Researcher: Coşkun, Anahit
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Coşkun, Anahit
Coşkun, Anagit Margirit
Coşkun, Anagit Margirit
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Publication Metadata only An assessment of the importance of pad testing in stress urinary incontinence and the effects of incontinence on the life quality of women(Springer-Verlag London Ltd, 2003) Aslan, E; Beji, NK; Yalcin, O; N/A; Coşkun, Anahit; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; N/AOur objectives in this study were to determine the severity of incontinence using pad testing and the effects of incontinence on the life quality of women with stress incontinence. Fifty women with a diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence were selected for the study. The Symptom Severity Index (SSI) and Symptom Impact Index (SII) were used to determine the severity and impact of incontinence. Afterwards the women were given a 1-h pad test. According to the pad tests 38% of women suffered severe to very severe incontinence. Women who showed severe incontinence on pad .testing scored high in the SSI; on the other hand, no relationship was found between SII and pad test indicators. It was also observed that both SSI and SII scores increased with increasing age of the women (SSI: r = 0.29, P < 0.05; SII: r = 0.30 P < 0.05). It may therefore be concluded that the severity of incontinence makes no difference in the effects of incontinence on the life quality of women.Publication Metadata only Quality of life and sexual functioning in gynecological cancer patients: results from quantitative and qualitative data(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2010) Reis, Nesrin; Beji, Nezihe Kizilkaya; N/A; Coşkun, Anahit; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; Koç University Hospital; N/AAims: The purpose of the present study was to determine the quality of life levels of patients with gynecologic cancer and to find out the problems that affect their quality of life and sexual functioning. Methods: The research was carried out at the gynecologic oncology clinics of Istanbul University. The data were collected using The Quality of Life-Cancer Survivors (QOL-CS) Instrument with 100 survivors. Moreover, semi-structured in-depth interviews were carried out with 30 of these 100 subjects focusing on their sexual life. Key results: Overall QOL for this sample was moderate (X = 4.83 +/- 1.09) and gynecologic cancer and treatment procedures caused important problems that had a negative effect on physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of quality of life. In addition, it was found that treatment procedures assault a potential fourfold on sexual health, body image, gender role functioning (femininity), sexual functioning and fertility. Conclusion: Gynecologic cancer and treatment procedures cause important problems that have a negative effect on quality of life and sexual functioning is particularly impaired, being an important element of quality of life. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Publication Metadata only Gender inequality: reflections on the nurses role in women's health(Koç Üniversitesi HYO Semahat Arsel Hemşirelik Eğitim ve Araştırma Merkezi (SANERC), 2012) Özdilek, Resmiye; N/A; Coşkun, Anahit; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; N/AThe “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” states that all people have equal rights without gender discrimination in all fields and in all circumstances. However, it is unfortunate that a disparity model giving more value and priority to men has continued from the past to the present in many areas of life. This inequality becomes more apparent in such areas as social life, marriage and family life, work life, education, politics and decision-making, human rights, and access to health services. The most important area of women’s health where gender discrimination appears is in reproductive health services. Throughout the world, women still face violence, become disabled or die due to their gender. Women are unable to make independent decisions regarding their health care due to a variety of social and family pressures, and face barriers when trying to access health care facilities and services. To achieve gender equality, individuals of all ages and genders, especially men, health workers, leaders, and legislators should develop awareness and adopt an equal perspective. Today, the WHO, the United Nations, the Council of Europe and organizations such as the Women’s Health Council have joined forces and initiated advocacy programs, including “Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment, Gender Equality in Health and Gender-Sensitive Health Services”. It should be ensured that all nurses who work directly in society provide care and services based on human rights and gender equality. In our country, significant differences in health indicators between regions and settlements seriously affect women’s health, their problems, and their roles in society. Outside of advocacy, the nurse should assess women using a holistic approach and plan women’s health care accordingly /Öz: İnsan hakları evrensel bildirgesinde, kadın ve erkek ayırımcılığı yapılmaksızın tüm insanların her koşulda ve alanda eşit haklara sahip olduğu belirtilmektedir. Ancak geçmişten günümüze toplumsal yaşamın birçok alanında ne yazık ki erkeğe kadından daha fazla değer ve öncelik veren bir eşitsizlik modeli süregelmektedir. Bu eşitsizlik, özellikle toplumsal yaşam, evlilik ve aile içi yaşam, çalışma yaşamı, eğitim durumu, siyaset ve karar mekanizması, insan haklarını kullanma, sağlık hizmetlerinden yararlanma gibi alanlarda daha fazla göze çarpmaktadır. Kadın sağlığında toplumsal cinsiyet ayırımcılığının görüldüğü en önemli alan üreme sağlığı hizmetleridir. Dünya genelinde kadınlar, hala şiddete uğramakta doğurganlıkları nedeniyle sakat kalabilmekte ya da ölebilmektedir. Kadınlar, çeşitli toplumsal ve ailevi baskılar nedeniyle sağlık hizmeti almaya bağımsız karar verememekte, sağlık kuruluşuna gitmede ve sağlık hizmetlerinden yararlanmada engellerle karşılaşmaktadırlar. Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanmasında her yaş ve cinsiyetteki bireyin, özellikle de erkeklerin, sağlık çalışanların, liderlerin, yasa koyucuların vb. kişilerin bilinçlendirilmesi ve eşitlikçi bir bakış açısı geliştirmeleri sağlanmalıdır. Günümüzde Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, Birleşmiş Milletler, Avrupa Konseyi, Kadın Sağlığı Konseyi gibi kuruluşlar, “Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği, Kadının Güçlendirilmesi, Sağlıkta Cinsiyet Eşitliği ve Toplumsal Cinsiyete Duyarlı Sağlık Hizmetleri” alanlarında güçlerini birleştirip savunuculuk faaliyetleri başlatmışlardır. Kadın ve ailesi ile birebir iletişim içinde olan hemşirenin, insan hakları ve cinsiyet eşitliği temelinde bakım ve hizmet vermesi sağlanmalıdır. Ülkemizde sağlık göstergeleri açısından bölgeler ve yerleşim yerleri arasındaki önemli farklılık, kadın sağlığı ve sorunları, kadının toplumsal konumu vb. hususları da ciddi biçimde etkilemektedir. Hemşire, savunuculuk görevi dışında hizmet verdiği kadını bütünsel yaklaşımla değerlendirmeli ve bakımını ona göre planlamalıdır.Publication Metadata only Supporting safe motherhood services in Diyarbakir: a community-based distribution project(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2013) Karakaya, Eylem; N/A; Coşkun, Anahit; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; N/ATo provide pregnant and puerperal women experiencing problems with receiving health care in Diyarbakir, Turkey, with an education program and counseling to help them attain appropriate health behaviors and to support receiving health care through a community based distribution model. This article is a descriptive report of a qualitative community based distribution project conducted in cooperation with the Women's Research and Implementation Centre (WRIC) of Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality (DMM) and Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation. The study was carried out between March 2007 and April 2008 in six districts of Diyarbakir, a region with a population of 37,000 people of low socio-economic status and who immigrated from the surrounding villages. A total of 6,029 families were visited and 1,119 pregnant and puerperal women were contacted, provided with education and counseling and referred to primary health care clinics at home visits. Seven women living in the region were selected and educated so that they could offer peer education and educational material was prepared for the target group. The pregnant and puerperal women living in the study area were recorded and referred to primary health care clinics. They were visited four times during pregnancy and three times during puerperium and were provided an education program and counseling. Data were collected from the records made during monitoring the women and focus group discussions with women, peer trainers and health care staff. They were found to acquire appropriate health behaviors, 36.2 % women started to receive health care from primary health care clinics for the first time and 86.9 % of the deliveries were performed at health centers. The pregnant and puerperal women were satisfied with home visits, felt special and put the information about self-care into practice. The number of the women receiving iron supplements and vaccine against tetanus and receiving regular care increased.