MOF-derived nanocrystalline ZnO with controlled orientation and photocatalytic activity


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Doustkhah, Esmail


Doustkhah, Esmail
Esmat, Mohamed
Fukata, Naoki
Ide, Yusuke
Hanaor, Dorian A. H.
Assadi, M. Hussein N.

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Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd
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We show here that MOF-5, a sample Zn-based MOF, can uniquely transform into distinct zinc oxide nano-structures. Inspired by the interconversion synthesis of zeolites, we converted MOF-5 into nanocrystalline ZnO. We found the conversion of MOF-5 into ZnO to be tunable and straightforward simply by controlling the treatment temperature and choosing an appropriate structure-directing agent (SDA). Refined X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed that a synthesis temperature of 180 degrees C (sample ZnO-180) was optimal for achieving high crystallinity. We examined ZnO-180 with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), which confirmed that the samples were made of individual crystallites grown along the c-axis, or the (001) direction, thus exposing lower energy surfaces and corroborating the XRD pattern and the molecular dynamics calculations. Further investigations revealed that the obtained ZnO at 180 degrees C has a superior photocatalytic activity in degrading methylene blue to other ZnO nanostructures obtained at lower temperatures.



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