Researcher: Akyüz, Aygül
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Akyüz, Aygül
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Publication Metadata only The effect of marital violence on infertility distress among a sample of Turkish women(Royan Inst, 2014) Şahiner, Gönül; Bakır, Bilal; Akyüz, Aygül; Seven, Memnun; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 42416; 32470Background: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between marital violence and distress level among women with a diagnosis of infertility. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of 139 married women diagnosed as primary infertile who applied to an in vitro fertilization (IVF) center in Turkey, between September and December 2009. A descriptive information questionnaire developed by the researcher was used for data collection. In addition, an infertility distress scale (IDS) for determining the severity effect of infertility and the scale for marital violence against women (SDVW) for determining level of marital violence against the women were used. Results: The total IDS score of the study sample was 37.76 +/- 10.53. There was no significant relationship between the age and education level of the women and the total IDS score. The total IDS score was higher in women who did not work and those being treated for infertility for more than three years. The total SDVW score of the study sample was 67.0 +/- 8.26. The total SDVW score was higher in women who had been trying to have a child for more than six years and had received infertility treatment for longer than three years. The employment status of the women and physical, emotional, and sexual violence scores had a statistically significant relationship with the IDS scores. The emotional violence score was found to have the highest significance among the variables affecting total IDS score. Conclusion: Marital violence is a factor increasing the distress of infertile women. Healthcare staff serving infertile couples should consider the possibility of domestic violence against women as a factor affecting the psychological infertility distress level.Publication Metadata only Women's knowledge and use of prenatal screening tests(Wiley, 2017) Daack-Hirsch, Sandra; Skirton, Heather; N/A; N/A; N/A; Seven, Memnun; Akyüz, Aygül; Eroğlu, Kafiye; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 32470; 42416; 6061Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the rate of use of prenatal screening tests and the factors affecting the decision to have a prenatal screening test in pregnant women in Turkey. Background: Prenatal genetic screening as an optional service is commonly used to determine a level of risk for genetic conditions in the foetus. Design: A quantitative cross-sectional survey. Methods: Pregnant women (n = 274) who sought prenatal care from one hospital in Turkey were recruited and asked to complete questionnaires that were developed by the researchers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Results: Almost half (44·2) % of the women were primiparas, and the majority (97·8%) were in the third trimester of pregnancy. Only 36·1% of the women reported that they had prenatal screening by either the double test or triple test. Women had a low level of knowledge regarding prenatal screening: the mean knowledge score was 3·43 ± 3·21 of a possible score of 10. Having consanguineous marriage, a history of spontaneous abortion, a child with genetic disorder, multiparity or a longer marriage duration were positively correlated with accepting a prenatal screening test. Conclusions: This study has provided baseline data on the uptake and reasons for accepting or declining a prenatal screening in a cohort of Turkish women. There is evidence to suggest that more education is needed to improve knowledge and provide comprehensive nursing care to promote informed consent in this context. Relevance to Clinical Practice: Perinatal nurses are ideally situated to inform pregnant women about prenatal screening tests to improve access to healthcare services and to ensure informed decisions are made by pregnant women and their partners.Publication Metadata only Evaluation of the quality of life of caregivers in gynecological cancer patients(2014) Yılmaz, Sakine; Şahin, Eda; N/A; N/A; Seven, Memnun; Akyüz, Aygül; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 32470; 42416The aim of this study was to determine the factors influencing the general quality of life and the quality-of-life subdimensions of family members caring for gynecological cancer patients. This descriptive study was conducted at a training and research hospital in Turkey. A total of 168 caregivers who were family members were included in the study sample. The data collection form and the Caregiver Quality-of-Life Index Cancer Scale were used to collect data. The mean age of family caregivers was 42.6 ± 12.30 and 81 % were female. The caregivers had the most problem with coping with the depressive symptoms and the nausea of the patient and with medication use for the patient. Information on care was requested by 35.7 %, whereas 70 % of this group felt they needed information on every subject regarding disease and its treatment. It is also found that although some factors did not influence the general quality of life of caregivers, they did have a negative effect on various areas such as burden, disruptiveness, positive adaptation, and financial concerns. Health care professions should educate patients and their caregivers who are distant relatives of patient or providing care for older patients especially on medical drug usage after discharge and management of symptoms such as nausea.Publication Metadata only Predictors of sexual function during pregnancy(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2015) Güngör, Sude; N/A; N/A; Seven, Memnun; Akyüz, Aygül; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 32470; 42416The aim of the study was to evaluate sexual functions of pregnant women and to determine the factors affecting their sexual function. The cross-sectional study recruited 286 pregnant women from a hospital. To collect data, 'Patient Information Form ', 'State Anxiety Inventory ' and 'Female Sexual Function Index ' were used. The mean age of women was 29.15 +/- 4.85 and 77.6% of them presented with sexual dysfunction. Having partner at advanced age, a history of miscarriage, a history of health problem during previous pregnancy and a high level of anxiety were found to be factors negatively affecting sexual function. Health professionals should be aware of a number of risk factors that may contribute to sexual dysfunction in pregnant women.Publication Metadata only Adaptation of the menstrual symptom questionnaire into Turkish(Gülhane Military Medical Academy, 2014) Güvenç, Gülten; N/A; N/A; Seven, Memnun; Akyüz, Aygül; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 32470; 42416Aim: It is aimed to adaptation of the Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire into Turkish in this study. Methods: A total of 356 students were included in the methodological study. The demographic data questionnaire, Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire (MSQ), and Visual Anolog Scale for pain (VASP) were used as tools for data collection. The SPSS 15.0 package software was used for the evaluation of the data obtained from the study. Its validty was assesed by using content, structure, criterion related validity and, its reliability was assesed by using internal consistency and consistency over time. Results: The mean age of the participants was 21,35 ± 1.12 years (range, 18-23 years), the mean onset age of menarche was 12,99 ±1,38 years, the mean duration of menstruation was 5,31 ± 1,15 days, and the mean frequency of menstruation was 29,03 ±5,67 days. As a result of factor analysis limited with the three factors, three factors explaining %50.99 of the total variance and loading more than 1 were found. There is also, a strong and statistically meaningful relationship between VAS and MSQ total score (r= 0.603, p<0.000), MSQ Factor 1 (r=0.517, p<0.000), MSQ Factor 2 (r= 0.564, p<0.000) ve MSQ Factor 3 (r=0.429, p<0.000). Cronbach alpha value was measured as 0.92 for the total MSQ score. The correlation coefficient was found as 0.89 (p<0.001) between the test-retest assesments. Conclusion: According to the internal consistency, test-retest stability coefficient and factor analysis and criterion-related validity tests’ results, the Turkish translated version of the MSQ is a reliable, consistent and valid instrument for assessing symptoms regarding menstruation in Turkish adolescents. / AMAÇ: Bu araştırmada, Menstrüasyon Semptom Ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması amaçlanmıştır.YÖNTEM: Metodolojik tipteki bu araştırmanın örneğini 2012-2013 eğitim ve öğretim yılında Ankaradabir hemşirelik yüksekokulunda okuyan toplam 356 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Araştırma verilerintoplanmasında, Veri Toplama Formu , Visual Analog Skalası (VAS) ve 2009 yılında, Negriff ve ark.tarafından düzeltilen Menstrüasyon Semptom Ölçeği (MSÖ) kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel analizlerdeSPSS 15.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin geçerliliği; dil, içerik, yapı ve ölçüt bağıntıl geçerlilik ile güvenilirliği ise iç tutarlık ve zamana göre değişmezlik için gerekli analizler yapılarakdeğerlendirilmiştir.BULGULAR: Bu çalışmada değerlendirilen katılımcıların yaş ortalamalarının 21,35 ± 1,12, ortalamamenarş yaşlarının 12,99 ±1,38, ortalama menstrüasyan sürelerinin 5,31 ± 1,15 gün ve ortalama menstrüalsiklus uzunluklarının 29,03 ±5,67 gün olduğu belirlenmiştir. MSÖnün alt boyut sayısı orijinal ölçekteolduğu gibi üç ile sınırlandırılarak gerçekleştirilen yapılan faktör analizi sonucunda toplam varyansın%50,99unu karşılayan ve özdeğeri 1den yüksek olan 3 faktör bulunmuştur. VAS ile MSÖ toplam puan(r= 0,603, p<0.000), MSÖ Faktör 1 (r=0,517, p<0.000), MSÖ Faktör 2 (r= 0,564, p<0.000) ve MSÖFaktör 3 (r=0,429, p<0.000) puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı ve güçlü bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir.Cronbach alfa değeri MSÖ toplam puanı için 0.92dir. İki uygulama arasındaki korelasyon katsayısı 0,89hesaplanmıştır.SONUÇ: İç tutarlık katsayısı, test-tekrar test kararlılık katsayısı ve açıklayıcı faktör analizi ve ölçüt- bağıntılı geçerlik analizlerinden elde edilen sonuçlar, MSÖnün Türkçede geçerlik ve güvenirlikbulgularının yeterli düzeyde olduğunu ve Türk adölesanlarında menstrüasyona ilişkin semptomlarındeğerlendirilmesinde kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.Publication Metadata only Educational needs of nurses to provide genetic services in prenatal care: a cross-sectional study from Turkey(Wiley, 2017) Ingvoldstad, Charlotta; N/A; N/A; N/A; Seven, Memnun; Eroğlu, Kafiye; Akyüz, Aygül; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 32470; 6061; 42416The latest advances in genetics/genomics have significantly impacted prenatal screening and diagnostic tests. This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in inpatient and outpatient obstetric clinics in 24 hospitals in Turkey to determine knowledge of genetics related to prenatal care and the educational needs of perinatal nurses. A total of 116 nurses working in these clinics agreed to participate. The results included the level of knowledge among nurses was not affected by sociodemographic factors. Also, there is a lack of knowledge and interest in genetics among prenatal nurses and in clinical practice to provide education and counseling related to genetics in prenatal settings as a part of prenatal care.Publication Metadata only The effect of self-administered superficial local hot and cold application methods on pain, functional status and quality of life in primary knee osteoarthritis patients(Wiley, 2017) Açıksöz, Semra; Tunay, Servet; Akyüz, Aygül; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 42416Aims and objectivesTo investigate the effect of the self-administered superficial local hot and cold applications on pain, and the functional status and the quality of life in primary knee osteoarthritis patients.Publication Metadata only Assessment of efficiency of the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in labor pain relief(Wiley, 2015) Sever, Neşe; N/A; Akyüz, Aygül; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 42416Publication Metadata only The use of model/theory in thesis on women's health nursing and its characteristics(Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2019) N/A; Dinmez, Sinem; Eroğlu, Kafiye; Akyüz, Aygül; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Nursing; School og Nursing; N/A; 6061; 42416Background: The use of models and theories carries importance in terms of reflecting the scientific aspects of the nursing profession. A more systematic approach can be earned for the functions of nursing through these means. Objectives: This study was conducted in order to determine the characteristics of the models or theories used in graduate theses conducted in the field of Women’s Health Nursing in our country and to gain awareness for nurses who conduct research. Methods: For the descriptive study, the theses found in the field of Women’s Health Nursing in the National Thesis Database were queried online, and (39) theses in which models or theories were used between the years of 1999 and 2018 were accessed. The data were examined under a total of ten headings and analyzed using descriptive, statistical methods. Results: It was seen in the field of Women’s Health Nursing in our country that graduate studies in which models or theories were used was limited (7%), that the Orem Self-Care Model was used most frequently, that there was an increase in recent years in the use of models or theories in doctoral theses, that studies were most frequently conducted in the field of obstetrics, that the conceptual-theoretical-empirical (CTE) structure was used in only 36% of studies, and that the effect of the use of models or theories on research results was expressed limitedly. Conclusion: It was reported in the study that the CTE structure was rarely used. For this reason, it is recommended that importance be given to CTE approaches in standardizing and obtaining measurable results in the implementation of theories and models and that research that reflects on the implementation of theoretical approaches be conducted. /Öz: Giriş: Hemşirelik mesleğinin bilimselliğini yansıtabilmesi açısından model/kuram kullanımı önem taşımaktadır. Bu yolla hemşirelik fonksiyonlarına daha sistematik bir yaklaşım kazandırılabilmektedir. Amaç: Bu çalışma ülkemizde Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği alanında yapılmış lisansüstü tezlerde kullanılan model ya da kuramların özelliklerini belirlemek ve araştırma yapan hemşirelere farkındalık kazandırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipte olan çalışma için Ulusal Tez Veri Tabanında Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği alanında yer alan tezler online olarak taranmış ve 1999-2018 yılları arasında model ya da kuram kullanılan (39) teze ulaşılmıştır. Veriler toplam on başlık altında incelenerek, tanımlayıcı istatistiksel yöntemler ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Ülkemizde Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği alanında model ya da kuram kullanılan lisansüstü çalışmaların sınırlı (%7) olduğu, en sık Orem Öz Bakım Modelinin kullanıldığı, doktora tezlerinde model ya da kuram kullanımında son yıllarda artış olduğu, en sık obstetri alanında çalışma yapıldığı, çalışmaların sadece %36’sında kavramsal-kuramsaldeneysel (Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical: CTE) yapının kullanıldığı ve model ya da kuram kullanımının araştırma sonucuna olan etkisinin sınırlı olarak ifade edildiği görülmüştür. Sonuç: Çalışmalarda CTE yapının nadiren kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Bu nedenle kuram ve modellerin uygulanmasında standardizasyon sağlamak ve ölçülebilir sonuçlar elde etmede CTE yapıya önem verilmesi ve kuramsal yaklaşımları uygulamaya yansıtacak araştırmaların yapılması önerilebilir.Publication Metadata only Evaluation of effectiveness of parent health education about the sexual developments of adolescents with intellectual disabilities(Springer, 2015) Kök, Gülşah; N/A; Akyüz, Aygül; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 42416The study highlights rehabilitation implications of organizing parents' educational programs to increase knowledge and enhance self-efficacy in addressing the needs of sexual development of adolescents with intellectual disability. The procedure included: individual interviews to create the content education program, provide education, and evaluate the effectiveness of the education. Over a 4 week period, four education modules were conducted for each parent. Then 2 weeks were utilized to evaluate the efficiency before and after education. Both fathers and mothers were mostly in the 40-49 years age group. Children with intellectual disabilities were mostly between the ages of 10 and 14, male, and receiving special education for 7-12 years. General self-efficacy and information scores of both mothers and fathers were found to be significantly increased after the education (p < 0.001; p < 0.001 respectively). Parents did not know how to deal with the problems effectively about the sexual development of their adolescent children with intellectual disabilities. Health professionals can help increase parents' awareness, knowledge and skills by providing educational and rehabilitation supports on issues such as sexual development of children with disabilities during the process of adolescence.