Clinical performance of AI-integrated risk assessment pooling reveals cost savings even at high prevalence of Covid-19

dc.contributor.coauthorKamari, Farzin
dc.contributor.coauthorEller, Esben
dc.contributor.coauthorBøgebjerg, Mathias Emil
dc.contributor.coauthorCapella, Ignacio Martínez
dc.contributor.coauthorGalende, Borja Arroyo
dc.contributor.coauthorKorim, Tomas
dc.contributor.coauthorØland, Pernille
dc.contributor.coauthorBorup, Martin Lysbjerg
dc.contributor.coauthorFrederiksen, Anja Rådberg
dc.contributor.coauthorAl-Jwadi, Ahmed Faris
dc.contributor.coauthorMansour, Mostafa
dc.contributor.coauthorHansen, Sara
dc.contributor.coauthorDiethelm, Isabella
dc.contributor.coauthorBurek, Marta
dc.contributor.coauthorAlvarez, Federico
dc.contributor.coauthorBuch, Anders Glent
dc.contributor.coauthorMojtahedi, Nima
dc.contributor.coauthorRöttger, Richard
dc.contributor.coauthorSegtnan, Eivind Antonsen
dc.contributor.kuauthorRanjouriheravi, Amir
dc.contributor.researchcenterKUTTAM (Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine)
dc.contributor.schoolcollegeinstituteGraduate School of Sciences and Engineering
dc.description.abstractIndividual testing of samples is time- and cost-intensive, particularly during an ongoing pandemic. Better practical alternatives to individual testing can significantly decrease the burden of disease on the healthcare system. Herein, we presented the clinical validation of Segtnan™ on 3929 patients. Segtnan™ is available as a mobile application entailing an AI-integrated personalized risk assessment approach with a novel data-driven equation for pooling of biological samples. The AI was selected from a comparison between 15 machine learning classifiers (highest accuracy = 80.14%) and a feed-forward neural network with an accuracy of 81.38% in predicting the rRT-PCR test results based on a designed survey with minimal clinical questions. Furthermore, we derived a novel pool-size equation from the pooling data of 54 published original studies. The results demonstrated testing capacity increase of 750%, 60%, and 5% at prevalence rates of 0.05%, 22%, and 50%, respectively. Compared to Dorfman’s method, our novel equation saved more tests significantly at high prevalence, i.e., 28% (p = 0.006), 40% (p = 0.00001), and 66% (p = 0.02). Lastly, we illustrated the feasibility of the Segtnan™ usage in clinically complex settings like emergency and psychiatric departments. © The Author(s) 2024.
dc.description.openaccessGold Open Access
dc.description.sponsorsFunding text 1: The authors thank Dr. Niels Bentzen, M.D., for his support on the development of the Segtnan clinical questionnaire. We are also grateful to Prof. Magnar Bj\u00F8r\u00E5s, Department of Microbiology, Oslo University Hospital, for his devoting time on the conceptual supervision of certain parts of this study. The authors also acknowledge Steen Lomborg and his employees at the Department of Microbiology at Hospital of Southern Jutland for sharing laboratory and testing facilities for a use-case investigation of the mobile application and the AIP setup. We would further like to thank Prof. Jens M\u00F8ller for his help in the initial phase of the project at Sygehus Lilleb\u00E6lt, Department of Microbiology. We would like to thank Nick M. Podratz for his technical assistance. Lastly, we warmly appreciate the help from Dr. Poul Henning Rassmussen, M.D., Dr. Peter Ivan Andersen, M.D., and Dr. Sonja Rassmussen, M.D., for letting us perform the clinical trials in the respective departments of Emergency at Sygheus Lilleb\u00E6lt, Test Center Kolding, and Psychiatry Hospital, Odense, Denmark.;Funding text 2: This work was funded by European Union\u2019s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme HOSMART AI under grant agreement No 101016834, Grant ID SEGTNAN;European Union\u2019s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme COVID-X under grant agreement No 101016065, Grant ID SEGTNAN;European Union\u2019s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmed, Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics (DI-HERO) under grant agreement No 825003, Grant ID SEGTNAN. Ervershus Fyn \u201CThe Digitalboost\u201D, Denmark, Grant ID SEGTNAN;and the Danish V\u00E6kstfoundation\u2019s \u201CCOVID-19\u201D funding.
dc.keywordsCost savings
dc.keywordsMachine learning
dc.keywordsRisk assessment
dc.publisherNature Research
dc.relation.grantnoPsychiatry Hospital
dc.relation.grantnoDanish Vækstfoundation
dc.relation.grantnoHorizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020, (101016065, 825003)
dc.sourceScientific Reports
dc.subjectCoronavirus disease
dc.titleClinical performance of AI-integrated risk assessment pooling reveals cost savings even at high prevalence of Covid-19
dc.typeJournal article
local.contributor.kuauthorRanjouriheravi, Amir


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