Publication: Author Correction: national identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (517), 10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9)
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cichocka, Aleksandra | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Capraro, Valerio | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Sjåstad, Hallgeir | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Nezlek, John B. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Pavlović, Tomislav | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Alfano, Mark | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gelfand, Michele J. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Azevedo, Flavio | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Birtel, Michèle D. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cislak, Aleksandra | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Lockwood, Patricia L. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ross, Robert Malcolm | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Abts, Koen | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Agadullina, Elena | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Aruta, John Jamir Benzon | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Besharati, Sahba Nomvula | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Bor, Alexander | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Choma, Becky L. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Crabtree, Charles David | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cunningham, William A. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | De, Koustav | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ejaz, Waqas | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Elbaek, Christian T. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Findor, Andrej | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Flichtentrei, Daniel | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Franc, Renata | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gjoneska, Biljana | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gruber, June | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gualda, Estrella | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Horiuchi, Yusaku | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Huynh, Toan Luu Duc | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ibanez, Agustin | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Imran, Mostak Ahamed | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Israelashvili, Jacob | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Jasko, Katarzyna | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Kantorowicz, Jaroslaw | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, Elena | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Krouwel, André | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Laakasuo, Michael | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Lamm, Claus | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Leygue, Caroline | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Lin, Ming-Jen | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Mansoor, Mohammad Sabbir | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Marie, Antoine | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Mayiwar, Lewend | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Mazepus, Honorata | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | McHugh, Cillian | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Minda, John Paul | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Mitkidis, Panagiotis | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Olsson, Andreas | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Otterbring, Tobias | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Packer, Dominic J. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Perry, Anat | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Petersen, Michael Bang | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Puthillam, Arathy | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Riaño-Moreno, Julián C. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Rothmund, Tobias | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Santamaría-García, Hernando | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Schmid, Petra C. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Stoyanov, Drozdstoy | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Tewari, Shruti | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Todosijević, Bojan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Tsakiris, Manos | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Tung, Hans H. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Umbreș, Radu G. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Vanags, Edmunds | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Vlasceanu, Madalina | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Vonasch, Andrew | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Yucel, Meltem | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Zhang, Yucheng | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Abad, Mohcine | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Adler, Eli | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Akrawi, Narin | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Mdarhri, Hamza Alaoui | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Amara, Hanane | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Amodio, David M. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Antazo, Benedict G. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Apps, Matthew | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ay, F. Ceren | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ba, Mouhamadou Hady | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Barbosa, Sergio | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Bastian, Brock | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Berg, Anton | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Bernal-Zárate, Maria P. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Bernstein, Michael | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Białek, Michał | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Bilancini, Ennio | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Bogatyreva, Natalia | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Boncinelli, Leonardo | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Booth, Jonathan E. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Borau, Sylvie | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Buchel, Ondrej | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cameron, C. Daryl | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Carvalho, Chrissie F. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Celadin, Tatiana | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cerami, Chiara | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Chalise, Hom Nath | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cheng, Xiaojun | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cian, Luca | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cockcroft, Kate | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Conway, Jane | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Córdoba-Delgado, Mateo Andres | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Crespi, Chiara | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Crouzevialle, Marie | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cutler, Jo | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Cypryańska, Marzena | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Dabrowska, Justyna | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Daniels, Michael A. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Davis, Victoria H. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Dayley, Pamala N. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Delouvee, Sylvain | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Denkovski, Ognjan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Dezecache, Guillaume | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Dhaliwal, Nathan A. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Diato, Alelie B. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Di Paolo, Roberto | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Drosinou, Marianna | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Dulleck, Uwe | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ekmanis, Jānis | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ertan, Arhan S. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Etienne, Tom W. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Farhana, Hapsa Hossain | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Farkhari, Fahima | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Farmer, Harry | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Fenwick, Ali | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Fidanovski, Kristijan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Flew, Terry | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Fraser, Shona | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Frempong, Raymond Boadi | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Fugelsang, Jonathan A. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gale, Jessica | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Garcia-Navarro, E. Begoña | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Garladinne, Prasad | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ghajjou, Oussama | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gkinopoulos, Theofilos | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gray, Kurt | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Griffin, Siobhán M. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gronfeldt, Bjarki | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Gurung, Ranju Lama | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Halperin, Eran | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Harris, Elizabeth | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Herzon, Volo | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Hruška, Matej | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Huang, Guanxiong | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Hudecek, Matthias F. C. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Isler, Ozan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Jangard, Simon | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Jørgensen, Frederik J. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Kachanoff, Frank | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Kahn, John | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Dangol, Apsara Katuwal | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Keudel, Oleksandra | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Koppel, Lina | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Koverola, Mika | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Kubin, Emily | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Kunnari, Anton | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Kutiyski, Yordan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Laguna, Oscar | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Leota, Josh | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Lermer, Eva | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Levy, Jonathan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Levy, Neil | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Li, Chunyun | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Long, Elizabeth U. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Longoni, Chiara | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Maglić, Marina | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | McCashin, Darragh | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Metcalf, Alexander L. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Mikloušić, Igor | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | El Mimouni, Soulaimane | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Miura, Asako | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Molina-Paredes, Juliana | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Monroy-Fonseca, César | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Morales-Marente, Elena | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Moreau, David | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Muda, Rafał | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Myer, Annalisa | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Nash, Kyle | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Nesh-Nash, Tarik | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Nitschke, Jonas P. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Nurse, Matthew S. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ohtsubo, Yohsuke | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Oldemburgo de Mello, Victoria | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | O’Madagain, Cathal | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Onderco, Michal | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Palacios-Galvez, M. Soledad | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Palomäki, Jussi | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Pan, Yafeng | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Papp, Zsófia | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Pärnamets, Philip | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Paruzel-Czachura, Mariola | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Pavlović, Zoran | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Payán-Gómez, César | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Perander, Silva | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Pitman, Michael Mark | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Prasad, Rajib | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Joanna | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Rathje, Steve | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Raza, Ali | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Rêgo, Gabriel G. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Rhee, Kasey | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Robertson, Claire E. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Rodríguez-Pascual, Iván | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Saikkonen, Teemu | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Salvador-Ginez, Octavio | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Sampaio, Waldir M. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Santi, Gaia C. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Santiago-Tovar, Natalia | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Savage, David | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Scheffer, Julian A. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Schönegger, Philipp | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Schultner, David T. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Schutte, Enid M. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Scott, Andy | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Sharma, Madhavi | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Sharma, Pujan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Skali, Ahmed | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Stadelmann, David | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Stafford, Clara Alexandra | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Stanojević, Dragan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Stefaniak, Anna | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Sternisko, Anni | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Stoica, Augustin | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Stoyanova, Kristina K. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Strickland, Brent | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Sundvall, Jukka | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Thomas, Jeffrey P. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Tinghög, Gustav | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Torgler, Benno | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Traast, Iris J. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Tucciarelli, Raffaele | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Tyrala, Michael | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ungson, Nick D. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Uysal, Mete S. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Van Lange, Paul A. M. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | van Prooijen, Jan-Willem | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | van Rooy, Dirk | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Västfjäll, Daniel | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Verkoeijen, Peter | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Vieira, Joana B. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | von Sikorski, Christian | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Walker, Alexander Cameron | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Watermeyer, Jennifer | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Wetter, Erik | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Whillans, Ashley | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Willardt, Robin | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Wohl, Michael J. A. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Wójcik, Adrian Dominik | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Wu, Kaidi | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Yamada, Yuki | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Yılmaz, Onurcan | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Yogeeswaran, Kumar | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Ziemer, Carolin-Theresa | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Zwaan, Rolf A. | |
dc.contributor.coauthor | Boggio, Paulo S. | |
dc.contributor.department | N/A | |
dc.contributor.kuauthor | Gümren, Mert | |
dc.contributor.kuprofile | Researcher | |
dc.contributor.schoolcollegeinstitute | Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering | |
dc.contributor.yokid | N/A | | | 2024-11-09T22:58:24Z | | | 2022 | |
dc.description.abstract | N/A | |
dc.description.indexedby | WoS | |
dc.description.indexedby | Scopus | |
dc.description.indexedby | PubMed | |
dc.description.issue | 1 | |
dc.description.openaccess | YES | |
dc.description.publisherscope | International | |
dc.description.volume | 13 | |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.1038/s41467-022-29658-x | |
dc.identifier.issn | 2041-1723 | | | | |
dc.identifier.scopus | 2-s2.0-85127717333 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.keywords | erratum | |
dc.language | English | |
dc.publisher | Springer Nature | |
dc.source | Nature Communications | |
dc.subject | Medicine | |
dc.title | Author Correction: national identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (517), 10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9) | |
dc.type | Other | |
dc.type.other | Erratum | |
dspace.entity.type | Publication | |
local.contributor.authorid | 0000-0002-3298-6295 | |
local.contributor.kuauthor | Gümren, Mert |