Kancı, Tuba

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Kancı, Tuba

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  • Placeholder
    A tale of ambiguity: citizenship, nationalism and democracy in Turkey
    (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) Keyman, Emin Fuat; Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Kancı, Tuba; Researcher; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
    We argue that historically the official Turkish nationalism and citizenship regime have been marked by an ambiguity that arises from the simultaneous existence of - and repeatedly occurring swings between - the ethno-centric and civic-political understandings of citizenship. We also suggest that the concept of territoriality, which took precedence over other factors in the creation of a new state in 1923, has functioned as a hegemonic reference in the official conceptualisations of the Turkish nation and self. The territorial focus, over time, has been conflated with the ethnic conceptualisations of the nation: both become the underlining elements of the discourse of official nationalism in Turkey, and are utilised in the successive reformulations of citizenship into the 2000s. Through the analysis of schoolbooks and curricula, we further argue that the major oscillations in nationalism nevertheless coincided with the ruptures that characterised the making of modern Turkey: modernisation, democratisation, globalisation and Europeanisation.
  • Placeholder
    Democratic consolidation and civil society in Turkey
    (Routledge, 2014) Keyman, E. Fuat; Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Kancı, Tuba; Researcher; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
  • Placeholder
    Reconfigurations in the discourse of nationalism and national identity: Turkey at the turn of the twenty-first century
    (Wiley, 2009) N/A; Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Kancı, Tuba; Researcher; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
    Throughout recent decades, the processes of globalisation and Europeanisation have been influential in Turkey, bringing various changes to the economic, cultural and political spheres. Within the context of these processes, this article analyses the changes and continuities in the discourse of nationalism and national identity in Turkey through their reflections on school textbooks and curricula. on the one hand, the globalisation process has brought calls for democratisation, As well as citizenship and identity claims, from the societal actors in Turkey. on the other hand, it has given rise to concerns about preserving the status quo, which have then been channelled into the language of nationalism. the Europeanisation process has also fed these projects and discourses. Its effects, in moments of close interrelations between Turkey and the European Union, have consisted of bringing positive reinforcements for the decoupling of security concerns and nationalism, the formation of a new and democratic understanding of citizenship and the realisation of ambitions for democratisation in Turkey; however, in other times, backlashes have occurred.