Publication: The effects of patient care results of applied nursing intervention to individuals with stoma according to the health belief model
KU Authors
Cengiz, Burcu
Canda, Aras Emre
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Background: Individuals who have undergone stoma surgery take time to adjust to the stoma, and their quality of life is decreasing. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of home-based nursing interventions informed by the Health Belief Model on patient care outcomes for individuals having a stoma. Methods:This pretest, posttest, and semiexperimental design with a control group included adults who underwent a stoma operation in the previous 3 months. In total, 30 were assigned to the experimental group and 31 to the control group. Study forms included a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Stoma Quality of Life Scale, the Ostomy Adjustment Inventory, and the Pittman Complication Severity Index. Results: After home nursing interventions, there was a significant difference between the compliance rates of the individuals in the experimental group and the complication rates and cost averages (P < .05) with individuals in the control group; no significant difference in quality-of-life scores was found between the 2 groups. Conclusion: In order to effectively support postoperative individuals following stoma surgery when they are released from the hospital, postdischarge follow-up care informed by the Health Belief Model components should be offered. Implications for Practice We recommend creating hospital-based, home care teams that follow individuals with a stoma for at least 6 months after discharge.
Cancer Nursing
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (LWW)
Oncology, Nursing