Evaluation of 601 children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (Turk MISC study)

dc.contributor.coauthorYilmaz, Dilek
dc.contributor.coauthorKeles, Yildiz Ekemen
dc.contributor.coauthorEmiroglu, Melike
dc.contributor.coauthorDuramaz, Burcu Bursal
dc.contributor.coauthorUgur, Cuneyt
dc.contributor.coauthorKocabas, Bilge Aldemir
dc.contributor.coauthorCelik, Talyan
dc.contributor.coauthorOzdemir, Halil
dc.contributor.coauthorBayturan, Semra
dc.contributor.coauthorTurel, Ozden
dc.contributor.coauthorErdeniz, Emine Hafize
dc.contributor.coauthorCakici, Ozlem
dc.contributor.coauthorTaskin, Esra Cakmak
dc.contributor.coauthorErbas, Irem Ceren
dc.contributor.coauthorGenceli, Mustafa
dc.contributor.coauthorSari, Emine Ergul
dc.contributor.coauthorCaymaz, Canan
dc.contributor.coauthorKizil, Mahmut Can
dc.contributor.coauthorSutcu, Murat
dc.contributor.coauthorDemirbuga, Asuman
dc.contributor.coauthorAlkan, Gulsum
dc.contributor.coauthorBagci, Zafer
dc.contributor.coauthorDayar, Gulperi Timurtas
dc.contributor.coauthorOzkan, Esra Akyuz
dc.contributor.coauthorYilmaz, Ayse Tekin
dc.contributor.coauthorAkca, Mehtap
dc.contributor.coauthorYesil, Edanur
dc.contributor.coauthorKara, Soner Sertan
dc.contributor.coauthorYasar, Belma
dc.contributor.coauthorUmit, Zuhal
dc.contributor.coauthorUygun, Hatice
dc.contributor.coauthorErdem, Nurettin
dc.contributor.coauthorBuyukcam, Ayse
dc.contributor.coauthorOncel, Eda Karadag
dc.contributor.coauthorOz, Sadiye Kubra Tuter
dc.contributor.coauthorCetin, Hafize Selma
dc.contributor.coauthorAnil, Ayse Berna
dc.contributor.coauthorYilmaz, Resul
dc.contributor.coauthorZengin, Neslihan
dc.contributor.coauthorUzuner, Selcuk
dc.contributor.coauthorAlbayrak, Hatice
dc.contributor.coauthorBorakay, Ozgur
dc.contributor.coauthorTopal, Sevgi
dc.contributor.coauthorArslan, Gazi
dc.contributor.coauthorYazar, Abdullah
dc.contributor.coauthorOzer, Arife
dc.contributor.coauthorKendirli, Tanil
dc.contributor.coauthorKara, Emine Manolya
dc.contributor.coauthorDemirkol, Demet
dc.contributor.coauthorBattal, Fatih
dc.contributor.coauthorKosker, Muhammet
dc.contributor.coauthorAkcan, Ozge Metin
dc.contributor.coauthorKihtir, Hasan Serdar
dc.contributor.coauthorGul, Doruk
dc.contributor.coauthorZararci, Kazim
dc.contributor.coauthorAlakaya, Mehmet
dc.contributor.coauthorKula, Nilgun
dc.contributor.coauthorCelik, Elif
dc.contributor.coauthorPetmezci, Ercument
dc.contributor.coauthorEvren, Gultac
dc.contributor.coauthorAksay, Ahu Kara
dc.contributor.coauthorKonca, Capan
dc.contributor.coauthorSert, Ahmet
dc.contributor.coauthorArslan, Derya
dc.contributor.coauthorBornaun, Helen
dc.contributor.coauthorTekeli, Onur
dc.contributor.coauthorBal, Alkan
dc.contributor.coauthorSahin, Irfan Oguz
dc.contributor.coauthorDemir, Selcan
dc.contributor.coauthorSap, Fatih
dc.contributor.coauthorAkyol, Mehmet Bedir
dc.contributor.coauthorTanidir, Ibrahim Cansaran
dc.contributor.coauthorDonmez, Yasemin Nuran
dc.contributor.coauthorUcar, Tayfun
dc.contributor.coauthorCoban, Senay
dc.contributor.coauthorArga, Gul
dc.contributor.coauthorTorun, Selda Hancerli
dc.contributor.coauthorKarpuz, Derya
dc.contributor.coauthorCelik, Serkan Fazli
dc.contributor.coauthorVaran, Celal
dc.contributor.coauthorElmali, Ferhan
dc.contributor.coauthorOncel, Selim
dc.contributor.coauthorBelet, Nursen
dc.contributor.coauthorHatipoglu, Nevin
dc.contributor.coauthorKarabulut, Nazan Dalgic
dc.contributor.coauthorTurgut, Mehmet
dc.contributor.coauthorSomer, Ayper
dc.contributor.coauthorKuyucu, Necdet
dc.contributor.coauthorDinleyici, Ener Cagri
dc.contributor.coauthorCiftci, Ergin
dc.contributor.coauthorKara, Ates
dc.contributor.kuauthorAktürk, Hacer
dc.contributor.kuprofileFaculty Member
dc.contributor.schoolcollegeinstituteSchool of Medicine
dc.contributor.unitKoç University Hospital
dc.description.abstractPurpose Due to its link with the 2019 coronavirus, the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MISC) has garnered considerable international interest. The aim of this study, in which MISC patients were evaluated multicenter, and the data of the third period of the Turk-MISC study group, to compare the clinical and laboratory characteristics and outcomes of MISC patients who did and did not require admission to an intensive care unit (ICU).Methods This retrospective multicenter observational study was carried out between June 11, 2021, and January 01, 2022. The demographics, complaints, laboratory results, system involvements, and outcomes of the patients were documented.Results A total of 601 patients were enrolled; 157 patients (26.1%) required hospitalization in the intensive care unit (ICU). Median age was 8 years (interquartile range (IQR) 4.5-11.3 years. The proportion of Kawasaki disease-like features in the ICU group was significantly higher than in the non-ICU group (56.1% vs. 43.2% p = 0.006). The ICU group had considerably lower counts of both lymphocytes and platelets (lymphocyte count 900 vs. 1280 cells x mu L, platelet count 153 vs. 212 cells x 10(3)/ mu L, all for p< 0.001). C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, and ferritin levels were significantly higher in the ICU group (CRP 164 vs. 129 mg/L, procalcitonin 9.2 vs. 2.2 mu g/L, ferritin 644 vs. 334 mu g/L, all for p< 0.001). Being between ages 5-12 and older than 12 increased the likelihood of hospitalization in the ICU by four [95% confidence intervals (CI)1.971-8.627] and six times (95% CI 2.575-14.654), respectively, compared to being between the ages 0-5. A one-unit increase in log d-dimer (mu g/L) and log troponin (ng/L) was also demonstrated to increase the need for intensive care by 1.8 (95% CI 1.079-3.233) and 1.4 times (95% CI 1.133-1.789), respectively. Conclusion: By comparing this study to our other studies, we found that the median age of MISC patients has been rising. Patients requiring an ICU stay had considerably higher levels of procalcitonin, CRP, and ferritin but significantly lower levels of lymphocyte and thrombocyte. In particular, high levels of procalcitonin in the serum might serve as a valuable laboratory marker for anticipating the need for intensive care.
dc.description.sponsorsWe express our sincere gratitude to all individuals and institutions who have contributed data to this study. Specifically, we recognize the authors and their respective laboratory for collecting the specimens. The sharing of genomic sequences and associated metadata through the GISAID Initiative on which this research is based.
dc.keywordsKawasaki disease
dc.keywordsIntensive care unit
dc.relation.grantnoWe express our sincere gratitude to all individuals and institutions who have contributed data to this study. Specifically, we recognize the authors and their respective laboratory for collecting the specimens. The sharing of genomic sequences and associat
dc.sourceEuropean Journal of Pediatrics
dc.titleEvaluation of 601 children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (Turk MISC study)
dc.typeJournal Article
