characteristics that explain between-city heterogeneity. Methods: The city-specific effect of maximum apparent temperature (Tappmax) was assessed by Generalized Estimation Equations, assuming a linear threshold model. Then, city-specific estimates were included in a random effect meta-regression analysis to investigate the effect modification by several city characteristics. Results: Heterogeneity in the temperature-mortality relationship was observed among cities. Thresholds recorded higher values in the warmest cities of Tunis (35.5 degrees C) and Tel-Aviv (32.8 degrees C) while the effect of Tappmax above threshold was greater in the European cities. In Eastern-Southern Mediterranean cities a higher effect was observed among younger age groups (0-14 in Tunis and 15-64 in Tel-Aviv and Istanbul) in contrast with the European cities where the elderly population was more vulnerable. Climate conditions explained most of the observed heterogeneity and among socio-demographic and economic characteristics only health expenditure and unemployment rate were identified as effect modifiers. Conclusions: The high vulnerability observed in the young populations in Eastern-Southern Mediterranean cities represent a major public health problem. Considering the large political and economic changes occurring in this region as well future temperature increase due to climate change, it is important to strengthen research and public health efforts in these Mediterranean countries.