Publication: The effect of cold oral applications in the management of postoperative thirst: a systematic review
KU Authors
Mert, Sabiha
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Purpose: Thirst is one of the most bothersome symptoms experienced by surgical patients. Effective thirst intervention and management in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) and hospital wards is critical because patients are less sedated and more aware than in the past. There is a need to review the literature on the identification and management of thirst in the inpatient and PACU settings. The aim of this systematic review was to examine the available evidence on the effectiveness of oral cold applications on thirst in postoperative patients. Design: This was a systematic review study. Articles in PUBMED, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM, and TRDizin databases between January 2008 and January 2023 that included oral cold applications to relieve the thirst of patients in the postoperative period were included. Methods: The PICOT-SD (Patients Interventions Comparison Outcome Time-Study Design) method was used as an eligibility criterion for inclusion in the study. The eligibility criteria included that the articles were written in English-Turkish and within the target dates, the studies included nursing interventions, the primary outcome of the studies was thirst, and the study sample included postoperative patients. The risk of bias was assessed using the RoB2 tool developed by Cochrane. Findings: A total of 254 articles were retrieved from the databases using the specified keywords. 244 articles did not meet the study criteria: 30 were excluded because they were not interventional studies, 61 were not conducted in a postoperative population, 56 were duplicates, and 79 were not on a related topic. A total of 10 studies consisting of randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental articles met the criteria for our review. Oral cold applications effectively reduced the thirst rate of postoperative patients and improved their health-related quality of life. The intervention has also been shown to reduce other anesthesia-related complications. Conclusions: This systematic review concluded that cold oral applications have promising effects on thirst, dry mouth, and health-related quality of life. Cold oral applications are cost-effective and suitable for large-scale health care applications. © 2024 The American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing
W.B. Saunders