Researcher: Herdman, Elizabeth Anne
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Herdman, Elizabeth Anne
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Publication Metadata only Critical care nurses' perceptions of patient safety in Turkey(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2008) N/A; N/A; Badır, Aysel; Herdman, Elizabeth Anne; Faculty Member; Other; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; N/AThis study explored 150 critical care nurses' perceptions of patient safety standards in a selection of private, public, and university hospitals in Turkey Quality management and patient safety programs were more prevalent in private hospitals. Private hospitals were also more likely to encourage reporting, have error/adverse event reporting systems, and less likely to have a punitive response to reported errors. However, respondents who work in private hospitals work both more hours per week and more hours per day.Publication Metadata only Globalization, internationalization and nursing(Wiley-Blackwell, 2004) N/A; Herdman, Elizabeth Anne; Other; School of Nursing; N/AN/APublication Metadata only Gender equality or patriarchal dividend: structural change in Turkish nursing(Wiley, 2008) N/A; Herdman, Elizabeth Anne; Badır, Aysel; Other; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; N/ATurkey is attempting to join the European Union and is facing pressure to eliminate many forms of discrimination, including discrimination based on gender. In keeping with these aims, in early 2007 the Turkish government changed the law to permit Turkish men to become nurses. Given that Turkey is a highly patriarchal society and that occupational segregation by sex is a persistent feature, it is important to examine the potential outcome of the legislative changes. The aim of this paper is to explore the paradoxical potential for Turkish female nurses to experience increased discrimination in a system that is restructured by legislation to be non-discriminatoryPublication Metadata only Leadership and management: all theory no practice?(Koç Üniversitesi HYO Semahat Arsel Hemşirelik Eğitim ve Araştırma Merkezi (SANERC), 2012) N/A; Herdman, Elizabeth Anne; Other; School of Nursing; N/AIn this paper I ask what is wrong with 21st century leadership and management. For example, why, when there exists the benefits of decades of research into management theory and practice, are so many organizations so poorly managed and led? I suggest that modern work practices are not a departure from those of the 19th and 20th century scientific management but rather an extension of their principles beyond manual work to include the professions. This is related to the corporate takeover of more social domains, including health and education, and the associated problematic human resource practices which predominate. They include various forms of favouritism which ensure the appointment of ‘uneducated’ rather than ‘expert’ managers/leaders. It is time to start measuring the cost to both organizations and society, of ‘uneducated’ managers/leaders. / Bu makalede 21. yüzyıldaki liderlik ve yöneticilikle ilgili yanlışların neler olduğunu sorguladım. Örneğin, uzun yıllardır yapılan araştırmalarla yönetim kuramı ve uygulamalarının yararları gösterilmesine rağmen neden hala çok sayıda kötü yönetilen kuruluş bulunmaktadır? Modern iş uygulamalarının 19. ve 20. yüzyılın bilimsel yönetiminden sapan bir dönüşüm olmadığını, fakat bunun yerine meslekleri içerecek şekilde el emeğiyle yapılan işin ötesinde, kendi kurallarını/prensiplerini genişletme olduğunu iddia etmekteyim. Bu, sağlık ve eğitim de dahil olmak üzere, daha çok sosyal yönü olan ve problemli insan kaynakları uygulamaları ile kendini gösteren bir ilişki içindedir. Bunlar, ‘uzman’ yöneticiler/ liderler yerine daha ‘eğitimsiz’ olanların atanmasını sağlayan iltimasçılığın çeşitli şekilleridir. Şimdi, bu ‘eğitimsiz’ yöneticilerin/ liderlerin hem örgütlere/kurumlara hem de topluma getirdiği maliyetlerin ölçülmesine başlamanın zamanıdır.Publication Metadata only Nursing in a postemotional society.(Wiley-Blackwell, 2004) N/A; Herdman, Elizabeth Anne; Other; School of Nursing; N/AGlobalization is often seen as the final stage in the transition towards a market economy. It is argued that a side-effect of globalization is cultural homogeneity and loss of life world, or 'McDonaldization'. McDonaldization represents the rationalization of society in the quest for extreme efficiency. More recently, Mestrović has argued that the rationalization of emotions has also occurred and that Western societies are entering a postemotional phase. In postemotional societies there has been a separation of emotion from action. The result is synthetic, manufactured emotions manipulated and standardized for mass consumption. In this paper I explore what it means to nurse in a 'postemotional society' and what impact this dulling of the emotions has had on a profession that locates 'care' as its central defining concept. My aim is to generate critical discussion of the shape and direction of contemporary society and the role of nursing within it.Publication Metadata only Professions and professionalism(Koç Üniversitesi HYO Semahat Arsel Hemşirelik Eğitim ve Araştırma Merkezi (SANERC), 2012) N/A; Herdman, Elizabeth Anne; Other; School of Nursing; N/AThis paper examines the continued appeal to nursing of the concepts “profession” and “professionalism” despite the fact that the definitions and use of both are problematic. It argues that for a critical analysis of occupational activities it is more useful to examine how these concepts are used in the service of occupational sectional interests. Analyses that ignore interactions between professionals, how professional roles are constructed within organizational and social contexts and the relationships between professions and power will fail if their intention is to promote the process of professionalization. / Bu çalışma, tanımları ve kullanımları problemli olmasına rağmen hemşirelik için cazip kavramlar olagelmiş “meslek” ve “profesyonellik” kavramlarını incelemektedir. Burada ileri sürülen görüş belli bir uğraşla ilgili etkinliklerin eleştirel bir analizini yapmak için bu kavramların uğraş temelli çeşitli oluşumların çıkarları doğrultusunda nasıl kullanıldığının incelenmesinin daha yararlı olacağıdır. Meslek sahipleri arasındaki etkileşimleri, mesleklerle iktidar arasındaki ilişkileri ve örgütsel ve toplumsal bağlamlarda mesleki rollerin nasıl oluştuğunu ihmal eden analizler, eğer amaçları profesyonelleşme sürecini teşvik etmekse, bu amaçlarında başarılı olamayacaklardır.