Gender-based approach in family planning in practices in turkey's most fertile province: secondary analysis of mix method two studies
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Eroğlu, Kafiye
Koruk, Fatma
Koruk, Ibrahim
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Dokuz Eylul University Institute Health Sciences
Journal Article
Purpose: To determine the gender-based family planning approaches in the province in Turkey with the highest fertility rate.Material and Methods: This study was carried out with the secondary analysis of the quantitative data on family planning from two different studies that the researchers conducted with in the same region, the same method and close to each other.Results: In total, 56.7% of the women stated that they used any available family planning method, whereas 80.4% chose the method with their spouse. According to their responses, family planning methods used by women were intrauterine devices (41.2%) and withdrawal (28.9%). Furthermore, 10.5% of the men reported using any available family planning method, whereas 91.0% used the method decided by their spouse. According to the responses obtained from the male participants, the family planning methods used were pills (45.5%), intrauterine devices (18.2%), and male condom (18.2%). Women with a higher age, duration of marriage and the average number of living children had higher levels of using FP methods; The level of using FP method is lower in men who have not completed any education level, perceive their income level as "good", have health insurance, and men with a higher average age. Conclusion: The study outcomes revealed that there was gender-based differences between women and men about the use of FP methods; furthermore, men took less responsibility for using FP methods and women-specific methods are generally used.
Health care sciences and services