Researcher: Karadağ, Ayişe
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Publication Metadata only A survey of Turkish nurses' knowledge of incontinence-associated dermatitis(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2019) Sahin, Firdevs; Avsar, Pinar; N/A; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 3549PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) among nurses working in intensive care units. DESIGN: Descriptive study. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: The study was conducted in 6 intensive care units of a 550-bed academic research hospital in Turkey. Licensed practical and registered nurses with a minimum of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree employed full-time on these units were invited to participate. METHODS: The survey consisted of statements that examined the demographic characteristics (14 questions) and knowledge levels (59 statements) of the nurses. For each statement, nurses were required to mark only one of the following options: "correct," "incorrect," or "no knowledge." Data were collected from July to September 2016. The Shapiro-Wilk test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, post hoc multiple comparison test, and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: Of the 126 RNs who participated in the study, 46.83% (n = 59) had an undergraduate degree in nursing. The majority (29.37%) practiced in gastroenterology surgery and urology intensive care units. The mean knowledge score was 33.05 +/- 10.16 (min = 0, max = 59). The most correctly answered statement (94.44%; n = 119) was "The pH of the skin plays a role in skin barrier function." The statement with the most incorrect or "no knowledge" answers (96.03%; n = 120) was "The natural moisturizing factor found in the structure of corneocytes helps the skin to maintain its oil levels." Based on correctly answered statements, we found knowledge levels of the prevention and treatment of IAD were higher among nurses with a master of science degree in nursing (40.67 +/- 4.32) and lower among licensed practical nursing (29.12 +/- 10.08) (P < .05). CONCLUSION: In this study, knowledge of the nurses on identification, prevention, and treatment of IAD was low. Comprehensive basic nursing education and in-service training programs on IAD are recommended.Publication Metadata only Historical development of ostomy and wound care nursing: Turkey sample(Kare Yayıncılık, 2019) Öztürk, Deniz; N/A; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 3549This study explains the historical development of ostomy and wound care nursing (OWN) in Turkey with examples. OWN involves all of the necessary care practices required when determining the care needs of an individual who has undergone an artificial opening into abdomen or in whom the anatomical and functional integrity of the skin and subcutaneous tissues/organs has been disrupted by external factors, when administering and evaluating the relevant interventions, and when administering care to allow patients to fulfil their own needs. Although the development of OWN dates to the late 1950s, its emergence in Turkey dates to the beginning of this century. The most remarkable progress noted in this field in Turkey has been the establishment of the first stomatherapy unit, the Association of Wound, Ostomy and Incontinence Nursing, while a further milestone has been that OWN was defined by law in 2011, determining its duties/power/ responsibilities. As an occupation, OWN, which has come a long way on the road to fulfilling the necessary criteria for its professional recognition, has gained currency with a number of important projects in Turkey. In conclusion, by continuing its active development and evolution, OWN is making a difference in the lives of patients and families alike. / Bu çalışmanın amacı, Stoma ve Yara Bakım Hemşireliği (SYBH)’nin Türkiye’deki gelişim sürecini örnekleriyle açıklamaktır. SYBH; abdominal bölgede yapay yolla ağızlaştırılan açıklığı bulunan veya dış etkenler nedeniyle deri/deri altıdaki dokularda, organlarda anatomik ve fonksiyonel bütünlüğü bozulan bireyin, bakım gereksinimlerini belirlemeye, ilgili girişimleri uygulamaya, değerlendirmeye; bireyin kendi gereksinimlerini karşılayabilir düzeye getirmeye yönelik yapılan bakım uygulamalarının bütününü kapsar. Dünyada SYBH’nin gelişimi 1950’lerin sonlarına rastlamasına rağmen, Türkiye’deki gelişmeler bulunduğumuz çağın başlangıcına denk gelir. Türkiye’de bu alanda yaşanan en önemli gelişme, ilk Stomaterapi Ünitesinin ve Yara Ostomi İnkontinans Hemşireleri Derneği’nin kurulmasıdır. İkinci olarak, 2011 yılında SYBH’nin yasa ile tanımlanması ve görev/yetki/sorumluluklarının belirlenmesidir. Bir mesleğin profesyonelleşme sürecinde taşıyacağı kriterleri karşılamada önemli yol kat eden SYBH, Türkiye’de önemli projelerle gündeme gelmiştir. Sonuç olarak SYBH aktif olarak gelişmeye ve yapılanmaya devam ederek stoması ve yarası olan bireylerin/ ailelerin yaşamlarında fark yaratmaktadır.Publication Metadata only Turkish adaptation and validity and verification percentages study of the incontinence-associated dermatitis and it's severity instrument(Kare Yayıncılık, 2019) Avşar, Pınar; Gül, Şenay; N/A; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 3549Aim: This study aimed to adapt the Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis and Its Severity Instrument into Turkish and to determine its validity and verification percentages. Methods: This methodological study was carried out in two stages between February 2014 and September 2016. In the first stage, language validity was conducted and in the second stage, validity and verification percentages were completed. After obtaining permission from the authors of the instrument, language validity was conducted using the translation-back translation method. The validity of the instrument was carried out by consulting the opinions of nine experts. In addition, the verification percentages were derived by scoring four cases using the instrument with a total of 181 nurses, including 158 nurses working in intensive care units and 23 stoma and wound care nurses. In the analysis of the data, percent, arithmetic mean, frequency, standard deviation validity of content for validity study, and verification percentages were conducted between independent observers. Results: of the nurses who participated in the study (n=181), the average age was 30.9 ± 5.7 and more than half had a university degree and were working intensive care clinics. of the nurses, 12.6% were working in wound care clinics and were giving care to an average of one or two incontinent patients per week. According to the content validity index in the survey, the visibility adjustment was 1.00. Verification percentages with regard to the four cases were between 92% and 99%. Conclusion: It was concluded that the instrument can be used to measure dermatitis and severity of incontinence. / Amaç: İnkontinansa Bağlı Dermatit ve Şiddeti Aracı’nın Türkçeye uyarlanması, geçerlik-gözlemciler arası doğrulama yüzdesinin belirlenmesidir. Yöntem: Bu metodolojik çalışma iki aşamalı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk adımda dil geçerliği, ikinci adımda geçerlik ve gözlemciler arası doğrulama yüzdesi çalışması Nisan 2014-Eylül 2016 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Yazarlardan uyarlama izni alındıktan sonra aracın dil eşdeğerliği çeviri-geri çeviri teknikleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. İnkontinansa Bağlı Dermatit ve Şiddeti Aracı’nın geçerlik çalışması; dokuz uzmanın görüşüne başvurularak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca gözlemciler arası doğrulama oranı, yoğun bakım ünitelerinde çalışan 158, stoma ve yara bakım ünitesinde çalışan 23 olmak üzere toplam 181 hemşirenin, 4 vakayı araç yönergesi doğrultusunda puanlamasından elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde; yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, frekans, standart sapma, geçerlik çalışması için içerik geçerliği yapılmış ve doğrulama oranı hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan hemşirelerin (n=181) yaş ortalamaları 30.9±5.7, yarıdan fazlası lisans mezunu ve yoğun bakım kliniklerinde çalışmaktadır. Hemşirelerin %12.6’sı yara bakım kliniklerinde çalışmakta olup yarıdan fazlası haftada ortalama bir-iki inkontinanslı hastaya bakım vermektedirler. Araştırmada İçerik Geçerlik İndeksi’ne göre görüş uyumu 1.00’dir. Hemşirelerin dört vakaya ilişkin doğrulama yüzdeleri %92 ila %99 arasındadır. Sonuç: Aracın inkontinansa bağlı dermatit ve şiddetini ölçmek için kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.Publication Metadata only Staff-based individualized care inventory: psychometric properties of the turkish version(Gunes Kitabevi Ltd Sti, 2022) N/A; N/A; Güney, Seda; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 353137; 3549Introduction: The Individualized Care Inventory-short form is a 22-item self-report measure with four sub-dimensions: knowing the resident, residents' autonomy and choice, staff-to-resident communication, and staff-to-staff communication. The inventory is used for in the context of dementia care. The present study aimed to assess the inventory's psychometric properties with a sample of formal caregivers from nursing homes. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with 184 formal caregivers from 13 different nursing homes in Istanbul between July and September 2020. This study used translation and back translation for the scale's language equivalence and expert opinion for the content validity. The reliability and validity were tested by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, test-retest correlation analyses and internal consistency. Results: The content validity index for the inventory was 0.93. In the construct validity analysis, four sub-dimensions corresponding to the original factor structure were derived for the inventory. Cronbach's alpha values for the factors, namely knowing the resident (alpha = 0.618), autonomy and choice of the resident (alpha = 0.768), and communication (alpha = 0.713) were satisfactory. The tests-retests was conducted in a 15-25-day intervals, and all sub-dimensions were positively correlated (r: 0.236-0.390) (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The Turkish Individualized Care Inventory is a valid and reliable tool that can be used to measure the individualized care approaches of formal caregivers in nursing homes.Publication Metadata only Nurses' knowledge and practices related to pressure injury a cross-sectional study(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (LWW), 2019) Aydin, Arzu Karabag; Gul, Senay; Avsar, Pinar; Baykara, Zehra Goecmen; N/A; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 3549PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine nurses' knowledge and practices regarding pressure injury and identify relationships between these factors and professional nurse characteristics. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, descriptive study. SETTING and SUBJECTS: The sample comprised 347 nurses attending the 2013 and 2015 Wound Management Congresses. The meetings were organized by the Wound Management Association located in Antalya, Turkey. METHODS: A 35-item data collection form was designed for purposes of this study. It divided into 2 parts: 8 items queried demographic and professional characteristics of nurse respondents. The second part comprised 9 cases describing patients with pressure injury; these cases were associated with 27 items querying pressure injury-related knowledge and practices. Demographic and professional characteristics of nurse respondents were summarized via descriptive statistics. The Kruskal-Wallis H and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to identify relationships between nurse characteristics and pressure injury knowledge and practices. RESULTS: The mean score for the 27 items related to pressure injury knowledge and practices was 57.37 +/- 14.26 out of 100 points. Pressure injury knowledge and practices were positively associated with nurses having a bachelor's and/or postgraduate degree (P = .012), nurses caring for a higher number of patients with pressure injuries per week (P = .042), nurses practicing in intensive care units and wound care clinics (P = .011), nurses with specific education in pressure injury (P = .000), and those indicating adequate skills and knowledge in pressure injury (P = .005). CONCLUSIONS: Nurses' knowledge and practices regarding pressure injuries were lower than anticipated in this sample. We recommend additional education and training activities to increase nurses' knowledge and practices related to pressure injury.Publication Metadata only The validity and reliability of the Stoma Self-Efficacy Scale: A methodological study(Wiley, 2020) Yigitoglu, Eylem Togluk; N/A; Karaçay, Pelin; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 179331; 3549Aims To assess the validity and reliability of the stoma self-efficacy scale for Turkish-speaking individuals with stoma. Background Self-efficacy in stoma care is one of the most important variables requiring compliance for an increase in the quality of life and well-being of individuals with stoma. Design A methodological study. Methods This study used translation and back translation for the scale's language equivalence and expert opinion for the content validity. An expert panel and 10 individuals with stoma evaluated the scale for face validity. The scale's reliability was assessed by internal consistency, Pearson correlation, and test-retest reliability in a sample of 174 individuals with stomas. The scale's construct validity was tested with confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Results The content validity index was .96, and Cronbach's alpha was .95. In the test-retest analysis, the intraclass correlation coefficients were high. In the factor analysis, two factors emerged from the scale, and after the confirmatory factor analysis and scale modification, the fit indices of the model were found to provide a good level of validity. Conclusion The Turkish version of the stoma self-efficacy scale is a valid and reliable tool to determine the levels of self-efficacy in individuals with stoma.Publication Metadata only A prospective, multicentered study to assess social adjustment in patients with an intestinal stoma in Turkey(H M P Communications, 2015) Karabulut, Hatice; Baykara, Zehra G.; Harputlu, Deniz; Toyluk, Eylem; Ulusoy, Birgul; Karadag, Sercan; Kahraman, Aysel; Hin, Aysel Oren; Altinsoy, Meral; Akil, Yasemin; Leventoglu, Sezai; N/A; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 3549Patients with a stoma undergo physiological, psychological, and social adjustment to their new life situation. A descriptive, prospective study was conducted to assess adaptation among patients > 18 years of age with a new temporary or permanent colostomy or ileostomy living in Turkey and receiving care at a participating stomatherapy unit. The study took place between September 1, 2011, and September 1, 2012. During hospitalization and following discharge, patients with a stoma received training and counseling according to their individual characteristics and their physiological, psychological, and social needs. Each participant completed the 19-item "Identification Form for Patients with a Stoma" at the beginning of the study to document sociodemographic and stoma characteristics. To assess adjustment to the stoma, The Ostomy Assessment Inventory (OAI-23) was administered 2 times - he first within 1 month and the second within 6 months after surgery or when a temporary stoma was closed (whichever came first). This instrument comprised 23 items regarding adaptation to the stoma using Likert-type response options (0-4 range). Total scores ranged from 10 to 92, with higher scores indicating better adjustment. The instruments were completed by stoma and wound care nurses during face-to-face interviews. Data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, and Wilcoxon tests. of the 135 participants, the majority (77, 57.0%) were male; 73 (54.1%) had a colostomy, and 106 (78.5%) had a temporary stoma. The primary reason for stoma creation was cancer (89, 65.9%). Mean total OAI-23 scores were 48.63 +/- 13.75 at the first administration and 50.59 +/- 13.89 for the second. In terms of sociodemographic factors, significant increases in mean scores from the first to the second survey time were noted among patients in the 50-69 age group, women, married persons, and unemployed persons (P < 0.05). With regard to stoma characteristics, the OAI-23 scores of patients with planned stoma operations and persons with permanent stomas increased significantly (P < 0.05) between assessments. Significant increases in OAI-23 scores also were noted among persons who did not receive information before the operation, patients whose stoma site was not marked, and patients who had experienced a complication (P < 0.05). Postoperatively, it is important to consider sociodemographic and stoma characteristics as well as preoperative variables that may influence adaptation to stoma. Additional larger, multicentered studies with extended patient follow-up are warranted.Publication Metadata only Problems experienced by spouses of Turkish patients with a stoma: a descriptive, cross-sectional study(Hmp, 2019) N/A; N/A; Küçükakça, Gözde Türkmenoğlu; Karadağ, Ayişe; Nurse; Faculty Member; N/A; School of Nursing; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; 3549The spouses of persons with an ostomy can experience various problems with regard to their new life situation. PURPOSE: A study was conducted to determine the problems encountered by spouses of people with an intestinal stoma and examine practices used to address these problems. METHODS: The descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted between November 2, 2015, and February 29, 2016, at 3 university hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey. Eligible participants were spouses of patients who were 18 years of age or older and who had a stoma for at least 3 months. During separate interviews with researchers, patients answered 15 open- and closed-ended demographic and clinical background questions, and spouses answered 10- open- and closed-ended questions regarding their demographic characteristics and 40 open- and closed-ended questions addressing the physiological, work/life, psychological, and economic problems they experienced as the spouse of a person with a stoma and how they handled these issues. Data were entered into statistical software for analysis; frequency and percentage distributions were reported. RESULTS: Participants included 80 patients and their spouses; 50 (62.5%) patients were male (average age 56.53 +/- 14.57 years), 55 (68.8%) did not work after the operation, 58 (72.5%) had an ileostomy, and 62 (77.5%) were cared for by their spouse. Spouses included 50 women (62.5%), average age 54.14 +/- 13.63 years. Couples had been married an average of 29.87 +/- 14.52 years. The most common problems reported by partners were odor (51, 63.7%), housework (27, 33.7%), anxiety (26, 32.5%), loud gas (25, 31.2%), cutting the adapter to the size of the ostomy (25, 31.2%), desperation/pessimism (24, 30.0%), and stoma appearance (23, 28.7%). Spouses cited a variety of coping mechanisms, including sleeping in different bedrooms and attributing the health problem to god's will, which sometimes added to the psychological issues they experienced. CONCLUSION: Spouses of stoma patients experience psychological and social issues and could benefit from attention to their concerns and demonstrations of how to provide care for their partners.Publication Metadata only Incontinence related dermatitis: assessment, prevention and treatment(Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi, 2018) Avşar, Pınar; N/A; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 3549Urinary and fecal incontinence is an important health problem that affects physical, social and psychological experience of the patient and brings economic burden. The most common skin problem caused by incontinence is incontinence related dermatitis. Incontinence related dermatitis which is closely related to nursing care is perineal irritation due to contact with urine and/or feces on the skin. Incontinence related dermatitis affects the individual’s health and quality of life, as well as leads to loss of money, time and labor. The prevalence of incontinence related dermatitis was ranged from 5.6% to 50% in a limited number of studies. Managing incontinence and applying structured skin care are the key initiatives in the prevention and treatment of incontinence related dermatitis. In this article, the prevention and treatment of incontinence related dermatitis was addressed in line with current evidence. / Üriner ve fekal inkontinas, hastanın fiziksel, sosyal, psikolojik olarak yaşantısını etkileyen ve ekonomik yük getiren önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. İnkontinansın yol açtığı en yaygın deri sorunu inkontinansa bağlı dermatittir. Hemşirelik bakımı ile yakından ilişkili olan inkontinansa bağlı dermatit; deride idrar ve/veya dışkı temasına bağlı olarak gelişen perineal tahriştir. İnkontinans alakalı dermatit, bireyin sağlığını ve yaşam kalitesini etkilemenin yanı sıra para, zaman ve iş gücü kayıplarına yol açar. Sınırlı sayıdaki çalışmada inkontinansa bağlı dermatit prevalansı %5.6’dan %50’ye kadar değişen aralıkta verilmiştir. İnkontinansı yönetmek ve yapılandırılmış bir deri bakımı uygulamak, inkontinansa bağlı dermatitin önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde anahtar girişimlerdir. Bu makalede inkontinansa bağlı dermatitin önlenmesi ve tedavisi güncel kanıtlar doğrultusunda ele alınmıştır.Publication Metadata only A prospective, descriptive study to determine the rate and characteristics of and risk factors for the development of medical device-related pressure ulcers in intensive care units(HMP Communications, 2016) Hanonu, Seval; N/A; Karadağ, Ayişe; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 3549Pressure ulcers do not develop only in areas with bony prominences; they can develop in any tissue under pressure, including pressure exerted by medical devices. A prospective, descriptive study was conducted from December 15, 2013 to March 25, 2014 to determine the prevalence, risk factors, and characteristics of medical device-related hospitalacquired pressure ulcers (MDR HAPUs) among all patients (N = 175) in 5 adult intensive care units (ICUs) in a university hospital in Turkey. The previously established point prevalence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) in these ICUs was 15%. Patients were evaluated in the first 24 hours after admission and observed 6 times thereafter in intervals of 48 hours. Demographic (eg, age, gender, body mass index) and medical device-related pressure ulcer data (eg, location, device type, stage), and Braden Scale scores were collected and analyzed; frequencies and percentages were calculated and Mann-Whitney U Test, t-test, and odds ratios were applied. Twenty-seven (27) patients (15.4%) developed nonMDR HAPUs and 70 (40.0%) developed MDR HAPUs. MDR HAPUs occurred most frequently (45.0%) in patients with an endotracheal tube. The most frequent type (42.6%) was Stage II. The highest rates of MDR HAPUs were observed among internal medicine ICU patients (OR 7.041), patients who also had a nonMDR HAPU (OR 6.6), patients in the high Braden risk score group (OR 1.8), or patients who received enteral feeding (OR 2.12). Because of the high rate of MDR HAPUs noted, policies and procedures aimed at preventing medical device-related pressure ulcers are needed.