Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri

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PhD Student

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Süleyman Sabri

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Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri

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Search Results

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  • Placeholder
    Functions of Turkish evidentials in early child-caregiver interactions: a growth curve analysis of longitudinal data
    (Cambridge Univ Press, 2018) Aksu Koç, Ayhan; N/A; N/A; Department of Psychology; Uzundağ, Berna Arslan; Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri; Küntay, Aylin C.; PhD Student; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 300558; N/A; 178879
    In languages with evidential marking, utterances consist of an informational content and a specification of the mode of access to that information. In this first longitudinal study investigating the acquisition of the Turkish evidential marker -mI in naturalistic child-caregiver interactions, we examined six children between 8 and 36 months of age. We charted individual differences in child and caregiver speech over time by conducting growth curve analyses. Children followed a similar course of acquisition in terms of the proportion of the marker in overall speech. However, children exhibited differences with respect to the order of emergence of different evidential functions (e.g., inference, hearsay), where each child showed a unique pattern irrespective of the frequency in caregiver input. Nonfactual use of the marker was very frequent in child and caregiver speech, where high-SES caregivers mostly produced the marker during story-telling and pretend play, and low-SES caregivers for regulating the child's behavior.
  • Placeholder
    The morphological categorization of polymorphemic lexemes: a study based on lexicalized fingerspelled forms in TİD*
    (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014) Göksel, Aslı; Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri; PhD Student; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A
    Lexicalized fingerspelled forms constitute 6% of the Turkish Sign Language (TİD) lexicon (Taşçı, 2012). A considerable portion of these items is lexemes derived through the combination of a nativized stem from the manual alphabet and a stem from the core lexicon of TİD. In this study, we determine the morphological categories of such lexemes. We argue that the categories compound, blend, and clipping have different realizations in sign languages compared to those in spoken languages due to the differences in the manifestation of phonological mechanisms in sign language morphology. / Türk İşaret Dilinin (TİD) sözlükçesinin %6sını el alfabesinden alınıp dilin işaretbirim yapısına uyarlanmış sözcükler oluşturur (Taşçı, 2012). Bu sözcüklerin çoğunluğunda el alfabesinden alınıp özleştirilmiş bir kök TİDin temel söz dağarcığında bulunan bir kökle birleşerek yeni bir sözcük oluşturur. Bu çalışmada bu tür sözcüklerin biçimyapısal ulamlarını, sessel dillere dayanarak yapılan sınıflandırmayı esas alarak saptamaya çalışıyor, tamlama, harman (blend) ve kesme (clipping) ulamlarının işaret dillerine nasıl yansıdığını inceliyor, eşanlı düzlemin sessel dillere oranla karmaşıklığının bir sonucu olarak, bu ulamların da farklı görünümleri ve dağılımları olduğunu öne sürüyoruz.
  • Placeholder
    Functions of Turkish evidentials in early child-caregiver interactions: a growth curve analysis of longitudinal data
    (Cambridge Univ Press, 2022) Aksu-koc, Ayhan; N/A; N/A; Department of Psychology; Uzundağ, Berna Arslan; Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri; Küntay, Aylin C.; PhD Student; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 300558; N/A; 178879
    In languages with evidential marking, utterances consist of an informational content and a specification of the mode of access to that information. In this first longitudinal study investigating the acquisition of the Turkish evidential marker -mI in naturalistic child-caregiver interactions, we examined six children between 8 and 36 months of age. We charted individual differences in child and caregiver speech over time by conducting growth curve analyses. Children followed a similar course of acquisition in terms of the proportion of the marker in overall speech. However, children exhibited differences with respect to the order of emergence of different evidential functions (e.g., inference, hearsay), where each child showed a unique pattern irrespective of the frequency in caregiver input. Nonfactual use of the marker was very frequent in child and caregiver speech, where high-SES caregivers mostly produced the marker during story-telling and pretend play, and low-SES caregivers for regulating the child's behavior.
  • Placeholder
    Native compounds in Turkish Sign Language (TİD): a classification based on headedness
    (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2018) Göksel-Aslı, Ayşe Hamide; Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri; PhD Student; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A
    This paper investigates the position of the structural head and itsconnection to the semantic head in 127 compounds in Turkish Sign Language(TİD). To eliminate language contact effects, we selected compounds thathave monomorphemic counterparts in Turkish. The findings are: (i)Endocentric compounds tend to be head-final, (ii) Exocentric compounds tendto be head-initial, (iii) compound internal order, in some well-defined cases, isaffected by the lexical semantics of one of the components. In addition, weidentify two classes of compounds, cranberry compounds and descriptivecompounds, and finally, point to the similarities between compound andphrase structure with respect to the head parameter. / Türk İşaret Dili’nde (TİD) 127 bileşik sözcüğün yapısını, ulamsal başın konumu ve anlamsal başın varlığı açısından inceledik. Olası dil etkileşimi etkenlerini elemek için yalnızca TİD’de iki kökten oluşup Türkçe karşılığı tek kök olan kavramları incelemeye aldık. Bulgular: (i) İçbaşlı bileşiklerin çoğunluğunun başı sonda; (ii) Dışbaşlı bileşiklerde baş ilk sırada; (iii) Anlamsal ulam sırayı etkilemekte. Ayrıca bağımlı köklerden oluşan ve ‘açıklayıcı’ (descriptive) adını verdiğimiz iki tür bileşik sözcük tanımladık. Baş değiştirgeninin bileşik sözcük ve öbek yapılarında benzerliğini bulguladık.