Publication: Outcome after the surgical treatment of the Dubberley type B distal humeral capitellar and trochlear fractures with a buttress plate
KU Authors
Demir, Muhammed Taha
Ertan Birsel, Sema
Salih, Muhammet
Pirinçci, Yusuf
Kesmezacar, Hayrettin
Publication Date
Journal Article
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Objective: this study aimed to evaluate the functional outcomes of the surgical treatment performed with a buttress plate for the trochlear and distal capitellum fractures with posterior extension in the humerus. Methods: the data belonging to 6 female and 4 male patients with a mean age of 43.8±11.1 (34–72) years were retrospectively evaluated. The mean follow-up period was 59.6±38.79 (22–127) months. The trochlear extension and posterior comminution of the fractures were assessed through the initial X-rays and computerized tomography images. Ten patients were classified as Dubberley type B. All fractures were treated surgically, with open reduction and internal fixation using a lateral buttress plate, headless cannulated screws, and Kirschner (K)-wires. The passive flexion and extension exercises were initiated at the first postoperative day. The patients were evaluated clinically and radiographically at the final follow-up. The outcomes were quantified using the Mayo Elbow Performance Index (MEPI), visual analog scale (VAS) pain score, and the patient’s opinion. Results: at the final follow-up, the mean elbow flexion was 137.5°±3° (132°–140°), extension was −17.9°±9.2° (10°–35°), pronation was 72.2°±2.6° (68°–75°), and supination was 78.9°±4.09 (72°–85°). The mean MEPI score was calculated as 95.5±5.98 (85–100). According to the MEPI score, 8 patients were evaluated as excellent and 2 as good. The mean VAS pain score was 0.8±1.03 (0–2). The subjective patient evaluation was recorded as excellent in 5 patients, good in 3 patients, and moderate in 2 patients. One patient developed avascular necrosis and 2 patients had elbow joint arthrosis. K-wire migration was observed in one patient. Loss of reduction, nonunion, malunion, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or heterotopic ossification were not encountered. Conclusion: the management of distal humeral fractures is challenging, and favorable outcomes are closely associated with early joint motion. A solid fixation grants early mobilization. An internal fixation using lateral buttress plate, headless cannulated screws, and interfragmentary K-wires provides a solid and secure construction that allows early postoperative joint motion.
Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica
Medicine, Orthopedics