Publication: Factors affecting the response to Y-90 microsphere therapy in the cholangiocarcinoma patients
KU Authors
Bozkurt, Mehmet
Eldem, Gonca
Bozbulut, Utku Burak
Bozkurt, Murat Fani
Kilickap, Saadettin
Peynircioglu, Bora
Lay Ergun, Eser
Volkan-Salanci, Bilge
Publication Date
Journal Article
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Objective The aim of this study was to assess the early therapy response in patients with unresectable CCA who received Y-90 microsphere therapy for CCA and define the factors related to therapy response. Materials and methods Data of 19 patients [extrahepatic (n: 6) and intrahepatic (n: 13)] who received 24 sessions of Y-90 microsphere therapy [glass (n: 13) and resin (n: 11)] were retrospectively evaluated. Tumor load, tumor size, therapy response evaluation by RECIST1.1 criteria (n: 13), tumor lesion glycolysis (TLG), metabolic tumor volume (MTV), and metabolic therapy responses were evaluated (n: 8) using PERCIST1.0 criteria. Results No significant relation was found between therapy response and tumor localization, treated liver lobe, type of Y90 microspheres, the presence of previous therapies, perfusion pattern on hepatic artery perfusion scintigraphy, or patient demographics. The mean overall survival (OS) was 11.9 +/- 2.3 months and was similar after both resin and glass Y90 microspheres; however, it was longer RECIST responders (p: 0.005). MTV and TLG values significantly decreased after therapy, and Delta MTV (- 45.4% +/- 12.1) was found to be positively correlated with OS. No statistical difference was found between iCCA and eCCA, in terms of OS and response to therapy. Although not quantitatively displayed, better-perfused areas on HAPS images had a better metabolic response and less perfused areas were prone to local recurrences. Conclusions Both resin and glass microsphere therapy can be applied safely to iCCA and eCCA patients. Early therapy response can be evaluated with both RECIST and PERCIST criteria. Both anatomical and metabolic therapy response evaluations give complementary information.
Radiologia Medica
Springer-Verlag Italia Srl
Radiology, Nuclear medicine, Medical imaging