Publication: Throughput maximization for full duplex wireless powered cooperative communication network
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Higher network throughput, increased coverage area and reliability are some of the significant improvements promised by the energy harvesting (EH) cooperative communication. This paper considers a two-hop full duplex (FD) multi-relay multi-user wireless powered cooperative communication network (WPCCN), in which the EH capable relays and users transmit their information to an energy broadcasting hybrid access point (HAP). We present an optimization framework for the relay selection and scheduling of the users. The objective is to maximize the sum throughput of FD- WPCCN, considering an on-off transmission scheme, in which the relays and users either transmit at a constant power or remain silent. The formulated optimization problem is a mixed integer non-linear programming problem, which is difficult to solve for the global optimum. As a solution strategy, we first present the polyno-mial time heuristic relay selection algorithm for a predetermined schedule of the users by studying the characteristics of optimal relay allocation solution of the optimization problem. Then, we propose a polynomial time heuristic scheduling algorithm by investigating the characteristics of the optimal scheduling solution of the optimization problem. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed algorithms perform close to the optimal solution for different HAP power values, network sizes, battery levels of the nodes, and transmit power values of the relays and the users. We observe that the throughput can be increased significantly by selecting an appropriate relay and optimal transmission order of the users.
2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (Blackseacom)
Engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Telecommunications