Publication: Hydrogels for 3D frameworks
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Hydrogels are 3D polymer networks that can absorb large amounts of water, making them a promising construct for tissue engineering applications. This chapter focuses on the use of hydrogels in vascularization, ophthalmology-related diseases, and pancreatic islet transplantation. Hydrogels can support blood vessel growth, known as vascularization. This is an important aspect of tissue engineering, as the formation of new blood vessels is necessary for supplying nutrients and oxygen to the engineered tissue. In the field of ophthalmological tissue engineering, hydrogels can be used as a scaffold to support the growth of limbal stem cells to repair or replace damaged corneal tissue. They can help regenerate the cornea. In addition, hydrogels can be used in islet transplantation, which is a promising approach for treating diabetes. In this context, hydrogels can create a protective environment for the transplanted islets, helping them to survive and function properly in the body. By limiting the immune response, hydrogels can help to prevent the body from rejecting the engineered tissue, improving the chances of success for transplantation. In conclusion, hydrogels are promising materials for tissue engineering, particularly in ophthalmological diseases, islet transplantation, and vascularization. By providing a supportive environment for the growth of cells and tissues, hydrogels can help improve the success of these therapies, offering new hope for patients with various conditions. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Ram K. Gupta and Anuj Kumar;individual chapters, the contributors.
Hydrogels: Fundamentals to Advanced Energy Applications
CRC Press
Islet cell transplantation, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Pancreatic islet