Combining forces for causal reasoning: children's predictions about physical interactions
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Göksun, Tilbe
Özdemir, Salih Can
George, Nathan R.
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Elsevier Science Inc
Journal Article
Reasoning about causal relations is essential for children's early cognitive development. The current study investigated 4-year -olds' (N = 58) reasoning about complex causal physical interactions in terms of predicting the endpoint of motion. In an online task, children were presented with four configurations that involved dif-ferent interactions of forces and consequently different patterns of motion. These were Cause (one force moving an object), Enable (a secondary force promoting the motion), Prevent-180 & DEG; (an opposing force hindering the motion), and Prevent-90 & DEG; (two-dimensional; a perpendicular force altering the motion). Each prediction was made in terms of either the Distance or Direction of the motion, which was novel in this task compared with previ-ous assessments. Results revealed differences between the config-urations, with Cause being the easiest and Prevent-90 & DEG; being the most difficult to predict. Furthermore, predictions were more accu-rate when options were about the motion's Direction, whereas Distance options may have aggravated reasoning. The current study extends previous findings on children's intuitive physics and causal cognition by showing that accuracy in reasoning not only is dependent on the number of forces and dimensions at work but also interacts with estimating the motion's Distance and Direction. & COPY; 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.