Publication: Elastic scattering from a sapphire microsphere placed on a silica optical fiber coupler: possible applications to biosensing
KU Authors
Murib, M. S.
Wagner, P.
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Elastic light scattering is performed in the original band of optical fiber communication at 1300 nm for a 500 mu m sapphire microsphere placed on a silica optical fiber half coupler. The morphology dependent resonances (MDRs) are observed in the transverse magnetically (TM) polarized and transverse electrically (TE) polarized 0. transmission and 90 degrees elastic scattering obtained from the sapphire microsphere. The TE and TM MDRs can be detected selectively with the use of a Glan polarizer. The TE and TM polarization selectivity provides the ability to select relative MDR to BG levels. The TM polarization provides higher MDR signal to background ratio (SBR) and is suitable for optical monitoring, biological sensing or any other optoelectronic application that requires a high resolution optical filter. The polar angular mode spacing of 0.36 nm of the resonances correlates well with the optical size of the sapphire microsphere. The autocorrelation of the 90 degrees elastic scattering spectra also shows peaks at 0.36 nm. The spectral linewidths of the resonances are on the order of 0.1 nm, which corresponds to quality factors on the order of 10(4.) A sapphire sphere with a radius of 500 mu m and relative refractive index of 1.31, resonances will red-shift by 1.01nm (0.077%). This shift is on the order of 10 linewidths, making sapphire biophotonic sensors an interesting alternative to silica biophotonic sensors.
European Physical Journal-Special Topics
Springer Heidelberg