Researcher: Özhan, Aslı Kılıç
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Özhan, Aslı Kılıç
Kılıç, Aslı
Kılıç, Aslı
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Publication Metadata only Retrieval dynamics of the strength based mirror effect in recognition memory(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2014) N/A; Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Özhan, Aslı Kılıç; Öztekin, İlke; Researcher; Faculty Member; N/A; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; N/AThe strength based mirror effect (SBME) refers to an increase in hit rates (HR) and a decrease in false alarm rates (FAR) for the test lists that follow a strongly encoded study list. Earlier investigation of accuracy and reaction time distributions by fitting the diffusion model indicated a mirror effect in the drift rate parameter, which was interpreted as an indication of more conservative responses due to a shift in the drift criterion. Additionally, the starting point for the evidence accumulation was found to be more liberal for the strong test lists. In order to further investigate this paradoxical effect of list strength on these two kinds of bias estimated from the diffusion model, we employed the response-deadline procedure which provided a direct assessment of response bias early in retrieval, prior to evidence accumulation. Results from the retrieval functions indicated more liberal response bias in the list strength paradigm with both pure- and mixed-strength study lists. On the contrary, the SBME was observed at the asymptotic accuracy, suggesting that the conservative response bias might be observed later in retrieval when memory evidence has fully accumulated. In addition, comparison of the SBME across pure and mixed lists revealed that the SBME was most prominent in the pure-list paradigm, suggesting that both the differentiation and criterion shift accounts jointly explain the SBME in recognition memory.Publication Metadata only Age and response bias: evidence from the strength-based mirror effect(Sage, 2014) Criss, Amy H.; Aue, William; N/A; Özhan, Aslı Kılıç; Researcher; N/A; N/APerformance in episodic memory is determined both by accurate retrieval from memory and by decision processes. A substantial body of literature suggests slightly poorer episodic memory accuracy for older than younger adults; however, age-related changes in the decision mechanisms in memory have received much less attention. Response bias, the willingness to endorse an item as remembered, is an important decision factor that contributes to episodic memory performance, and therefore understanding age-related changes in response bias is critical to theoretical development. We manipulate list strength in order to investigate two aspects of response bias. First, we evaluate whether criterion placement in episodic memory differs for older and younger adults. Second, we ask whether older adults have the same degree of flexibility to adjust the criterion in response to task demands as younger adults. Participants were tested on weakly and strongly encoded lists where word frequency (Experiment 1) or similarity between targets and foils (Experiment 2) was manipulated. Both older and younger adults had higher hit rates and lower false-alarm rates for strong lists than for weak lists (i.e., a strength-based mirror effect). Older adults were more conservative (less likely to endorse an item as studied) than younger adults, and we found no evidence that older and younger adults differ in their ability to flexibly adjust their criterion based on the demands of the task.