Fars-ADL across ataxias: construct validity, sensitivity to change, and minimal important change

dc.contributor.coauthorTraschuetz, Andreas
dc.contributor.coauthorFleszar, Zofia
dc.contributor.coauthorHengel, Holger
dc.contributor.coauthorKlockgether, Thomas
dc.contributor.coauthorErdlenbruch, Friedrich
dc.contributor.coauthorFalkenburger, Bjoern H.
dc.contributor.coauthorKlopstock, Thomas
dc.contributor.coauthorPedroso, Jose Luiz
dc.contributor.coauthorSantorelli, Filippo M.
dc.contributor.coauthorSchoels, Ludger
dc.contributor.coauthorSynofzik, Matthis
dc.contributor.kuauthorÇakmak, Özgür Öztop
dc.contributor.schoolcollegeinstituteSchool of Medicine
dc.description.abstractBackground: Patient-focused outcomes present a central need for trial-readiness across all ataxias. The Activities of Daily Living part of the Friedreich Ataxia Rating Scale (FARS-ADL) captures functional impairment and longitudinal change but is only validated in Friedreich Ataxia. Objective: Validation of FARS-ADL regarding disease severity and patient-meaningful impairment, and its sensitivity to change across genetic ataxias. Methods: Real-world registry data of FARS-ADL in 298 ataxia patients across genotypes were analyzed, including (1) cross-correlation with FARS-stage, Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA), Patient-Reported Outcome Measure (PROM)-ataxia, and European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions visual analogue scale (EQ5D-VAS); (2) sensitivity to change within a trial-relevant 1-year median follow-up, anchored in Patient Global Impression of Change (PGI-C); and (3) general linear modeling of factors age, sex, and depression (nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ-9]). Results: FARS-ADL correlated with overall disability (rho(FARS-stage) = 0.79), clinical disease severity (rho(SARA) = 0.80), and patient-reported impairment (rho(PROM-ataxia) = 0.69, rho(EQ5D-VAS) = -0.37), indicating comprehensive construct validity. Also at item level, and validated within genotype (SCA3, RFC1), FARS-ADL correlated with the corresponding SARA effector domains; and all items correlated to EQ5D-VAS quality of life. FARS-ADL was sensitive to change at a 1-year interval, progressing only in patients with worsening PGI-C. Minimal important change was 1.1. points based on intraindividual variability in patients with stable PGI-C. Depression was captured using FARS-ADL (+0.3 points/PHQ-9 count) and EQ5D-VAS, but not FARS-stage or SARA. Conclusion: FARS-ADL reflects both disease severity and patient-meaningful impairment across genetic ataxias, with sensitivity to change in trial-relevant timescales in patients perceiving change. It thus presents a promising patient-focused outcome for upcoming ataxia trials.
dc.description.sponsorsThis work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program as part of the innovation project EVIDENCE-RND under the EJP RD COFUND-EJP (no.: 825575, to M.S. and as associated partner T.Klock.), by the DFG under the frame of EJP-RD network PROSPAX (no.: 441409627, to M.S. and F.M.S.), and by the Clinician Scientist program "" funded by the Else Kroner-Fresenius-Stiftung (to A.T. and M.S.). This study was further funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, and by the TreatHSP network (01GM2209 to L.S.). L.S., T.Klop., T.Klock., and M.S. are members of the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (project ID: 739510). A.T. receives funding from the University of Tubingen, Medical Faculty, for the Clinician Scientist Program (grant number 439-0-0). Z.F. is supported by the MINT-Clinician Scientist Program of the Medical Faculty Tubingen, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, 493665037). F.M.S. is supported in part by the Italian Ministry of Health (the EJP-RD network PROSPAX; Ricerca Finalizzata RF-2016-02361610; RF-2019-12370417; Ricerca Corrente 2023, RC 5x1000). B.H.F. was supported by the DZNE and Technische Universitat Dresden. We are grateful to Selina Reich for her coordinating support as part of the EOA/PREPARE consortium and to Tanja Heger for monitoring the datasets of the ARCA registry. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
dc.keywordsClinical outcome assessment
dc.keywordsActivities of daily living
dc.keywordsTrial readiness
dc.relation.grantnoEuropean Union [441409627]
dc.relation.grantnoDFG [01GM2209]
dc.relation.grantnoClinician Scientist program "" - Else Kroner-Fresenius-Stiftung
dc.relation.grantnoFederal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
dc.relation.grantnoTreatHSP network [739510]
dc.relation.grantnoEuropean Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases [439-0-0]
dc.relation.grantnoUniversity of Tubingen, Medical Faculty, for the Clinician Scientist Program [493665037]
dc.relation.grantnoMINT-Clinician Scientist Program of the Medical Faculty Tubingen - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) [RF-2016-02361610]
dc.relation.grantnoItalian Ministry of Health [RF-2019-12370417]
dc.relation.grantnoTechnische Universitat Dresden
dc.relation.grantnoProjekt DEAL
dc.sourceMovement Disorders
dc.subjectClinical neurology
dc.titleFars-ADL across ataxias: construct validity, sensitivity to change, and minimal important change
dc.typeJournal article
local.contributor.kuauthorÇakmak, Özgür Öztop


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