Publication: Throughput maximization for full duplex wireless powered communication networks
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Sadi, Yalçın
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In this paper, we consider a full duplex wireless powered communication network where multiple users with RF energy harvesting capabilities communicate to a hybrid energy and information access point. An optimization framework is proposed with the objective of maximizing the sum throughput of the users subject to energy causality and maximum transmit power constraints considering a realistic energy harvesting model incorporating initial battery levels of the users. The joint optimization of power control, time allocation and scheduling is mathematically formulated as a mixed integer non linear programming problem which is hard to solve for a global optimum. The optimal power and time allocation and scheduling decisions are investigated separately based on the optimality analysis on the optimization variables. Optimal power and time allocation problem is proven to be convex for a given transmission order. Based on the derived optimality conditions, we propose a fast polynomial-time complexity heuristic algorithm. We illustrate that the proposed algorithm performs very close-to-optimal while significantly outperforming an equal time allocation based scheduling scheme.
ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference On Communications (Icc)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Telecommunications