Researcher: Niehues, Wenke Ulrike
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Niehues, Wenke Ulrike
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Publication Metadata only Parental predictors of children’s math learning behaviours in different cultures(Springer, 2022) Selcuk, Bilge; N/A; Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Niehues, Wenke Ulrike; Sakarya, Yasemin Kisbu; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; 219275Research indicates that parental schoolwork involvement is beneficial for students' academic functioning when parents facilitate their children's autonomy and refrain from psychological controlling practices. However, effects of the quality of parental involvement on child learning outcomes may vary due to cross-cultural differences in children's appraisal and reaction towards these practices. The current study aimed to investigate the link between the quality of parental schoolwork involvement and children's learning-related behaviours in math, and the mediating role of mother-child conflict around math schoolwork in this link in three cultural groups (i.e., German-Turkish, Turkish and German families). Data were collected from 107 German-Turkish, 426 Turkish and 140 German mothers with children in fifth to eighth grades. After testing measurement invariance of the scales across groups, multi-group structural equation modelling was used to examine the direct and indirect paths between the quality of parental involvement, mother-child conflict and child learning-related behaviours. Results showed that the level of mother-child conflict mediated the link between mothers' psychologically controlling practices and children's learning-related behaviours in math in all three groups. No mediation was found for the link between maternal autonomy support and children's learning-related behaviours in any group. However, the direct path from mothers' autonomy support to children's learning-related behaviours was significant in the Turkish and German-Turkish samples. These results suggest that the role of different forms of parental schoolwork involvement in children's academic functioning is more similar than different across cultural groups.Publication Metadata only Family cohesion facilitates learning-related behaviors and math competency at the transition to elementary school(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021) N/A; Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Niehues, Wenke Ulrike; Sakarya, Yasemin Kisbu; Selçuk, Bilge; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; 219275; 52913Research Findings: Children differ in their ability to adapt to elementary school. Yet, the family factors that foster a successful transition to elementary school are less well understood. Family cohesion as an indicator of a positive emotional climate within families may play an important role for children's ability to adapt to school. Thus, using data from the German National Education Panel Study (NEPS), in a 2-year longitudinal study conducted with a cohort of 357 5 to 7-year-old children and their parents from Germany, we have investigated the role of family cohesion in students' learning-related behaviors and math competency during the transition to elementary school. Results indicated that the relationship between family cohesion in kindergarten and students' second grade math competency was significantly mediated by students' learning-related behaviors in first grade. Results highlight the importance of a positive family climate in early life for the development of children's learning-related behaviors and their later academic success in mathematics. Practice or Policy: Family cohesion is a process-oriented indicator of the family context, which is more malleable than family demographics or socioeconomic status. Therefore, family cohesion might be an important element to consider in intervention programs designed to improve children's early learning-related skills and math competency.Publication Metadata only Motivation and maths achievement in Turkish students: are they linked with socio-economic status?(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020) N/A; N/A; Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Niehues, Wenke Ulrike; Sakarya, Yasemin Kisbu; Selçuk, Bilge; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; 219275; 52913Turkey is an interesting context to study the applicability of the Expectancy-Value-Theory (EVT), since it is a less well-studied research context with a highly selective, centralised, and competitive education system and a more collectivistic-orientated population. In such a context, well-established factors known to drive students' achievement, as proposed by EVT, might operate differently. Therefore, we investigated how family SES, parents' education-related beliefs and schools' performance level relate to students' motivational beliefs and maths achievement in 15-year-old Turkish students. We used PISA 2012 data to compare the motivational beliefs of Turkish students to the OECD average and to test a path model predicting students' maths achievement. Results indicated that despite lower-than-average performance levels, Turkish students hold comparable or higher motivational beliefs in maths than their peers from OECD countries. The path model results revealed the strongest associations between family SES and maths achievement via schools' performance level and students' competence beliefs.Publication Open Access Implications of between-school tracking for Turkish students(Mehmet Tekerek, 2019) Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Niehues, Wenke Ulrike; Sakarya, Yasemin Kisbu; Selçuk, Bilge; Faculty Member; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; N/A; 52913Previous multilevel analyses for Turkey show that performance differences of students vary more between schools than within schools. These school-disparities might be associated with Turkey's tracking system and related differences in student body and learning environments of school tracks. Since it is not known how Turkey's low-performing vocational, low-performing academic, and high-performing academic school tracks differ regarding students' family background, motivational and behavioral engagement of students, and schools' learning environments, we analyzed the PISA 2012 data to examine these differences. Results indicate that Turkish students which attend high-performing academic schools are more likely to have higher socio-economic status, display higher confidence in their math ability, are less engaged during class and are exposed to a richer learning environment than students attending low-performing academic schools. Policy implications of each finding are discussed in detail. / Çok düzeyli analizler Türkiye’deki okullar arası öğrenci performansı farklılıklarının okul içi performans farklılıklarından daha fazla olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu durum, okullara giriş sistemi ve buna bağlı olarak öğrenci profillerindeki ve de okulların öğrenme ortamlarındaki farklılıklardan kaynaklanabilmektedir. Türkiye’deki düşük performanslı meslek okullarına, düşük performanslı akademik okullara ve yüksek performanslı akademik okullara devam eden öğrencilerin aile geçmişleri, motivasyonel ve davranışsal katılımları ve okulların öğrenme ortamları arasındaki farklar yeteri kadar incelenmemiş olduğundan, bu çalışmada PISA 2012 verisi bu farklılıkları tespit etme amacı ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, düşük performanslı akademik okullara giden öğrencilere kıyasla, yüksek performanslı akademik okullardaki Türk öğrencilerinin daha yüksek sosyo-ekonomik statüye sahip olduklarını, matematik becerilerine daha çok güvendiklerini, ders sırasında daha az katılım gösterdiklerini ve daha zengin bir öğrenme ortamına maruz kaldıklarını göstermiştir. Bulgular eğitim politikaları kapsamında tartışılmıştır.