Ağcaoğlu, Orhan

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Ağcaoğlu, Orhan

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  • Placeholder
    Radiofrequency ablation of metastatic lymph nodes in a patient requiring secondary operation for papillary thyroid carcinoma metastasis
    (Turkish Surgical Assoc., 2024) Öner, Gizem; Özçınar, Beyza; Aksakal, Nihat; Salmaslıoğlu, Artur; Yücel, Cem; Erbil, Yeşim; N/A; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; School of Medicine
    Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive modality performed as an alternative to surgery in patients with benign thyroid nodules and recurrent thyroid cancers. As far we know there is scant data regarding the safety of radiofrequency ablation for metastatic lymph nodes. In this report, our aim was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of radiofrequency ablation for metastatic lymph nodes in patients with recurrent papillary thyroid cancer metastasis. A 63-year old man, who underwent bilateral total thyroidectomy procedure in a different hospital with the diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer one year ago, was diagnosed to have papillary thyroid cancer metastasis in single lymph nodes bilaterally in his follow-up. He underwent percutaneous radiofrequency ablation under ultrasound guidance. He was discharged home on post-operative day one uneventfully and his first control ultrasonography revealed a decrease in nodule size larger than 50% in right side of the neck and also the nodule in the left side disappeared. In conclusion, radiofrequency ablation is a safe and feasible technique for the treatment of metastatic lymph nodes in patients requiring secondary surgery due to papillary thyroid cancer metastasis. © Copyright 2024 by Turkish Surgical Society Available online atÖZET Radyofrekans ablasyonu, iyi huylu tiroid nodülü ve tekrarlayan tiroid kanserli hastalarda ameliyata alternatif olarak uygulanan minimal invaziv bir yöntemdir. Metastatik lenf nodları için radyofrekans ablasyon tedavisinin etkinliğine ilişkin az veri bulunmaktadır. Bu yazı, tekrarlayan papiller tiroid kanseri metastazı olan hastalarda metastatik lenf nodları için radyofrekans ablasyonun güvenliğini ve etkinliğini değerlendirmektedir. Bir yıl önce papiller tiroid kanseri tanısıyla farklı bir hastanede bilateral total tiroidektomi işlemi uygulanan 63 yaşında bir erkek hastanın kontrolleri sırasında bilateral lenf nodlarında papiller tiroid kanseri metastazı saptandı. Ultrason eşliğinde perkütan radyofrekans ablasyonu yapıldı. Hasta postoperatif birinci günde sorunsuz bir şekilde taburcu edildi ve ilk kontrol ultrasonografisinde nodül boyutunda boynun sağ tarafında %50’den daha büyük bir azalma olduğu ve sol taraftaki nodülün kaybolduğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak, radyofrekans ablasyon, papiller tiroid kanseri metastazı nedeniyle sekonder cerrahi gerektiren hastalarda metastatik lenf nodlarının tedavisi için güvenli ve uygulanabilir bir tekniktir.
  • Placeholder
    Impact of Indocyanine Green Angiography on postoperative parathyroid function: a propensity score matching study
    (MDPI, 2024) Karahan, Salih Nafiz; Toprak, Safa; Çelik, Burak; Özata, İbrahim Halil; Yığcı, Defne; Kalender, Mekselina; Tezelman, Tevfik Serdar; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital
    Background: Thyroidectomy constitutes an important portion of endocrine surgery procedures and is associated with various complications such as bleeding, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, and postoperative hypoparathyroidsm. Effective parathyroid preservation during thyroid surgery is crucial for patient well-being, with current strategies heavily reliant on surgeon experience. Among various methods, Indocyanine Green Angiography (ICGA) offers a promising method for intraoperative assessment of parathyroid gland perfusion. Methods: In a retrospective study, patients undergoing bilateral thyroidectomy from January 2021 to January 2023 were analyzed, excluding those with previous thyroidectomy, parathyroid disease, or chronic kidney disease. The study compared a control group (n = 175) with an ICGA group (n = 120), using propensity score matching for statistical analysis. Matched cohorts included 120 patients in each group. The primary outcome of this study was identified as temporary postoperative hypoparathyroidism, with secondary outcomes including the rate of parathyroid reimplantation and the incidence of permanent postoperative hypoparathyroidism. Results: The ICGA group showed significantly more parathyroid autotransplantations (p < 0.01). While not statistically significant, the control group had a higher incidence of temporary postoperative hypoparathyroidism (p < 0.09). Rates of hypocalcemia on postoperative day 1 and permanent hypocalcemia were similar. Subgroup analysis indicated more postoperative day 1 hypoparathyroidism in the control group during central neck dissections (p < 0.049). Conclusions: Intraoperative ICGA use correlated with higher parathyroid autotransplantation and suggested reduced postoperative hypoparathyroidism. Changes in fluorescence intensity following a second ICG injection may provide an objective method to assess parathyroid perfusion. Further large-scale studies are needed to fully understand ICGA's impact on parathyroid preservation.
  • Placeholder
    Techniques for thyroidectomy and functional neck dissection
    (MDPI, 2024) Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; Sucu, Serkan; Toprak, Safa; Tezelman, Tevfik Serdar; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital
    Thyroidectomy is a commonly performed surgery for thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, and thyroid nodules. With the increasing incidence of thyroid cancer, understanding the anatomy and surgical techniques is crucial to ensure successful outcomes and minimize complications. This review discusses the anatomical considerations of the thyroid and neck, including lymphatic drainage and the structures at risk during thyroidectomy. Emphasis is placed on the significance of cautious dissection to preserve critical structures, such as the parathyroid glands and recurrent laryngeal nerve. Neck dissection is also explored, particularly in cases of lymph node metastasis, in which its proper execution is essential for better survival rates. Additionally, this review evaluates various thyroidectomy techniques, including minimally invasive approaches, highlighting their potential benefits and limitations. Continuous surgical knowledge and expertise updates are necessary to ensure the best results for patients undergoing thyroidectomy.
  • Placeholder
    Identification of germline variants in 546 breast/ ovarian cancer families: complementary testing with multigene NGS and MLPA panels
    (Springernature, 2024) Celik, Levent; Karanlik, Hasan; Atalay, Can; Kaban, Kerim; Igci, Abdullah; Saraçoğlu, Hilal Pırıl; Börklü Yücel, Esra; Altunoğlu, Umut; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Ertürk, Kayhan; Vatansever, Doğan; Laçin, Şahin; Tunalı, Didem; Avcı, Şahin; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; Dilege, Ece; Taşkıran, Çağatay; Mandel, Nil Molinas; Kayserili, Hülya; Eraslan, Serpil; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital
  • Placeholder
    Surgery for advanced adrenal malignant disease: recommendations based on European Society of Endocrine Surgeons consensus meeting
    (Oxford University Press, 2024) Mihai, Radu; De Crea, Carmela; Guerin, Carole; Torresan, Francesca; Simescu, Razvan; Walz, Martin K.; N/A; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; School of Medicine
  • Placeholder
    Consensus statement of the European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (ESES) on advanced parathyroid cancer: definitions and management
    (Oxford University Press, 2024) Makay, Özer; Nomine-Criqui, Claire; Van Den Heede, Klaas; Staubitz-Vernazza, Julia, I; Pennestri, Francesco; Brunaud, Laurent; Raffaelli, Marco; Iacobone, Maurizio; Van Slycke, Sam; Musholt, Thomas J.; Villar-del-Moral, Jesús; N/A; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; School of Medicine
  • Placeholder
    SPECT/CT lymphoscintigraphy can accurately localize the sentinel lymph nodes and the clipped node in breast cancer patients undergoing targeted axillary dissection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
    (Churchill Livingstone, 2023) Dilege, Ece; Çelik, Burak; Toprak, Safa; Sucu, Serkan; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; Falay, Fikri Okan; Kapucuoğlu, Fatma Nilgün; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital
  • Placeholder
    Robotic versus laparoscopic adrenalectomy: the European experience
    (Springer, 2022) Vatansever, Safa; Makay, Özer; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 175476
    Purpose of Review To summarize the current European-based literature and find answers regarding whether there is any specific condition in which robotic adrenalectomy is superior. Recent Findings For the resection of the adrenal glands, laparoscopic adrenalectomy is the gold standard technique worldwide. With the widespread use of robotic technology in surgery, robotic adrenalectomy has become more popular. The safety and feasibility of robotic adrenalectomy has been shown in several studies. However, despite its technical advantages, robotic surgery has not yet shown a significant supremacy over laparoscopic surgery in terms of surgical outcomes. Summary The robotic adrenalectomy is a safe and feasible technique, similar to conventional laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Patients with specific conditions may benefit from robotic surgery. Yet, the high-quality data are still scant.
  • Placeholder
    Should we perform routine prophylactic central neck dissection in patients with thyroid papillary microcarcinoma?
    (Edizioni Luigi Pozzi, 2018) Bilgiç, Cağrı; Karabay, Önder; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; Şengün, Berke; Özoran, Emre; Taşkın, Orhun Çığ; Dereli, Dilek Yazıcı; Tezelman, Tevfik Serdar; Faculty Member; Undergraduate Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 175476; N/A; N/A; 166686; 179659; 114860
    PURPOSE: Cervical lymph node (LN) metastases in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) are common in tumors especially that are larger than 1cm. Ipsilateral central neck dissection (CND) is usually preferred even in the absence of a palpable LN. This study aims to clarify the incidence and predictive factors for occult ipsilateral central LN metastasis in these patients, and the management of patients without clinical evidence of metastasis. METHODS: 204 PTC patients were studied. The patients were divided into two according to the tumor size of <= 5mm or larger. Patient demographics, tumor properties, LN metastasis, preoperative neck ultrasonography findings and surgical outcomes were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 152 patients in study group-1 (nodule > 5 mm) and 52 patients in group-2 (nodule 5 mm). The mean tumor size was 11.9 mm. Overall, preoperative neck ultrasonography showed central neck LN in 25 (12.3%) patients, however, final pathology revealed metastatic LN at central compartment in 59 (28.9%) patients. There were 56 (27.5%) patients with metastasis in group-1 compared to 3 (1.4%) patients in group-2. CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic CND is advised in PTC for the reduction of recurrence in central compartment. According to our results, in patients with tumors smaller than 5 mm and without evidence of nodal metastasis in preoperative neck ultrasonography, we do not recommend prophylactic CND.
  • Placeholder
    Robotic complete mesocolic excision for transverse colon cancer can be performed with a morbidity profile similar to that of conventional laparoscopic colectomy
    (Springer, 2020) Özben, Volkan; De Muijnck, Cansu; Zenger, Serkan; Aytac, Erman; Bilgin, İsmail Ahmet; Baca, Bilgi; Hamzaoğlu, İsmail; Karahasanoğlu, Tayfun; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; Şengün, Berke; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; Balık, Emre; Buğra, Dursun; Undergraduate Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 309087; 175476; 18758; 1758
    Background: In minimally invasive surgery, complete mesocolic excision (CME) for transverse colon cancer is challenging; thus, non-CME resections are commonly preferred when laparoscopy is used. Robotic technology has been developed to reduce the limitations of laparoscopy. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether robotic CME for transverse colon cancer can be performed with short-term outcomes similar to those of laparoscopic conventional colectomy (CC). Methods: A retrospective review of 118 consecutive patients having robotic CME or laparoscopic CC for transverse colon cancer in two specialized centers between May 2011 and September 2018 was performed. Perioperative 30-day outcomes of the two procedures were compared. Results: There were 38 and 80 patients in the robotic CME group and laparoscopic CC group, respectively. The groups were comparable regarding preoperative characteristics. Intraoperative results were similar, including blood loss (median 50 vs 25 ml), complications (5.3% vs 3.8%), and conversions (none vs 7.5%). The rate of intracorporeal anastomosis was significantly higher (86.8% vs 20.0%), mean operative time was longer (325.0 +/- 123.2 vs 159.3 +/- 56.1 min (p < 0.001), and the mean number of harvested lymph nodes was higher in the robotic CME group (46.1 +/- 22.2 vs 39.1 +/- 17.8, p = 0.047). There were only minor differences in length of hospital stay (7.2 +/- 3.1 vs 7.9 +/- 4.0 days), anastomotic leak (none vs 2.6%), bleeding (none vs 1.3%), surgical site infections (10.5% vs 12.5%), and reoperations (2.6% vs 6.3%). Conclusions: Robotic CME can be performed with a similar morbidity profile as laparoscopic CC for transverse colon cancer along with a higher rate of intracorporeal anastomosis, and higher number of lymph nodes retrieved, but longer operative times.