Flexible spatial modulation with transmit antenna selection for MIMO systems
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Başar, Ertuğrul
Kurt, Mehmet Akif
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
This article introduces flexible spatial modulation with transmit antenna selection (FSM-TAS) for future multiple-input multiple-output systems. In this scheme, the number of active antennas varies in each time interval depending on the incoming bits. After determining the number of active antennas, channel coefficients corresponding to each possible active antenna combination are added up. Then, a certain number of antenna combinations with largest gains is selected to apply spatial modulation (SM). For the proposed system, complexity and outage probability analyses are performed. In addition, it has been shown by Monte Carlo simulations that FSM-TAS provides better bit error rate performance than the benchmark enhanced SM with generalized antenna selection under the same spectral efficiency and the same number of transmitter and receiver antennas. © 2007-2012 IEEE.
Electrical and electronics engineering