Expression of genes related to iron homeostasis in breast cancer
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Özoran, Emre
Mutlu, TubaTrabulus, Didem Can
Talu, Canan Kelten
Erhan, Duygu
Mete, Meltem
Guven, Mehmet
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Journal Article
Background The dysfunctions in the metabolism of iron have an important role in many pathological conditions, ranging from disease with iron deposition to cancer. Studies on malignant diseases of the breast reported irregular expression in genes associated with iron metabolism. The variations are related to findings that have prognostic significance. This study evaluated the relationship of the expression levels of transferrin receptor 1 (TFRC), iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1), hepcidin (HAMP), ferroportin 1 (FPN1), hemojuvelin (HFE2), matriptase 2 (TMPRSS6), and miR-122 genes in the normal and malignant tissues of breast cancer patients. Methods & Results The normal and malignant tissues from 75 women with breast malignancies were used in this study. The patients did not receive any treatment previously. Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was used in figuring the levels of gene expression associated with iron metabolism. When the malignant and normal tissues gene expression levels were analyzed, expression of TFRC increased (1.586-fold); IRP1 (0.594 fold) and miR-122 (0.320 fold) expression decreased; HAMP, FPN1, HFE2, and TMPRSS6 expressions did not change. FPN1 and IRP1 had a positive association, and this association was statistically significant (r = 0.266; p = 0.022). IRP1 and miR-122 had a positive association, and this association had statistical significance (r = 0.231; p = 0.048). Conclusions Our study portrayed the important association between genes involved in iron hemostasis and breast malignancy. The results could be used to establish new diagnostic techniques in the management of breast malignancies. The alterations in the metabolism of malignant breast cells with normal breast cells could be utilized to achieve advantages in treatment.
Biochemistry and molecular biology