Use and outcome of minimally invasive pancreatic surgery in the European E-MIPS registry


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Institution Author

Erkan, Murat Mert


van der Heijde, Nicky
Vissers, Frederique L.
Manzoni, Alberto
Zimmitti, Giuseppe
Balsells, Joaquim
Berrevoet, Frederik
Bjornsson, Bergthor
van den Boezem, Peter
Boggi, Ugo
Bratlie, Svein O.

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Elsevier B.V.


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Background: The European registry for minimally invasive pancreatic surgery (E-MIPS) collects data on laparoscopic and robotic MIPS in low- and high-volume centers across Europe. Methods: Analysis of the first year (2019) of the E-MIPS registry, including minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy (MIDP) and minimally invasive pancreatoduodenectomy (MIPD). Primary outcome was 90-day mortality. Results: Overall, 959 patients from 54 centers in 15 countries were included, 558 patients underwent MIDP and 401 patients MIPD. Median volume of MIDP was 10 (7–20) and 9 (2–20) for MIPD. Median use of MIDP was 56.0% (IQR 39.0–77.3%) and median use of MIPD 27.7% (IQR 9.7–45.3%). MIDP was mostly performed laparoscopic (401/558, 71.9%) and MIPD mostly robotic (234/401, 58.3%). MIPD was performed in 50/54 (89.3%) centers, of which 15/50 (30.0%) performed ≥20 MIPD annually. This was 30/54 (55.6%) centers and 13/30 (43%) centers for MIPD respectively. Conversion rate was 10.9% for MIDP and 8.4% for MIPD. Overall 90 day mortality was 1.1% (n = 6) for MIDP and 3.7% (n = 15) for MIPD. Conclusion: Within the E-MIPS registry, MIDP is performed in about half of all patients, mostly using laparoscopy. MIPD is performed in about a quarter of patients, slightly more often using the robotic approach. A minority of centers met the Miami guideline volume criteria for MIPD.



Gastroenterology and hepatology, Surgery




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