Identification of archaeobotanical Pistacia l. fruit remains: implications for our knowledge on past distribution and use in prehistoric Cyprus

dc.contributor.coauthorRousou, Maria
dc.contributor.coauthorPares, Andrea
dc.contributor.coauthorDouche, Carolyne
dc.contributor.coauthorTengberg, Margareta
dc.contributor.kuauthorErgun, Müge
dc.contributor.researchcenterKoç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) / Anadolu Medeniyetleri Araştırma Merkezi (ANAMED)
dc.description.abstractPistacia spp. remains are common finds among archaeobotanical assemblages in prehistoric sites in Southwest Asia, both in the form of endocarps and charcoal remains. However, in the absence of a systematic study of the fruit morphology, the archaeobotanical remains of Pistacia cannot be identified to the species level and this deprives us of important information on their past geographical distribution and uses. This paper presents a comprehensive study of morphological and traditional morphometric characteristics of modern endocarps of six Pistacia species indigenous to Southwest Asia: P. atlantica Desf., P. eurycarpa Yalt., P. khinjuk Stocks, P. lentiscus L., P. terebinthus L. and P. vera L. The observation of recurring morphological features that were shown to remain stable during experimental carbonisation allowed us to set up an identification key whose efficiency was tested through a blind test. The application of established identification criteria to archaeobotanical material from the Late Aceramic Neolithic site of Khirokitia-Vounoi in Cyprus, enables an in-depth discussion on the biogeography and use of Pistacia species in prehistoric Cyprus. Finally, the paper identifies directions for future research on a major plant resource of the past.
dc.description.sponsorshipOnassis Foundation scholarship [F ZO 066-1/2018-2019]
dc.description.sponsorship7th Scholarship Programme of the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment Homme et Environnement (MNHN, France) The present paper is published within the framework of Maria Rousou's PhD research, supported by an Onassis Foundation scholarship (ID: F ZO 066-1/2018-2019) and by the 7th Scholarship Programme of the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation
dc.description.sponsorshipMR also would like to thank the Department Homme et Environnement (MNHN, France) for funding her Master internship. We would like to acknowledge the curators of the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (P), France and Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (E), UK Herbarium for the permission to observe, study and sample botanic material
dc.description.sponsorshipPorter Lowry (Institut de Systematique, Evolution, Biodiversite, UMR 7205-CNRS, MNHN) and Lesley Scott (Assistant Herbarium Curator, RBGE) for advice and facilitating the study of herbarium specimens at the MNHN Herbarium and RBGE Herbarium respectively
dc.description.sponsorshipMyriam Gaudeul (Institut de Systematique, Evolution, Biodiversite, UMR 7205-CNRS, MNHN) and Heleen Plaisier (Assistant Herbarium Curator, RBGE) for the sampling of botanical specimens
dc.description.sponsorshipAlain Le Brun (CNRS, Director of Khirokitia French Mission) and Odile Daune-Le Brun (CNRS, Co-director of Khirokitia French Mission) for giving access to the archaeobotanical material
dc.description.sponsorshipGeorge Willcox (Laboratoire Archeorient-MOM) for providing reference material collected in Tajikistan
dc.description.sponsorshipAzadeh Mohaseb (UMR 7209-CNRS, MNHN) and Loic Ponger (UMR 7196-CNRS, MNHN) for advice and support for the statistical analysis
dc.description.sponsorshipMarie-Pierre Ruas (Director of the UMR 7209-CNRS, MNHN) for facilitating the study of the material and Michel Lemoine (UMR 7209-CNRS, MNHN) for technical support at the Plateau Archeobotanique of UMR 7209 and help with the carbonisation of modern endocarps
dc.description.sponsorshipCecile Callou (UMR 7209-CNRS, MNHN) for the use of equipment at the Imaging Station of the Zoology-Comparative Anatomy (Direction des Collections)
dc.description.sponsorshipDidier Geffard-Kuriyama and Jean-Francois Dejouannet (Atelier Iconographie Scientifique-UMS 2700-CNRS-MNHN) for their help, advice and equipment for the scientific drawings
dc.description.sponsorshipSaskia Ryan (UMR 7209-CNRS, MNHN) and Remy Auray for helping with the preparation of the blind test and useful comments. We also thank Amaia Arranz (University of Copenhagen, UMR7209-CNRS, MNHN)
dc.description.sponsorshipVladimir Dabrowski (UMR 7209-CNRS, MNHN) and PhD candidates Sammy Ben Makhad (UMR7209-CNRS, MNHN), Lou Godefroy (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, UMR 7209-CNRS, MNHN) and Juliette Milon (UMR 7209-CNRS, MNHN) for participating in the blind test. We thank George and Elizabeth Willcox for their helpful comments and language revision of the manuscript. Finally, we acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions.
dc.keywordsPistacia spp
dc.keywordsIdentification key
dc.keywordsEndocarp morphology
dc.keywordsAceramic neolithic
dc.keywordsCyprus genetic-relationships
dc.keywordsPhylogenetic analysis
dc.keywordsGenus pistacia
dc.sourceVegetation History and Archaeobotany
dc.subjectPlant sciences
dc.titleIdentification of archaeobotanical Pistacia l. fruit remains: implications for our knowledge on past distribution and use in prehistoric Cyprus
dc.typeJournal Article
local.contributor.kuauthorErgun, Müge
