Publication: c-Abl is not activated in genomic damage induced and TAp63 mediated oocyte apoptosis in human
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There is a controversy in literature as to whether c-Abl is crucial for the induction of TAp63-mediated apoptosis and whether that inhibition of c-Abl with imatinib, which was designed to inhibit the oncogenic kinase BCR-ABL and c-kit, protects oocytes from chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in mice. No human data are available on this issue. We therefore aimed to explore whether genomic damage induced by chemotherapy drug cisplatin activates c-Abl along with TAp63 and the inhibition of c-Abl with imatinib prevents cisplatin-induced oocyte death and follicle loss in human ovary. Exposure to cisplatin induced DNA damage, activated TAp63 and SAPK/JNK pathway, and triggered apoptosis in the oocytes and granulosa cells. However, TAp63 activation after cisplatin was not associated with any increase in the expression of c-Abl. Imatinib did not prevent cisplatin-induced apoptosis of the granulosa cells or oocytes. Moreover, treatment with this drug resulted in the formation of bizarre shaped follicles lacking oocytes and increased follicular atresia by inducing apoptosis of granulosa cells and oocytes. Similar toxic effects were observed when ovarian tissue samples were incubated with a c-kit antagonist drug anti-CD117, but not with another c-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor GNF-2, which lacks an inhibitory action on c-kit. Intraperitoneal administration of imatinib to the xenografted animals produced similar histomorphological abnormalities in the follicles in human ovarian grafts and did not prevent cisplatin-induced follicle loss when co-administered with cisplatin. Our findings provide, for the first time, a molecular evidence for ovarian toxicity of this drug in human. Furthermore, this study together with two previous case reports of a severely compromised ovarian response to gonadotropin stimulation and premature ovarian failure in patients, while receiving imatinib, further heighten the concerns about its potential gonadotoxicity on human ovary and urge caution in its use in young female patients.
Fertility and Sterility
Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproductive biology