Publication: Bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7) reduces E2 and P4 production of human luteinized granulosa cells by down-regulating the expression of the steroidogenic enzymes StAR and 3B-HSD
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Study Question: What is the biological role of BMP–7 on the granulosa cells after luteinization? Summary Answer: BMP–7 down regulates the steroidogenic enzymes and reduces E2 and P4 output of luteinized granulosa cells. What is Known Already: BMP–7 is a member of TGF-B super family that is mainly produced by theca cells in the ovary. It promotes the transition of primordials into primary follicles, and the growth and preantral and antral follicles, and inhibits progesterone (P4) production during FSH-induced growth phase of Graafian follicles (luteinization inhibitor). However, limited data is available regarding the role of this hormone on the molecular luteal characteristics of granulosa cells after ovulation and luteinization processes. We therefore aimed to address this issue in the current study. Study Design, Size, Duration: A basic science study on the corpus luteum biology. Participants/Materials, Setting, Methods: Human luteal granulosa cells were obtained from 10 normo-responder IVF patients undergoing ovarian stimulation with rec-FSH and GnRH antagonist protocol and cultured with recombinant forms of BMP–7, hCG and activin-A for 24h. The presence of cognate receptors for these hormones were validated using RT-PCR. The expression of the steroidogenic enzymes were analyzed with quantitative immunoblotting, real-time RT-PCR and confocal microscopy. E2 and P4 production of the cells were measured using ECLIA method. Main Results and the Role of Chance: BMP–7 significantly down-regulated the expression of StAR and 3b-HSD in immunoblotting and confocal images and caused a substantial decrease in P4 production in the luteal GCs in a dose dependent manner. It did not cause any notable change in aromatase expression, however E2 output declined in parallel with P4 due to the reduced expression of StAR, which is the rate limiting enzyme in steroidogenesis. hCG significantly up-regulated StAR and 3b-HSD expression and enhanced P4 output whereas activin-A did the opposite effect. Viability assay with Yo-PRO–1 uptake assay did not reveal any significant differences in the viability of the cells before and after treatment with these hormones. Limitations, Reasons for Caution: In-vitro findings requires validation using in-vivo models. Wider Implications of the Findings: Reversal of luteinization and down-regulation of steroidogenesis with BMP–7 and other hormones with similar actions warrant further investigation to test their in-vivo effects in order to develop new strategies against ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).
Human Reproduction
Oxford Univ Press
Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproduction, Biology