Atasoy, Pınar

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Atasoy, Pınar

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    The role of CD68 (+) histiocytic macrophages in nasal polyp development
    (Thieme Medical Publishers, 2021) Bayar Muluk, Nuray; Arikan, Osman Kursat; Kilic, Rahmi; Tuna Yalcinozan, Eda; Atasoy, Pınar; Doctor; N/A; Koç University Hospital; N/A
    Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the role of CD68 (+) histiocytic macrophages (H-M) in the nasal polyp pathogenesis. Materials and Methods The study group consisted of 24 adult patients with nasal polyposis. The control group consisted of 11 adult patients without nasal polyps. A total of 36 nasal polyp samples (10-nasal cavity, 10-maxillary sinus, and 16-ethmoid sinus) from the study group and 11 inferior turbinate samples from the control group were analyzed by immunohistochemical staining, with monoclonal antibodies against CD68 (+) H-M. Results CD68 positivity was significantly higher than the control group in the subepithelial (SE) layer of the ethmoid sinus, and deep layers of nasal cavity, maxillary, and ethmoid sinuses. In SE and deep layers of ethmoid and maxillary sinuses, CD68 positivity was significantly higher than that of the epithelial layer. In the deep layer, histiocytic macrophages tended to gather around eosinophils. Conclusion The high numbers of CD68 (+) histiocytic macrophages mainly located in deep layer of lamina propria may be responsible for the phagocytosis of eosinophils within the polyp tissue. Therefore, it may be concluded that increased macrophages in nasal polyps do not trigger the growth of nasal polyps. Instead, they may serve to reduce the number of eosinophils in already-developed nasal polyps.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Far from luck's way: a concurrence of Kaposi sarcoma and cutaneous angiosarcoma in the setting of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    (Medknow Publications, 2020) Sezgin, Billur; Yiğit, Yeşim Esen; Tatar, Sedat; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Durankuş, Nilüfer Kılıç; Kulaç, İbrahim; Atasoy, Pınar; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 133762; N/A; N/A; 202015; N/A; 170305; N/A
    Kaposi sarcoma and cutaneous angiosarcoma are rare forms of skin malignancies that are vascular in nature and are frequently encountered in the immunosuppressed population. Although synchronous angiosarcoma and Kaposi sarcoma have been documented, to our knowledge, the coexistence of these vascular malignancies with underlying chronic lymphocytic leukemia has not been previously reported. A 51-year-old male patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia presented with Kaposi sarcoma located on his left ankle. Shortly after, the patient presented with de novo lesions located on the plantar region of the right foot, reported as angiosarcoma. Following a multidisciplinary decision, treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of paclitaxel and carboplatin with consolidation radiotherapy was planned. The patient's Kaposi sarcoma has remained unchanged throughout this period.In such cases, the treatment is advised to be planned around the more aggressive malignancy. These patients should also be followed-up by dermatology due to the higher risk of secondary cutaneous malignancies.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    The comparison of pleurodesis effects of iodopovidone at different concentrations and magnesium silicate: an experimental study
    (Bayçınar Tıbbi Yayıncılık ve Reklam Hizmetleri, 2021) Zorlu, E.; Kür, S.; Pekcan, Z.; Günal, N.; Dural, K.; Özpolat, B.; Atasoy, Pınar; Koç University Hospital
    Background: this experimental study aims to investigate the pleurodesis effects of iodopovidone at different concentrations (2% and 4%) and sterile talc in a rat model. Methods: forty male Wistar Albino rats were randomly divided into four equal groups including 10 rats in each group. Groups 1, 2, and 3 were designed as the study, and Group 4 as the control group. In Group 1, 4 g sterile talc was given in the slurry form at 20 mL 0.9% saline solution, in Group 2 and Group 3 10% iodopovidone solution were given at 4% and 2% concentrations, respectively, and in Group 4, 0.9% saline was only administrated as 3 mL into the pleural space. All rats were sacrificed on Day 30 and evaluated for macroscopic and microscopic examination. Microscopic evaluation was performed for alveolar collapse, alveolar hemorrhage, alveolar infiltration and fibrosis. Brain, liver, and kidney tissues were also examined. Results: Iodopovidone macroscopically caused a significant adhesion similar to sterile talc at a concentration of 4%. The pleurodesis effect of iodopovidone at a concentration of 4% was significantly similar to talc, when microscopic parameters were evaluated. Granulomas due to sterile talc were observed in the opposite hemithorax. Brain, liver, and kidney examinations revealed no systemic distribution for both agents. Conclusion: iodopovidone is a powerful alternative to sterile talc with its easy accessibility and low cost. In this study, 4% iodopovidone was found to provide effective and safe pleurodesis in rats. We believe that the use of this concentration in clinical studies would provide more effective results. / Amaç: bu deneysel çalışmada bir sıçan modelinde iodopovidonun farklı konsantrasyonlarının (%2 ve %4) ve steril talkın plörodez etkileri araştırıldı. Ça¬lış¬ma pla¬nı: kırk erkek Wistar Albino sıçan, her grupta 10 sıçan olacak şekilde rastgele dört eşit gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1, 2, 3 çalışma grubu ve Grup 4 kontrol grubu olarak belirlendi. Grup 1’e 4 g steril talk 20 mL %0.9 serum fizyolojik ile bulamaç haline getirilerek verildi; Grup 2 ve Grup 3’e %10 iodopovidon solüsyonu sırasıyla %4 ve %2 konsantrasyonlarında verildi ve Grup 4’e %0.9 serum fizyolojik 3’er mL olacak şekilde plevral aralığa uygulandı. Sıçanlar 30. günde sakrifiye edilerek, makroskobik ve mikroskobik inceleme yapılmak üzere değerlendirildi. Mikroskobik değerlendirme alveoler kollaps, alveoler hemoraji, alveoler infiltrasyon ve fibrozis açısından yapıldı. Beyin, karaciğer ve böbrek dokuları da incelendi. Bulgular: iodopovidon %4 konsantrasyonda makroskobik olarak steril talka benzer şekilde önemli yapışıklığa neden oldu. İodopovidonun %4 konsantrasyonda plörodez etkisinin de, mikroskobik parametreler değerlendirildiğinde, anlamlı şekilde talka benzer olduğu görüldü. Karşı hemitoraksta steril talka bağlı granülomlar izlendi. Beyin, karaciğer ve böbrek incelemelerinde her iki ajanın da sistemik yayılımı görülmedi. So¬nuç: iodopovidon kolay ulaşılabilir olması ve maliyetinin düşük olması nedeniyle steril talka güçlü bir alternatiftir. Bu çalışmada, %4’lük iodopovidonun sıçanlarda etkili ve güvenli bir plörodez sağladığı görüldü. Klinik çalışmalarda bu konsantrasyonun kullanımının daha etkin sonuçlar sağlayacağını düşünmekteyiz