Reisoğlu, Mert Bahadır

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Faculty Member

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Mert Bahadır

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Reisoğlu, Mert Bahadır

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Search Results

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  • Placeholder
    Mystical Islam and cosmopolitanism in contemporary German literature: openness to alterity
    (Johns Hopkins Univ Press, 2019) Department of Comparative Literature; Reisoğlu, Mert Bahadır; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 272108
  • Placeholder
    Theatre of anger: radical transnational performance in contemporary Berlin
    (Wiley, 2022) Department of Comparative Literature; Reisoğlu, Mert Bahadır; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 272108
  • Placeholder
    Theorizing symbolism: Adorno on George and Hofmannsthal
    (Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2021) Department of Comparative Literature; Reisoğlu, Mert Bahadır; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 272108
    In this article, I analyze Theodor Adorno’s essay “The George-Hofmannsthal Correspondence” to investigate the relationship between the sociology of literature and aesthetic theory in Adorno’s works. While Stefan George’s poetry holds a significant place in Adorno’s philosophy, his essay on the correspondence differs from his other works on symbolism such as “On Lyric Poetry and Society,” since it places heavy emphasis on the sociological analysis of the social and political positions of Stefan George and Hugo von Hofmannsthal. As such, “The George-Hofmannsthal Correspondence” displays the way in which Adorno abstracts his later theoretical framework in Aesthetic Theory from the work and life of the two symbolist poets. The essay’s oscillation between sociology and aesthetic theory, I argue, illuminates Adorno’s complex methodology in its entanglement of social critique and aesthetic autonomy. / Bu makalede Theodor Adorno’nun “George-Hofmannsthal Mektuplaşması” denemesi incelenmekte ve Adorno’nun yapıtlarında edebiyat sosyolojisi ile estetik kuram arasındaki bağlantı ele alınmaktadır. Stefan George’nin şiirleri Adorno’nun felsefesinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır, fakat bu mektuplaşmalara dair denemesinde “Lirik Şiir ve Toplum Üzerine” gibi sembolizm hakkındaki diğer çalışmalarından farklı olarak Stefan George ve Hugo von Hofmannsthal’ın toplumsal ve politik konumlarının sosyolojik analizine ağırlık vermektedir. Bu nedenle “GeorgeHofmannsthal Mektuplaşmaları” Adorno’nun daha sonra Estetik Kuram’da ortaya koyduğu kuramsal çerçeveyi nasıl iki sembolist şairin eserleri ve hayatlarından soyutlayarak biçimlendirdiğini ortaya koymakta, Adorno’nun sosyal eleştiri ve estetik otonominin iç içe geçtiği metodolojisini aydınlatmaktadır.