Researcher: Mert, Aslı Ermiş
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Mert, Aslı Ermiş
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Publication Metadata only Exploring users interested in 3D food printing and their attitudes: case of the employees of a kitchen appliance company(Taylor and Francis inc, 2022) N/A; N/A; Department of Sociology; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Kocaman, Yağmur; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Özcan, Oğuzhan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; Department of Media and Visual Arts; KU Arçelik Research Center for Creative Industries (KUAR) / KU Arçelik Yaratıcı Endüstriler Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (KUAR); Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; N/A; 125323D Food Printing (3DFP) technology is expected to enter homes in the near future as a kitchen appliance. on the other hand, 3DFP is perceived as a non-domestic technology by potential users and domestic users' attitudes and everyday habits received less attention in previous 3DFP research. Exploring their perspective is needed to reflect their daily kitchen dynamics on the design process and discover possible new benefits situated in the home kitchen. on this basis, this study focuses on finding potential 3DFP users and explores their attitudes towards using 3DFP technology in their home kitchens through a two-stage study: First, we prioritized potential users based on their relationship with food through a questionnaire and found six factors that positively affect their attitude towards 3DFP: cooking every day, ordering food less than once a month, eating out at least a couple of times a month, having a mini oven, A multicooker, or a kettle, liking to try new foods, thinking that cooking is a fun activity. Second, we conducted semi-structured interviews with seven participants to discuss the possible benefits and drawbacks of 3DFP technology for their daily lives in the kitchen. Results revealed two new benefits that 3DFP at home may provide: risk-free cooking and cooking for self-improvement. We discuss the potential implications of these two benefits for design and HCI research focusing on how to facilitate automation and pleasurable aspects of cooking into future 3DFP devices.Publication Metadata only Gendered jobs and occupational prestige in Turkey: women in the hierarchy elevator(Ewha Womans Univ Press, 2017) N/A; Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; The Center for Gender Studies (KOÇ-KAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (KOÇ-KAM); College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 292273The success of women in traditionally male disciplines of higher education is not correspondingly reflected in their employment in high-prestige male-dominated jobs in Turkey and this paper seeks to understand the individual level factors that have influenced women's limited presence in these, particularly in relation to their household-and family-related responsibilities from the 1980s to the 2000s and with reference to current patterns. The term "hierarchy elevator" is introduced to describe and elaborate how horizontal gender segregation intersects with vertical gender segregation as both create disadvantages for women in the job market, considering that their representation is limited in traditionally male jobs and prestigious jobs. Using ordered logistic regressions, this paper demonstrates that being highly educated reinforces women's career trajectories in high-prestige male-dominated jobs in Turkey, while married women are largely excluded from these. Those who have one child compared to none are more likely to attain these jobs, while having two or more children impedes their labor market outcomes in these positions. This finding can be associated with the expanded financial resources of the few women who work in high-prestige male-dominated jobs for being able to afford childcare, and who may also prefer to have just one child each in order to maintain their status in these demanding jobs.Publication Metadata only Advanced introduction to feminist economics(Wiley, 2023) N/A; Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; The Center for Gender Studies (KOÇ-KAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (KOÇ-KAM); College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 292273N/APublication Metadata only Making the woman worker: Precarious labor and the fight for global standards(Sage, 2022) N/A; Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; 292273Publication Metadata only Women at work and in the family: a discussion on reconciliation policy practices(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2018) N/A; Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 292273This article addresses the social policy agenda on women, family, and work to highlight where Turkey is positioned in the European social policy realm regarding gender and employment. the article first discusses on what grounds Turkey has been largely included in the Southern European welfare regime category by placing an emphasis on familialism inherent in the regulations. Secondly, policy implementations in Turkey from 1980s up to present particularly regarding maternal employment are critically discussed. It is argued that regardless of the differences between Turkey and the other countries implementing Southern European welfare regulations, particularly in terms of the predominant religion, the fact that family (hence mainly women as caregivers) is the main provider of welfare creates a basis on which a welfare state cluster is formed. Based on this notion, this article underlines the importance of reinforcing men's roles in the private sphere in Turkey, considering the differentiated burden women are saddled with in this particular context in accordance with the welfare regime category Turkey has been included in.Publication Open Access Women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey: recent patterns and practices(2021) Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 292273This article sets out to understand the recent patterns and practices of women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey, and by investigating its demographics using quantitative methods, critically discussing microcredit as a policy tool, evaluating the reinforcement provided by civil society and public institutions specifically based on the action plans of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB), the aim is to examine whether existing entrepreneurship opportunities and support mechanisms enhance women’s skills and potential based on Nussbaum’s (1999; 2000) combined capabilities approach and human powers concept. This article finds that there is no particularly restricted demographics of women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey, specifically referring to marital status and educational level. In terms of microcredit as a common practice, discussions underline that it does not seem to contribute to women’s human powers to a large extent in terms of strengthening their position in the job market and society. Finally, it is seen that there are various sources of support towards women in entrepreneurship in Turkey offered largely by NGOs as well as public institutions, yet at the level of action plans the main target is mostly increasing the number of entrepreneur women, who are considered as a part of special target groups rather than being regarded as a separate focus. Based on Nussbaum’s combined capabilities approach (1999), this article underlines that public institutions and social policies as primary external capabilities need to continue supporting women’s internal capabilities (via training, networking activities etc.) in entrepreneurship, yet also concurrently focus on the expansion of the scope and fields of women-owned businesses to enable the execution of their human powers. / Bu makale, Türkiye’de kadınların güncel girişimcilik örüntülerini ve konuya ilişkin pratikleri irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Öncelikle, kadınların girişimciliğinin demografik yapısı nicel yöntemlerle incelenmiştir. Ardından, mikrokredi bir politika aracı olarak tartışılmış ve bu konudaki sivil toplum ve sosyal politika destekleri özellikle Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeleri Geliştirme ve Destekleme İdaresi Başkanlığı (KOSGEB) aksiyon planları bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Makalede, girişimcilik imkanları ve desteklerinin Nussbaum’un (1999; 2000) birleşik yapabilirlikler yaklaşımı ve insan güçleri kavramı çerçevesinde kadınların bu alandaki yetenek ve potansiyellerini geliştirme kapasitesi ele alınmıştır. Sonuçlar Türkiye’de kadınların girişimcilik örüntülerinde özellikle medeni durum ve eğitim seviyesi açısından çok kısıtlı bir demografik yapıya işaret etmemiştir. Yaygın bir uygulama olan mikrokredinin ise kadınların insan güçlerine istihdam ve toplumdaki statülerini geliştirme bağlamında yüksek düzeyde bir katkı sağlamadığı tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak, sivil toplum alanında kadınların girişimciliğine ilişkin çeşitli destek mekanizmaları olduğu görülmüştür. Kamusal aksiyon planları çerçevesinde de girişimci kadınlara yönelik adımlar mevcut olmakla birlikte çoğunlukla bu alanda çalışan kadınların sayısını artırmanın hedeflendiği ve spesifik olarak kadınlara odaklanan politikaların eksikliği dikkat çekmiş, girişimci kadınların özel hedef grupları arasında değerlendirildikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, Nussbaum’un (1999) birleşik yapabilirlikler yaklaşımına dayanarak, en önemli dışsal yapabilirlik öğelerinden olan kamu kuruluşu destekleri ve sosyal politikalar bazında girişimci kadınların içsel yapabilirliklerini (eğitim imkanları, ağ oluşturma aktiviteleri vb. aracılığıyla) pekiştirme süreçlerinin devamı ile birlikte kadınlara ait girişimlerin kapsam ve alanlarının genişlemesine ilişkin çalışmalara odaklanılmasının öneminin altını çizmiştir.Publication Open Access Happiness at the macro level: a critical discussion on the compatibility of different indicators(İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2022) Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 292273This paper presents a critical discussion mainly based on the macro-level (societal) determinants of happiness by focusing on gender equality, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and countries’ commitment to reducing inequality. The aim is to critically evaluate the compatibility of these components through the examples of happiest and unhappiest countries to arrive at conclusions regarding the importance of these means as a whole. Rankings based on these determinants reveal an apparent compatibility to exist for both ends of happiness with countries’ gender equality, GDP per capita, and commitment to reducing inequality as well as gross national income (GNI) per capita (based on purchasing power parity [PPP]) and Gini coefficient. Exceptional cases are discussed based on their sociological and socioeconomic contexts. Further research has been determined to be needed that will examine happiness at the macro level using an inclusive multidimensional approach rather than only focusing on a single indicator, in particular by taking into account various means of inequality, primarily regarding gender, income, living standards/conditions as well as issues such as access to health, education, employment opportunities, and information, as parts of the broader concept.Publication Open Access A multivariate investigation of overall happiness, job satisfaction and income satisfaction of women and men in Turkey(Sosyoekonomi Society / Sosyoekonomi Derneği, 2020) Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 292273This paper examines the factors affecting working women's and men's overall happiness, job satisfaction and income satisfaction levels and the association between these three measures of happiness. Women and men who are satisfied with their workplace relations relative to those who are not are more likely to report that they are satisfied or very satisfied with their life, job and income. Women's job and income satisfaction and men's all three means of happiness are more likely to be high for those who received a pay rise last year. The strongest correlation is observed between job satisfaction and income satisfaction for both genders, which is slightly stronger for women that challenges the arguments on women's financial motivation to be not as strong as men at work. Spillover hypothesis is confirmed in all pairwise combination of the three happiness measures according to findings. / Bu çalışma, çalışan kadınların ve erkeklerin yaşam, iş ve gelir tatmin düzeylerini etkileyen faktörleri Türkiye bağlamında irdelemekte ve bu öğeler arasındaki korelasyonu incelemektedir. Araştırmanın bulguları, işyeri ilişkilerinden memnun olan kadınların ve erkeklerin yaşam, iş ve gelir tatmin düzeylerinin yüksek olma eğiliminin daha fazla olduğunu göstermiştir. Kadınların iş ve gelir, erkeklerin ise her üç mutluluk öğesi önceki sene alınan gelir artışından pozitif olarak etkilenmektedir. En yüksek korelasyon seviyesi kadınlar için biraz daha güçlü olmak üzere iş ve gelir tatmini arasında görülmüş, bu bulgu kadınların iş hayatında ekonomik kazanımlara erkekler kadar önem vermedikleri argümanının aksini desteklemiştir. Yayılma hipotezi üç mutluluk öğesinin tüm ikili kombinasyonlarında gözlemlenmiştir.