Improving middle school students’ understanding about scientific inquiry through creative problem-solving modules enriched with the history of science

dc.contributor.coauthorDoğan, Nihal
dc.contributor.kuauthorÖzer, Ferah
dc.contributor.unitKoç University Office of Learning and Teaching (KOLT)
dc.description.abstractResearch showed that middle school students’ understandings of scientific inquiry in Türkiye are inadequate in spite of the science curriculum reforms that have been conducted in recent years. And thus, contemporary science curricula should be organized as learning environments where students can find creative solutions to real-life problems using inquiry, collaboration, and reflection and can experience the process of creating scientific knowledge. In line with this, in this study, it was aimed to improve the understanding about scientific inquiry of middle school students through learning environments namely Creative Problem-Solving Modules Enriched with History of Science, and to compare their effectiveness with the current science curriculum. The participants of the study were students in the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades, who were grouped as intervention (N=141) and control (N=77). Since it is a quasi-experimental study, classroom interventions namely Creative Problem-Solving Modules Enriched with History of Science were implemented in the intervention classrooms for one academic year, whereas in the control group classes, the Ministry of National Education Science (MoNE) curriculum practices, which has the vision of scientific literacy and is based on the inquiry-based teaching approaches, were applied. The data collection tool of the study was Views About Scientific Inquiry (VASI) Questionnaire developed by Lederman et al. (2014) which consists of open-ended questions. VASI was administrated as a pre-test and post-test to both groups, and additionally focus group interviews were conducted with VASI questions. The results showed that the changes in the understanding of the aspects of SI-2 (There is no single set or sequence of steps followed in all investigations) and SI-8 (Explanations are developed from a combination of collected data and what is already known) were found statistically significant in favor of intervention groups. Moreover, although the lowest percentage of naïve students were found in the intervention © 2024 Turkish Education Association. All rights reserved.
dc.description.indexedbyTR Dizin
dc.description.openaccessAll Open Access
dc.description.openaccessGold Open Access
dc.description.sponsorsThis study was carried out within the scope of the scientific research project numbered 2017.02.04.1184 supported by the Scientific Research Project Office of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University. We express our gratitude to Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University for their contributions and science teachers Mrs. Başkalyoncu and Mr. Emen, who voluntarily participated in the study and supported the interventions by allowing authors to practice in their classrooms.
dc.keywordsCreative problem-solving modules
dc.keywordsHistory of science
dc.keywordsMiddle school students
dc.keywordsProblem-based learning
dc.keywordsUnderstanding about scientific inquiry
dc.publisherTurkish Education Association
dc.relation.grantnoScientific Research Project Office of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University
dc.sourceEğitim ve Bilim;Education and Science
dc.subjectEducation and educational research
dc.titleImproving middle school students’ understanding about scientific inquiry through creative problem-solving modules enriched with the history of science
dc.title.alternativeBilim tarihi ile zenginleştirilmiş yaratıcı problem çözme modülleri ile ortaokul öğrencilerinin bilimsel sorgulamaya ilişkin görüşlerinin geliştirilmesi
dc.typeJournal article
local.contributor.kuauthorÖzer, Ferah


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