Türkmen, Emine

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Türkmen, Emine

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  • Placeholder
    Turkish critical care nurses' views on end-of-life decision making and practices
    (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Topcu, Ibrahim; Miral, Mukaddes; Ersoy, Nermin; Akin, Esra; N/A; Badır, Aysel; Türkmen, Emine; Göktepe, Nilgün; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; N/A; 109503; 106155
    BackgroundLife-sustaining treatments are increasingly used in intensive care units (ICUs) for EOL care, but the decision to use these may cause ethical issues. Aims and objectivesThe aim of this study was to investigate the views and practices of critical care nurses in Turkey on the end-of-life (EOL) care. DesignThis was a cross-sectional study. MethodsThe research was conducted in 32 second- and third-level ICUs of 19 Ministry of Health research hospitals in Turkey. The Views of European Nurses in Intensive Care on EOL Care tool was used for data collection. ResultsThe total sample size was 602. While half of the nurses stated that the withholding and withdrawal of life support were ethically different decisions, 40% felt both decisions were unethical. The expected quality of life as viewed by the patient, the medical team, the family and the nursing team (904%, 854%, and 834%, respectively) was an important factor in EOL decision making. The majority of the nurses (757%) were not directly involved in the EOL decision making and 784% of nurses were committed to family involvement in EOL decisions. When withdrawing treatment, 872% of ICU nurses agreed that the patient and family members should perform their final religious and spiritual duties. Further results showed that after withdrawing treatment, a majority of nurses (86%) agreed to continue pressure sore prevention, effective pain relief (855%), nutritional support (776%) and hydration (648%). Almost half (482%) indicated that keeping the patients in the ICU was unnecessary. ConclusionICU nurses expressed a range of experiences and practices regarding EOL care. ICU nurses should be more involved in the decision-making process about EOL care. Relevance to clinical practiceDue to their unique relationship with patients, nurses should be involved in EOL care decision making; however, patients, families or nurses are not often involved in the decision-making process in Turkey.
  • Placeholder
    Determining nursing service management standards in Turkey: a Delphi study
    (Wiley, 2020) Yıldırım, Tuğba Öztürk; Baykal, Ülkü; Türkmen, Emine; Faculty Member; Semahat Arsel Nursing Education, Practice and Research Center / Semahat Arsel Hemşirelik Eğitim, Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (SANERC); School of Nursing; 109503
    Objective: To establish the current management standards needed by nurse managers in Turkey and to share the process of establishing standards. Background Relevant and utilizable nursing management standards are needed for effective and efficient nursing administration to achieve better outcomes in health care. Methods: A three-round e-Delphi method was used in this study. First, the experts were asked an open-ended question. In the second and third rounds, data analysis measurements included item-by-item per cent agreement, standard deviation, average, median and interquartile range. Results: At the end of the third round, 49 standards were obtained under five main standards for nurse managers: management and organisation; leadership; human resources management; quality management; and professionalism. Conclusion: The results of this study, which represent a consensus on nursing management standards drawn from the views of experts across regions and institutions in Turkey, provide a baseline to design, manage and evaluate nursing services. Implications for Nursing Management: Nursing management standards, which are fundamental for designing, leading and evaluating nursing services, give a framework for nurse managers to provide effective and efficient administrative practices.
  • Placeholder
    The adaptation of the high-performance work systems scale into Turkish: a validity and reliability study
    (Yönetici Hemşireler Derneği, 2020) Ekici, Zeynep; Türkmen, Emine; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 109503
    Aim: This methodological study was performed to determine whether the Turkish version of the High Performance Work Systems Scale developed by Zacharatos in 2001 is a valid and reliable tool for nurses in Turkey. Method: The study was conducted with 450 nurses who were working in five hospitals in Istanbul between November 2016 and January 2017. The study data were collected using the “Descriptive Characteristics Form”, and “High Performance Work Systems Scale” consisting of 51 items. Results: The scale was translated from English into Turkish considering international scale adaptation standards. The content validity index of the scale was 0.97. Nine items with a total correlation coefficient was less than 0.25 were excluded from the scale. The stability of the scale over time was tested with 30 nurses twice at a 15-day interval. Any significant difference between the two measurements could not be found. In the explanatory factor analysis, five items with a factor loading of <0.40 were removed and the remaining items were included in six sub-dimensions. In the confirmatory factor analysis, the path coefficients of the items with their own dimensions ranged between 0.31 and 0.84. The goodness of fit of the model determined in the confirmatory factor analysis was at an acceptable level. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was 0.88 for the overall scale and ranged from 0.56 to 0.85 for the sub-dimensions. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the scale is a valid and reliable tool and thus can be administered to nurses in Turkey. Nurse managers and researchers can benefit from this scale to assess the institutional performance. / Amaç: Bu metodolojik çalışma, 2001 yılında Zacharatos tarafından geliştirilen “Yüksek Performanslı Çalışma Sistemleri Ölçeği”nin Türkçe formunun ülkemiz hemşireleri için geçerli ve güvenilir bir araç olup olmadığını incelemek amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntem: Çalışma, Kasım 2016-Ocak 2017 tarihleri arasında İstanbul’da beş hastanede çalışan 450 hemşire ile yürütüldü. Araştırmanın verileri “Tanımlayıcı Özellikler Formu” ve 51 maddeden oluşan “Yüksek Performanslı Çalışma Sistemleri Ölçeği” ile toplandı. Bulgular: Ölçek, uluslararası ölçek uyarlama standartları dikkate alınarak İngilizceden Türkçeye çevrildi. Kapsam geçerlik indeksi ,97 olarak bulundu. Madde-toplam korelasyon katsayısı ,25’in altında olan 9 madde ölçekten çıkarıldı. Ölçeğin zamana karşı güvenirlik testi için 30 hemşireden 15 gün ara ile yapılan iki ölçüm arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Açıklayıcı faktör analizinde faktör yükü <40 altında olan 5 madde çıkarıldı ve kalan maddelerin altı alt boyutta yer aldığı belirlendi. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizinde maddelerin kendi boyutu ile olan yol katsayıları ,31 ile ,84 arasında bulundu ve model uyum iyiliği değerleri kabul edilebilir düzeyde saptandı. Ölçeğin ve alt boyutlarının Cronbach alfa katsayısı tüm ölçek için ,88, alt boyutları için ise ,56 ile ,85 arasında bulundu. Sonuç: Çalışma sonuçları, bu ölçeğin ülkemiz hemşireleri için kullanılabilecek geçerli ve güvenilir bir araç olduğunu göstermektedir. Yönetici hemşireler ve araştırmacılar, kurum performansını değerlendirmede bu ölçekten yararlanabilir.
  • Placeholder
    Executive nurses’ views about nursing work environment: a qualitative study
    (Yönetici Hemşireler Derneği, 2020) Topçu, İbrahim; Miral, Mukaddes Turan; Serbest, Şehriban; Özcan, Duygu; N/A; Göktepe, Nilgün; Türkmen, Emine; Kebapçı, Ayda; Albayrak, Selvinaz; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Teaching Faculty; Semahat Arsel Nursing Education, Practice and Research Center / Semahat Arsel Hemşirelik Eğitim, Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (SANERC); School of Nursing; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 106155; 109503; 203808; 106119
    Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate executive nurses’ views and experiences about nursing work environment at hospitals. Method: In this descriptive and qualitative study, which was conducted in Istanbul, 18 individualized in depth interviews were per- formed with executive nurses working in private and public hospitals using semi-structured questions. Data were collected with a tape recorder and content analyzes were performed thematically. Results: Three main themes were determined including leadership and management practices, nursing staffing and management, and management of relationship and collaboration. It was revealed that the executive nurses’ autonomy was at a low level and par- ticipation to hospital executive decisions was inadequate, and they provided coordination of non-nursing supportive services such as housekeeping activities. Executive nurses stated that although there were training and development activities and promotional opportunities in hospitals, the quality, and quantity of nurses were very inadequate. Additionally, they specified that nurses had increased workload, and very high turnover rates, working conditions were not good, and they had difficulty in managing different generations. It was also stated that problems were experienced in cooperation and communication between themselves , nurses and doctors. Conclusion: Results from individual in-depth interviews have shown that executive nurses have many managerial problems in terms of nursing work environment. It is recommended that executive nurses strengthen their communication and collaboration with their teams, managers and policy makers in order to implement healthy workplace standards. /Öz: Amaç: Bu çalışma, üst düzey yönetici hemşirelerin hastanelerde hemşirelik çalışma ortamı hakkındaki görüş ve deneyimlerini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Bu tanımlayıcı ve nitel çalışma, İstanbul’da gerçekleştirilmiş olup, özel ve devlet hastanelerinde çalışan 18 üst düzey yö- netici hemşire ile yarı yapılandırılmış bireysel derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Veriler kayıt cihazı ile kaydedilmiş ve tematik olarak içerik analizi yapılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Liderlik ve yönetim uygulamaları, hemşire insan kaynağı ve yönetimi, iletişim ve ilişki yönetimi olmak üzere üç ana tema belirlenmiştir. Yönetici hemşirelerin özerkliğinin düşük olduğu, hastane yönetim kararlarına katılımının yetersiz olduğu ve yönetici hemşirelerin temizlik faaliyetleri gibi hemşirelik dışı destek hizmetlerin koordinasyonunu sağladıkları saptanmıştır. Yönetici hem- şireler, hastanelerde eğitim-geliştirme faaliyetleri ve terfi olanaklarının yanı sıra hemşirelerin nitelik ve niceliklerinin çok yetersiz olduğunu, iş yükü ve devir hızlarının çok yüksek olduğunu, çalışma koşullarının iyi olmadığını ve özellikle kuşakları yönetmede çok zorlandıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca hemşire-hekim ve hemşire-hemşire arasındaki iş birliği ve iletişimde sorunlar yaşandığına da değinmişlerdir. Sonuç: Bireysel derinlemesine görüşmelerden elde edilen sonuçlar, yönetici hemşirelerin hemşire çalışma ortamıyla ilgili sorunlar yaşadıklarını göstermektedir. Yönetici hemşirelerin sağlıklı çalışma ortamı standartlarını yaşama geçirebilmeleri için kendi ekipleri, birlikte çalıştıkları yöneticiler ve politika yapıcılar ile iletişim ve iş birliklerini güçlendirmeleri gerekmektedir.
  • Placeholder
    The transcultural adaptation and the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Perroca's Patient Classification Instrument
    (Wiley, 2020) Ayan, Güzin; Türkmen, Emine; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 109503
    Aim: This study examines the transcultural adaptation and the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of Perroca's Patient Classification Instrument. Background: Nurse managers need valid and reliable patient classification tools for determining patients' acuity or dependency levels on nursing care for measuring nursing workloads. Methods: This study was conducted in two stages in a private hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. First, the instrument was translated, and its content validation was analysed. In the second stage, data were gathered from 300 hospitalized patients and were analysed by factor analyses, Cronbach's alpha and Cohen's kappa. Results: Validity testing with ten experts revealed a scale-content validity index of 0.93. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a two-dimensional instrument with distinct factor loadings and a variance of 66.97%. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the fit indices were satisfactory. This instrument had an overall Cronbach's alpha coefficient of .86 and Cohen's kappa coefficient of .826. Conclusion: The study provides evidence that the Turkish version of Perroca's Patient Classification Instrument is a valid and reliable tool to determine patients' acuity levels on nursing care. Implications for Nursing Management: This instrument may be used by nurse managers to determine acuity levels of patients and measure nursing workload.
  • Placeholder
    The COVID-19 outbreak in Turkey: experiences of nurse managers and activities of the Nurse Managers Association in crisis management
    (Koç Üniversitesi HYO Semahat Arsel Hemşirelik Eğitim ve Araştırma Merkezi (SANERC), 2020) Baykal, Ülkü; Alan, Handan; Güngör, Serkan; Tekin, Devrim Eren; Başulaş, Çağlar Yılmaz; Gümüş, Emel; Serbest, Şehriban; Şen, Hanife Tiryaki; N/A; N/A; Türkmen, Emine; Göktepe, Nilgün; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; 109503; 106155
    The Covid-19 epidemic, which emerged in December 2019 and rapidly circled the globe, once again demonstrated the power and importance of nursing in healthcare services. This review aimed to convey the experiences of nurse managers in their struggle with their teams and the efforts of the Nurse Managers Association to support the profession. Strengthening nursing services in healthcare institutions will contribute to our successful efforts to overcome the pandemic and any future crisis and to provide better healthcare that our society deserves. / Aralık 2019’da ortaya çıkan ve hızla tüm dünyayı saran COVID-19 salgını sağlık bakım hizmetlerinde hemşireliğin gücü ve önemini bir kez daha gözler önüne sermiştir. Bu derlemede, yönetici hemşirelerin tüm ekipleriyle birlikte verdikleri mücadelede yaşadıkları deneyimlerin ve Yönetici Hemşireler Derneği’nin meslektaşlara destek çabalarının aktarılması amaçlanmıştır. Sağlık kurumlarında hemşirelik hizmetlerinin güçlendirilmesi bu ve gelecek her türlü krizin daha başarılı atlatılmasına ve toplumumuzun hak ettiği daha iyi sağlık bakımını verme çabalarımıza katkı sağlayacaktır.
  • Placeholder
    Evaluation of indirect nursing care practices in a private hospital
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu, 2011) Uslu, Azime; Türkmen, Emine; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 109503
    It is important to manage nursing workload efficiently in order to provide safe and effective services. This study was conducted to assess indirect nursing care practices in a private hospital. Method: Sixty-five nurses working twenty-four different shifts were surveyed using a form to identify patient and unit-related indirect nursing practices. Time spent on both indirect practises were measured by a stopwatch. Data were evaluated using average, percentage, and the Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Results: The average time spent for patient-related indirect nursing practices was more than one hour per patient (1.11±0.20 hours) and time required for unit-related indirect activities was almost one hour (53.79 min.) in each shift. Time spent on patient-related indirect practices did not differ based on unit/ward or work shifts, and 25% of patientrelated indirect care practices and 35% of unit-related tasks could be reassigned to other support staff or health care profession. Conclusion: It is possible for nurses to save time by having some patient and unit-related indirect practices excluded from the nursing workload. / Daha kaliteli ve güvenli bir hizmet sunumu için hemşire iş gücünün etkin kullanılması önemlidir. Bu çalışma, özel bir hastanede, hemşirelerin yaptıkları dolaylı bakım uygulamaları ile ilgili işleri değerlendirmek amacı ile yapıldı. Yöntem: Veriler “Dolaylı bakım uygulamaları iş listesi” ile toplandı. 24 vardiyada (12 saatlik) çalışan toplam 65 hemşirenin yaptığı, hasta ve ünite ile ilgili dolaylı bakım uygulamaları için harcadığı zaman kronomotre tutularak ölçüldü. Veriler yüzdelik, ortalama ve Kolmogorov Smirnov testi ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hemşirelerin 12 saatlik bir vardiyada, ünite ile ilgili dolaylı işler için yaklaşık 1 saat (53.79 dakika), hasta ile ilgili dolaylı bakım uygulamaları için ise hasta başına bir saatten fazla (1.11±0.20 saat) zaman harcadığı bulundu. Hasta ile ilgili dolaylı bakım uygulamaları için harcanan sürenin ünitelere ve vardiyalara göre değişmediği; bu uygulamalardan %25’inin, ünite işlerinden %65,7’sinin diğer sağlık ekibi üyelerine veya destek hizmetler personeline aktarılabilir iş olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç: Hasta ve ünite ilgili bazı dolaylı bakım uygulamalarının hemşire iş yükünden çıkarılması ile hemşire iş gücünden tasarruf yapılabileceği sonucuna varıldı.
  • Placeholder
    Why do nurses choose to stay silent?: a qualitative study
    (Wiley, 2022) Baykal, Ulku; Yalçın, Begüm; Türkmen, Emine; Teaching Faculty; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; N/A; 109503
    Aim: This study aimed to explore nurses' views and experiences regarding remaining silent. Background: Silence is a barrier for organizational improvement and can occur for many reasons; it cannot be simply defined as the opposite of speaking out. Method: An exploratory qualitative design was used for this study. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews in 2016 with 24 nurses who were recruited by using a snowball sampling method. Results: Three themes emerged as a result of the thematic analysis: fear, silence climate and disengagement. The first theme contained three subthemes: avoidance of being seen as a troublemaker, financial loss and reluctance to reveal lack of ability or knowledge. The results indicated that nurses remained silent when they felt unsupported or psychologically unsafe in their work environment. Conclusion: Encouraging nurses to express their opinions is essential for creating a psychologically safe nursing work environment and an organizational climate that supports open communication. Because the majority of healthcare professionals are nurses, they can act as role models and change agents for other nurses if they are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions without fear of retribution.
  • Placeholder
    McCloskey ve Mueller’in iş doyum ölçeğinin Türkçe'ye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması
    (Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2020) Bayrakçı, Gizem; Türkmen, Emine; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 109503
    Job satisfaction is an important factor in the retention of nurses. There are a few valid and reliable scales to evaluate job satisfaction for nurses in Turkey. Objectives: This methodological study was performed to determine whether the Turkish version of the "McCloskey and Mueller Job Satisfaction Scale/MMSS" is a valid and reliable tool for nurses in Turkey. Methods: This study was conducted with 324 nurses in three hospitals in Istanbul between June and August 2017. The study data collected using the "Descriptive Characteristics Form", and "McCloskey and Mueller Job Satisfaction Scale" consisting of 31 items. Results: The scale content validity index was 0.93. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.81 for the overall scale and ranged from 0.45 to 0.70 for the sub-dimensions. The stability of the scale over time was tested with 32 nurses twice at a 15-day interval. There was no significant difference between the two measurements. The item-total score reliability coefficient of the scale ranged between 0.28 and 0.49. In the confirmatory factor analysis, the path coefficients of the items with their dimension (eight sub-dimensions) ranged between 0.36 and 0.64. The goodness of fit of the model determined in the confirmatory factor analysis was at an acceptable level (Chi square / Degree of freedom: 1.4, p < .05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that MMSS meets the content and construct validity criteria. Although reliability tests of the MMSS, which are item analysis and stability, are acceptable range there is a need for further research to test the reliability of Cronbach alpha on the sub-dimensions of the MMSS. / Giriş: İş doyumu, hemşireleri işte tutmanın önemli bir belirleyicisidir. Türkiye’de hemşirelerin iş doyumunu değerlendirmek üzere kullanılan, geçerlik ve güvenirliği sınanmış ölçeklerin sayısı sınırlıdır. Amaç: Bu metodolojik çalışma, “McCloskey ve Mueller İş Doyumu Ölçeği” Türkçe formunun ülkemiz hemşireleri için geçerli ve güvenilir bir araç olup olmadığını incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Bu çalışma, Haziran-Ağustos 2017 tarihleri arasında İstanbul’da üç hastanede görev yapan 324 hemşire ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak "Sosyo-Demografik ve Mesleki Özellikler Formu" ile 31 maddelik “McCloskey ve Mueller İş Doyumu Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Ölçeğin kapsam geçerlilik indeksi .93 bulunmuştur. İç tutarlılık analizinde Cronbach alpha güvenirlik katsayısının tüm ölçek için .81; alt boyutlar için .45 ile .70 arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Test-tekrar test analizinde iki uygulama arasında fark bulunmamıştır (t = .27, p > .05). Otuz bir maddenin madde-toplam puan korelasyon güvenirlik katsayıları r = .28 ile .49 arasında bulunmuştur. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizinde, ölçek maddelerinin kendi boyutu (sekiz alt boyutlu) ile olan faktör yükleri .36 ile .64 arasında saptanmıştır. Ölçeğin model-veri uyum değerlerinin kabul edilebilir düzeyde iyi olduğu belirlenmiştir (Ki-kare / serbestlik derecesi: 1.4, p < .05). Sonuç: McCloskey ve Mueller İş Doyumu Ölçeği”nin Türkçe formu kapsam ve yapı geçerliliği ölçütlerini karşılamaktadır. Madde analizleri ve zamana karşı değişmezlik güvenirlik ölçütlerini sağlamakla birlikte, ölçeğin alt boyutları açısından iç tutarlılık (Cronbach alfa) güvenirliği için çalışma yapılmasına ihtiyaç vardır.
  • Placeholder
    Use of team-based learning in a nursing leadership course an action research study
    (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2018) N/A; N/A; Göktepe, Nilgün; Türkmen, Emine; Zeybekoğlu, Zuhal; Yalçın, Begüm; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Other; Teaching Faculty; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; N/A; School of Nursing; N/A; N/A; Koç Üniversitesi Öğrenme ve Öğretme Ofisi (KOLT); N/A; 106155; 109503; N/A; N/A
    Team-based learning (TBL) is a learner-centered method widely used in health sciences education. The aim of this action research study was to determine the contribution of TBL to the learning experience of students participating in a nursing leadership course. The study was conducted in 2 cycles over 2 semesters, and TBL was embedded in regular class hours. Results suggest that TBL made positive contributions to student learning.