Publication: The effect of health literacy on health behaviors in a sample of Turkish adolescents
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İlhan, Nesrin
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Purpose: Health literacy is a strong factor in the health outcomes and behaviors of adolescents. This study was conducted to examine the health literacy levels of adolescents, their health behaviors, and the effect of health literacy on health behaviors. Design and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with a total of 649 adolescents between the ages of 14 and 18. Data were collected using the Adolescent Lifestyle Profile II (ALP-R2) and the Health Literacy Scale for School-Age Children (HLSAC). A multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine the effects of health literacy on health behaviors and the factors associated with health behaviors. Results: The mean total ALP-R2 score of the participants was 114.35 ± 17.48, and their mean HLSAC score was 28.95 ± 5.79. Among the participants, 26% had low health literacy, 61.9% had moderate health literacy, and 12% had high health literacy. The regression analysis revealed that the health literacy levels of the participants significantly predicted all dimensions of health behaviors and total health behaviors (p < 0.001). The health literacy levels of the participants, the community where the adolescent lived, their participation in social activities, family relationships, friend relationships, and health perceptions significantly predicted their total health behaviors (R2 = 0.347;p < 0.001). Conclusions: The health literacy levels and health behaviors of adolescents were found to be moderate, and their health behaviors increased as their levels of health literacy increased. The results showed that the health literacy and health behaviors of adolescents need to be improved. Implications for practice: Nurses should provide training to increase the healthy lifestyle behaviors and health literacy of adolescents.
Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Nursing, Pediatrics