Publication: Heart valve inspired and multi-stream aortic cannula: novel designs for cardiopulmonary bypass improvement in neonates
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In a typical open-heart surgery, the blood flow through the aortic cannula is a critical element of the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) procedure. Especially for the neonatal and pediatric CPB flow conditions, the need for small hydraulic diameter and large blood flow results confined turbulent jet flow regimes that exacerbate blood damage and platelet activation. Simultaneously, the confined jet wake leads to complex stagnation and recirculating flows that cause considerable thrombosis, blood, and endothelial cell damage through the aorta. Thus, an ideal neonatal CPB cannula should be able to generate optimal jet expansion so that sufficient cerebral perfusion is achieved through the head-neck vessels to avoid postoperative neurological complications and developmental defects in children. To address these challenges, a formal bio-inspired design framework is conducted to reach the desired cannula function through novel analogous biological components, first-time in literature. Among the biological jet flow regimes studied, the ventricle filling-jet generated through the atrio-ventricle (AV) valves are found to be the most promising. Inspired from human AV valve shapes, 8 different novel cannula designs, considering the size constrains of neonatal and pediatric patients are built via high-accurate micro stereo-lithography. Using 2-dimensional time-resolved particle image velocimetry the turbulent jet wake characteristics are measured and compared. The proposed designs have exhibited a significant improvement as compared to standard circular cannula by around 30% reduction in maximum outflow velocity and more than 80% reduction in potential core length and spatial energy dissipation which results in a lower risk of cardiovascular and blood damage.
Artificial Organs
Biomedical engineering, Transplantation