Serim, Barış

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Serim, Barış

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  • Placeholder
    Indirect control and making actions explicit in 3D drawing
    (Assoc Computing Machinery, 2013) N/A; Serim, Barış; Researcher; N/A; N/A
    This paper aims to broaden the understanding of computer mediated creativity from a material perspective, by emphasizing the qualities of resistance and making users' actions explicit in the design process. Resistance of material refers to the challenging nature of realizing one's intention through material during the design process. Materials are also instrumental in making user actions of creating artifacts explicit through temporary structures, residues and tools. By drawing on the accounts of craft work and design, the paper discusses how these two qualities can be deliberately addressed in the design of tools to support creative activity. The design approach is operationalized in a 3D drawing tool with the use of indirect control to control curves. The prototype was evaluated with industrial design students and practitioners in two stages, in recorded sessions and through self-documentation. The participant responses give insights into the concept of materiality in creativity support tools and in which cases these features were embraced or dismissed.