Alışık, Sedef Turper

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Faculty Member

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Sedef Turper

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Alışık, Sedef Turper

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    Modeling mobile health service delivery to Syrian migrant farm workers using call record data
    (Elsevier, 2021) Yücel, Eda; Coşkun, Abdullah; Department of Industrial Engineering; N/A; Department of International Relations; Department of Industrial Engineering; Department of International Relations; Salman, Fatma Sibel; Kayı, İlker; Alışık, Sedef Turper; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; College of Engineering; School of Medicine; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 178838; 168599; 128176
    A significant number of Syrian refugees under temporary protection in Turkey work in agriculture seasonally in various rural areas during several months a year. These migrant farm workers and their families are deprived of access to the regular health care system and preventive services due to their remote locations. The government supports the delivery of different types of mobile health care services, such as vaccination for children, reproductive health and screening services. While planning the mobile health care service delivery, it is critical to know where the refugees will work during what time frame; hence the demand for the services. By analyzing the call record data of a major mobile network operator in Turkey, we quantify the increase in the volume of calls made by Syrian refugees in various agricultural areas during the harvesting season of local crops. This information helps us to forecast spatial and temporal distribution of demand for mobile health care services at a fine granularity. Taking demand over multiple periods as input into a mathematical programming model, we optimize the routing of mobile clinics that visit locations close to where refugees are concentrated over the given planning horizon. We consider three hierarchical objectives. Given the availability of a number of mobile clinics at community health centers in the districts, the first objective aims to maximize the percentage of refugees that can benefit from each service type within pre-defined close distances. The second objective minimizes the number of clinics needed while covering the maximum percentage of refugees. The third objective minimizes the total travel distance of the clinics, while keeping the maximum coverage level using a minimum number of clinics to achieve this level. We quantify the benefits of centralized planning (by the province directorate) over decentralized planning (by each district separately). We also show the trade-off between the required number of clinics and coverage of potential patients.
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    Fearing what? vignette experiments on anti-immigrant sentiments
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Alışık, Sedef Turper; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 128176
    This study examines the impact of economic and safety threat perceptions on anti-immigrant sentiments. We investigate the extent to which public support for individual immigrants is affected by considerations about economic prospects and criminality of potential immigrants. We utilise survey vignette experiments conducted as part of the Panel Component of the European Social Survey in the Netherlands with a representative sample of the Dutch population. In the vignette experiments, we manipulated economic prospects and criminal background characteristics of immigrants, making them appear more or less likely to be an economic burden for and to pose a safety threat to the host society. Our findings demonstrate that both economic and safety considerations highly influence the public support for individual immigrants. We find that citizens’ views on admissibility of individual immigrants are predominantly shaped by considerations about social welfare costs and criminality of potential immigrants. Our findings further illustrate that safety concerns are yielding to more exclusionist immigration policy preferences than economic threat considerations, especially when those safety threats are measured at the individual level rather than at the collective level.
  • Placeholder
    Public opinion and public policy in Turkey
    (Policy Press, 2018) Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Alışık, Sedef Turper; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 128176
    This book provides the first comprehensive overview of the state of policy analysis in Turkey. Policy analysis in Turkey, both as an academic inquiry and as a systematic practice in public and other policy-oriented organizations had been quite limited up until the 1990s. The book first examines the evolution of policy analysis in Turkish academia and public organizations followed by an in-depth review of the dominant modes of policy analysis performed by governmental and non-governmental actors. Throughout the chapters a special emphasis is given to structural constraints inhibiting the adoption of policy analytic approaches as well as the facilitating actors and forces such as international organizations. Overall, we challenge the caricatured image of policy making in Turkey as a uniform, strictly top-down hierarchical process that is solely shaped by politics and reveal the more complex decision-making mechanisms that vary significantly among policy-making actors.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Survey research on ethnic and migrant minorities: methodological evaluation of studies in Turkey
    (Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 2022) Ağalday, Burak; Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Alışık, Sedef Turper; Karşıyaka, Birce Altıok; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 128176; N/A; N/A
    The number of studies on ethnic and immigrant minorities in Turkey has increased in the last decade due to an increased human mobility in the region and migrant intake next to its existing ethnic diversity. Among these studies, a growing number of them are observed to utilize quantitative methods. However, the ability of these studies to substitute a basis of effective policies to be developed for those minority groups depends on appropriate application and reporting of methodological choices made during the data collection stage. Therefore, current study examines the methodological aspects of the survey studies conducted with ethnic and immigrant minorities in Turkey between 2000-2019. Our findings on data collection processes and the generalizability of findings reveal that most studies fail to define their target groups and to provide detailed information on the sampling procedures and that there often is a discrepancy between the naming of the sampling method and its application. Moreover, generalizability claims of a substantive number of studies should be cautiously evaluated as they do not utilize representative samples. Current study also presents recommendations for researchers facing similar shortcomings and limitations while conducting survey research on ethnic and immigrant minorities. / Türkiye’nin etnik çeşitliliği, yakın coğrafyasındaki insan haraketliliği ve göç alan konumu ile Türkiye’deki etnik ve göçmen azınlıklar üzerine yapılan çalışmalar son on yılda artış göstermiştir. Bu çalışmalar arasında nicel yöntemlere başvuran çalışmaların yaygınlaştığı da gözlenmektedir. Ancak bu çalışmaların ilgili gruplara yönelik etkin politikaların geliştirilmesine dayanak oluşturabilmeleri veri toplama aşamasında kullandıkları yöntemlerin doğru uygulanmasına ve yöntemsel seçimlerin etraflıca raporlanmasına bağlıdır. Bu sebeple bu makale 2000-2019 yılları arasında etnik ve göçmen azınlıklar üzerine anket yöntemi ile yapılan çalışmaları yöntembilimsel ilkeler bağlamında incelemektedir. Veri toplama süreçleri ve sonuçların genellenebilirliği üzerine yapılan incelemede bahse konu çalışmaların azımsanamayacak oranda çalışmanın hedef kitlesini tanımlamadığı, örnekleme yönteminin uygulamasına dair bilgi paylaşmadığı ve/ya örnekleme yöntemiyle uygulama arasında uyuşmazlık olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, birçok çalışmanın örnekleminin temsiliyet yeterliliğine sahip olmadığı ve sonuçlarının genellenebilirliğine şüpheyle yaklaşılması gerektiği görülmüştür. Bu makale, son olarak etnik ve göçmen azınlıklarla yürütülen çalışmalarda benzer eksiklikler ve sınırlamaların üstesinden gelebilmeleri için araştırmacılara öneriler sunmaktadır.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Use of experimental methods in the field of migration studies
    (Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 2022) Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Alışık, Sedef Turper; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 128176
    Experimental methods provide social scientists with unique opportunities to investigate the research questions that cannot be answered by other observational methods and allow them to establish casual relationships. With those attributes, experimental methods have been increasingly employed in the field of migration studies. The current study briefly introduces different experimental methods and discusses their use in migration studies by drawing on an extensive literature review. / Sosyal bilimlerde deneysel yöntemlerin kullanımı araştırmacılara diğer niceliksel ve niteliksel araştırma yöntemleriyle yanıtlanması mümkün olmayan soruları yanıtlama ve incelenen nedensellik ilişkilerini bağlı oldukları diğer faktörlerden yalıtarak inceleme fırsatı sunmaktadır. Bu yönleriyle deneysel yöntemler göç çalışmaları alanında da giderek artan bir oranda kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Deneysel yöntemlerin ana hatlarıyla tanıtıldığı bu çalışmada ayrıca farklı deney türlerinin göç çalışmaları alanında hangi konu ve araştırma soruları için yaygın olarak kullanıldıkları kapsamlı bir literatür taraması aracılığıyla sunulmaktadır.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Teamwork within a senior capstone course: implementation and assessment
    (Cambridge University Press (CUP)) Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Bayer, Reşat; Alışık, Sedef Turper; Woods, Judith Lynn; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 51395; 128176; N/A
    Although senior capstone courses and projects globally are growing in popularity for undergraduate students in political science, with the potential to integrate prior curriculum and assess student learning, students generally undertake this milestone as individuals. In contrast, we present a teamwork-based capstone course wherein key student submissions-including the final project-are created in teams. Having conducted this course for several years, we describe in this article how we incorporated teamwork and demonstrate how students evaluate teamwork in in-person, online, and hybrid course formats.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Misinformation on refugees: surveying the consequences, perpetuators and workable solutions
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Department of International Relations; Department of International Relations; Alışık, Sedef Turper; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 128176; N/A
    This article explores the relationship between misinformation and refugee integration and discusses the challenges and opportunities for fighting misinformation about immigrants in the Turkish context. To this end, we utilize in-depth interviews conducted between October 2021-January 2022 with Turkish citizens and migration experts working in the academia, non-governmental organizations and migration units of state and local government agencies. Our findings demonstrate that the prevalence of misinformation pre-senting immigrants as threats foster negative attitudes toward refugees and reinforce separationist and assimilationist acculturation orientations among the refugee community. Our expert interviews point to the lack of political will to fight misinformation about immigrants and suggest that resilience building, rather than misinformation correction can be a viable strategy that non-governmental organizations can adopt to combat misinformation. / Bu çalışma mülteci Mezenformasyon ile mülteci entegrasyonu arasındaki ilişkiyi irdelemekte ve Mezenformasyon ile mücadelede karşılaşılan güçlükleri ve çözüm önerilerini tartışmaktadır. Bu amaçla, çalışmada Ekim 2021 ve Ocak 2022 tarihleri arasında Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşları ve akademi, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve yerel ve merkezi yönetimlere bağlı göç birimlerinde görev yapan göç uzmanlarıyla yürütülen derinlemesine mülakatlardan faydalanılmıştır. Çalışmamızın bulguları göçmenler hakkındaki yaygın mezen-formasyonun ev sahibi topluluğun mültecilere karşı tutumlarını ve mültecilerin kültürlenme tercihlerini etkilediğini göstermektedir. Göç uzmanlarıyla yapılan görüşmeler mezenformasyonla mücadelede siyasal iradenin eksikliğine dikkat çekmekte ve sivil toplum ku-ruluşlarının bilgi düzensizliğiyle mücadelenin yanlış bilgiyi çürütmek yerine yanlış bilgiye karşı dayanıklılığı güçlendirme çalışmalarına odaklanmasının daha etkin bir strateji olacağına işaret etmektedir.