Publication: Everyday prevention: the impact of daily comprehensive skin assessments on pressure injury healing in the general icu
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OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of daily versus weekly comprehensive skin assessments on wound healing status in patients with pressure injuries (PIs) treated in the general ICU. METHODS This quasi-experimental study was conducted at a foundation hospital from November 15, 2022, to March 15, 2023. The sample consisted of 193 patients with PIs who met the inclusion criteria. The Braden Scale, Nutritional Risk Scale 2002 (NRS-2002), and Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH) were used. The intervention group (n = 98) underwent comprehensive skin assessment every day, whereas the control group (n = 95) followed routine procedures. The study findings were reported according to TREND (Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomized Designs) guidelines. RESULTS Patients were older adults, with a mean age of 70 ± 15.45 years in the intervention group and 71 ± 13.20 years in the control group. The mean NRS-2002 score was 3 ± 2.01 in the intervention group and 2 ± 1.38 in the control group. Medical device-related PI incidence was high in both groups (intervention: 36.8%, control: 24.5%). In the intervention (14.3%) and control (50%) groups, PIs developed mostly due to antiembolic stockings. Deep-tissue PIs were the most common (intervention: 56.8%, control: 62.2%). The last PUSH scores decreased in both groups. The difference between the PUSH scores of the intervention and control groups was statistically significant (P <.05). CONCLUSIONS The findings of this study demonstrate the critical role of daily comprehensive skin assessment in the healing process of PIs. Especially in ICUs, the study provides compelling evidence for the need to prioritize and implement regular skin assessments to prevent PIs and support the healing process.
Advances in Skin and Wound Care
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Pressure ulcer, Decubitus, Intensive care unit