Pehlivan, Tuğba

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PhD Student

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Pehlivan, Tuğba

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  • Placeholder
    Three phases of cancer in the process of mental trauma: diagnosis, treatment, survival
    (Kare Publ, 2018) N/A; N/A; N/A; Güner, Perihan; Şar, Vedat; Pehlivan, Tuğba; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; PhD Student; School of Nursing; School of Medicine; Graduate School of Health Sciences; 101859; 8542; N/A
    Objectives: Cancer tends to trigger a psychological response that represents a form of traumatic stress. Regardless of the nature of the noxious agent, therapeutic interventions conducted for the treatment of any post-traumatic reaction must take into consideration the tri-phasic structure of adaptation (i.e. shock, mourning and integration) in defining a balanced response to a vital threat. This paper aims to gather evidence on the psychosocial dimension of cancer by applying a three-phase approach model. Methods: To fulfill the stated aim, systematic reviews and meta-analyses on non-experimental studies published in the last 15 years were screened using the following databases: CINAHL, Pubmed, Cochrane, Joanna Briggs Institute, Ulakbim, and Google Scholar. Overall, 33 reviews met the inclusion criteria. Results: The obtained data, which included findings on different types of cancer and different psychiatric reactions, disclose the presence of a psychological trauma process that occurs in response to physical illness. Conclusion: The mental trauma process was studied and is discussed in three phases, namely, diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment.
  • Placeholder
    Effect of a compassion fatigue resiliency program on nurses' professional quality of life, perceived stress, resilience: a randomized controlled trial
    (Wiley, 2020) Güner, Perihan; N/A; Pehlivan, Tuğba; PhD Student; Graduate School of Health Sciences; Koç University Hospital; 354499
    Aims This study aimed to conduct a short- and long-term Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Program and compare its impact on nurses' professional quality of life, perceived stress, and resilience. Design The research was conducted between January 2017 January 2019 as a randomized controlled trial. Methods The sample comprised 125 oncology-haematology nurses randomly assigned to a Experimental I, Experimental II, or control group. The Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Program was conducted with the nurses as an intervention. Experimental I received a short-term program (5 hr per day for 2 days, 10 hr in total) while Experimental II received a long-term one (5 weeks, 2 hr per week, 10 hr in total). Measurements were obtained during pre- and post-test and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. Research hypotheses were analysed using multilevel models. Results The results of multilevel model analyses showed there was no statistically significant difference between mean scores for compassion fatigue, burnout, perceived stress, and resilience of nurses in the short- or long-term groups or of those in the control group. Mean compassion satisfaction scores of nurses in the short- or long-term groups were significantly higher than those in the control group. Mean compassion satisfaction scores of nurses in the short- or long-term groups were significantly higher than the control group's pre-test mean after 6 and 12 months. Conclusion This study concluded that short- or long-term programs had no influence on compassion fatigue, burnout, perceived stress, and resilience; however, both programs positively affected compassion satisfaction. We recommend that further studies be conducted, which will help determine the effectiveness of new programs. Impact Caring for patients with cancer can generate work-related stress that can negatively affect oncology nurses' physical and emotional health, which could lead to compassion fatigue. The program provided nurses with an opportunity to improve their compassion satisfaction. Because there was no difference between both programs regarding mean compassion satisfaction scores, a short-term program may be preferred to encourage more participation among nurses. We also recommend further studies should be conducted that include environmental improvements along with the training programs. Trial registered at (The name of the trial register: Effect of a Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Program; the clinical trial registration number: NCT04372303).
  • Placeholder
    The effect of the short-term and long-term compassion fatigue resiliency program on the quality of life, perceived stress and psychological resilience of oncology-haematology nurses
    (Oxford Univ Press, 2019) N/A; N/A; Pehlivan, Tuğba; Güner, Perihan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Nursing; Koç University Hospital; N/A; 354499; 101859
  • Placeholder
    Psychometric features of the Turkish version of the cancer rehabilitation evaluation system-short form for patients with cancer
    (Springer Publishing Co, 2022) Güner, Perihan; N/A; N/A; Şar, Vedat; Pehlivan, Tuğba; Faculty Member; PhD Student; School of Medicine; Graduate School of Health Sciences; 8542; 354499
    Background and Purpose: The Cancer Rehabilitation Evaluation System-Short Form (CARES-SF) is one of the first self-report measurement tools that addresses problems and rehabilitation needs of patients with cancer. This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of the CARES-SF for Turkish-speaking patients with cancer. Methods: The Turkish version of the CARES-SF was administered to 300 patients with colorectal, lung, or breast cancer. Results: While the first six factors of the Turkish CARES-SF covered the same spectrum as the original scale's subscales, the present study suggests dividing the original psychosocial factors into two subscales: psychological and social (relatives and friends). Conclusions: This preliminary inquiry on the Turkish CARES-SF confirmed the validity and reliability of the original scale except for the shifting of a few items between subsections.
  • Placeholder
    Professional quality of life, perceived stress and psychological resistance levels of oncology-haematology nurses and the factors affecting
    (Oxford Univ Press, 2019) N/A; N/A; Pehlivan, Tuğba; Güner, Perihan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Nursing; Koç University Hospital; N/A; 354499; 101859
  • Placeholder
    Compassion fatigue resiliency program' as an empowerment program for oncology-hematology nurses: a university hospital experience
    (Elsevier, 2021) N/A; N/A; Pehlivan, Tuğba; Bulut Çepni, Berin; PhD Student Nurse; Graduate School of Health Sciences; N/A; Koç University Hospital; Koç University Hospital; 354499; N/A
  • Placeholder
    Compassion fatigue: the known and unknown
    (Kare Publ, 2018) N/A; N/A; Pehlivan, Tuğba; Güner, Perihan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Nursing; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; 101859
  • Thumbnail Image
    PublicationOpen Access
    The use of theories in psychiatric nursing-II
    (Kare Yayıncılık, 2016) Pehlivan, Tuğba; Güner, Perihan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; N/A; 101859
    The use of theory in the mental health field can be traced back before the 19th century. Later, with the detection of biological causes for the formation of mental health problems, psychosocial theories and biological approaches began to be used together. Accordingly, some authors tried to define the theoretical framework of psychiatric nursing, and it has been said that the biological and psychosocial theories used in the mental health field can also be used in the field of psychiatric nursing. This article discusses how psychiatric nurses can use the theories that constitute the framework of psychiatric nursing, and it explores this concept through the perspectives of the theories’ authors. / Ruh sağlığı alanında teorilerin kullanımı 1800’lü yılların öncesine dayanmaktadır. Daha sonra ruhsal sorunların oluşumunda biyolojik nedenlerin saptanması ile birlikte psikososyal teoriler ve biyolojik yaklaşımlar birlikte kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda bazı yazarlar tarafından psikiyatri hemşireliğinin kuramsal çerçevesi tanımlanmaya çalışılmıştır ve ruh sağlığı alanında kullanılan biyolojik ve psikososyal teorilerin psikiyatri hemşireliği alanında da kullanılabileceği ifade edilmiştir. Bu makalede, kuramsal çerçeveleri oluşturan yazarların bakış açısından, psikiyatri hemşireliğinin kuramsal çerçevesini oluşturan teorilerin psikiyatri hemşireliği alanında nasıl kullanılabileceği tartışılmıştır.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Theoretical framework of psychiatric nursing-I
    (Kare Yayıncılık, 2016) Güner, Perihan; Pehlivan, Tuğba; Faculty Member; PhD Student; School of Nursing; 101859; N/A
    Unless nursing practice is not based on theoretical foundations, it is not possible to consider it as a profession. Therefore, having a theoretical approach is very important for psychiatric nursing as well as in the all other areas of the profession. In addition, nursing should have a theoretical framework to provide direction and guidance for their applications. These frameworks which consist of different theoretical approaches constitute a guidance to explain and define the problems of patients. Alongside with nursing interventions in the light of theoretical framework, nursing care can gain a scientific basis. Some authors defined theoretical frameworks considering the most effective theories for psychiatric nursing practices, and some of them form theoretical frameworks considering the theories which are known as the most widely used in psychiatric nursing practices, whereas some authors have generated theoretical frameworks through the theories that are considered as the major theories for psychiatric nursing practices. In this article; the necessity of a theoretical framework for a profession, theoretical frameworks that are defined for psychiatric nursing and of the use of theories that exists within the theoretical framework at psychiatric nursing practices have been discussed in the light of existing literature. / Hemşirelik uygulamaları, herhangi bir teorik temele dayanmadığı sürece hemşirelik profesyonel bir meslek olamaz. Bu nedenle, teori kullanımı hemşireliğin bütün alanlarında olduğu gibi psikiyatri hemşireliği için de çok önemlidir. Ayrıca hemşirelik, uygulamalarına yön vermesi ve rehberlik etmesi için bir kuramsal çerçeveye sahip olmalıdır. Farklı kuramsal yaklaşımlardan oluşan bu çerçeveler, hastaların sorunlarını açıklama ve tanımlamada rehber oluştururlar. Kuramsal çerçeve doğrultusunda yapılan hemşirelik girişimleri ile hemşirelik bakımı bilimsel bir temel kazanır. Bazı yazarlar psikiyatri hemşireliği uygulamaları için en etkili olarak kabul edilen teorilerden, bazı yazarlar psikiyatri hemşireliği uygulamalarında en çok kullanıldığı bilinen teorilerden ve bazı yazarlar da psikiyatri hemşireliği uygulamaları için majör teoriler olduğu kabul edilen teorilerden yola çıkarak, kuramsal çerçeveler tanımlamışlardır. Bu makalede; bir meslek için kuramsal çerçevenin gerekliliği, psikiyatri hemşireliği için tanımlanan kuramsal çerçeveler ve kuramsal çerçevede yer alan teorilerin uygulamada kullanım durumu literatür ışığında tartışılmıştır.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Compassionate care: benefits, barriers and recommendations
    (Kare Yayıncılık, 2020) Pehlivan, Tuğba; Güner, Perihan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Koç University Hospital; N/A; 101859
    Compassionate care behavior requires understanding others' values, establishing relationships with them, and re-sponding to them in meaningful ways. Compassionate care has important effects on patient care quality and is an indispensable element of patient-centered care. In recent years, studies of the effects of compassion on patients in clinical care have started to emerge. However, the literature reports that the effect of compassionate care on patient care has not been clearly defined nor has it been examined sufficiently. This review describes the benefits of compassionate care reported in the literature and example cases. It classifies the benefits of compassionate care as: positive effects on patient outcomes, improving nurses' understanding of involving patients and families in care, the ability to identify the needs of patients and families, and the ability to use appropriate approaches. Reviewing the factors that affect compassionate care positively or negatively is important in terms of guiding nursing practices. That is why this study also discusses the barriers to the provision of compassionate care related to work environment and individual factors and recommendations for compassionate care. / Başkalarının acısını anlamayı ve azaltmak için harekete geçmeyi gerektiren ve son yıllarda hemşirelik literatüründe önem kazanan merhamet kavramı, bakımda da temel bir değer olarak düşünülmektedir. Merhametli bakım davranışı, başkalarının değerlerini anlamayı, onlarla ilişki kurmayı ve o kişi için anlamlı bir şekilde tepki vermeyi gerektirmektedir. Merhametli bakımın hasta bakım kalitesi üzerinde önemli etkilerinin olduğu bilinmekte ve hasta merkezli bakımın vazgeçilmez bir unsuru olduğu ifade edilmektedir. Son yıllarda klinik bakım ortamında merhametin hastalar üzerindeki etkilerini araştıran çalışmalar ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. Ancak literatürde, merhametli bakımın hasta bakımı üzerindeki etkisinin açıkça tanımlanmadığı ve yeterince incelenmediği belirtilmektedir. Bu derlemede, merhametli bakımın hastalar için yararları literatür ve vaka örnekleri ile aktarılmıştır. Merhametli bakımın yararları; ‘hemşirelerde hasta/aileleri bakıma dahil etme anlayışında artma, hastaların/ailelerin gereksinimlerini belirleyebilme ve uygun yaklaşımda bulunabilme becerisinde artma, hasta sonuçları üzerine olumlu etki’ başlıkları altında sınıflandırılarak tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca merhametli bakım sunmayı olumlu ya da olumsuz etkileyen faktörlerin gözden geçirilmesi hemşirelere uygulamada yol göstermesi bakımından önemlidir. Bu doğrultuda, literatür ışığında merhametli bakım sunmada engeller; çalışma ortamı kaynaklı ya da bireysel faktörler olarak ele alınmış ve ayrıca merhametli bakımın sunulması için öneriler sunulmuştur.