Publication: Ambient intelligence in business environments and internet of things transformation guidelines
KU Authors
Demir, Kadir Alpaslan
Önel, Tolga
Ekin, Tufan
Demir, Seda
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Ambient intelligence (AmI) is an emerging paradigm bringing intelligence into our lives with the help of intelligent interfaces and smart environments. AmI has the potential to affect our business environments significantly. With the help of AmI, we can find better ways to serve our customers and increase productivity. Internet of things (IoT) is a key enabling technology that provides the necessary infrastructure for ambient intelligence. In addition, ambient intelligence paradigm enhances the use and capabilities of IoT devices. As a result, businesses those want to benefit from this new paradigm and the relevant technologies need to build the necessary IoT infrastructure. In this study, our goal is to help the business and technical managers by developing an AmI enhanced business vision and managing an effective IoT transformation. In this chapter, we discuss an existing implementation of ambient intelligence in the business environment. Furthermore, we envision various future uses of AmI in business environments. We also present issues related to IoT technology transformations. In addition, we provide a set of guidelines, strategies, and best practices for business and IT managers for a successful IoT transformation leading to an ambient intelligence enhanced business environment. We divide the transformation issues into three categories: management issues, technical issues, and social issues. These issues are discussed in detail.
Guide to Ambient Intelligence in The Iot Environment: Principles, Technologies and Applications
Springer International Publishing Ag
Computer Science, Telecommunications