Effect of tirzepatide on blood pressure and lipids: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
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Kanbay, Mehmet
Çöpür, Sidar
Yıldız, Abdullah Burak
Siriopol, Dimitrie
Gaipov, Abduzhappar
Van Raalte, Daniel H.
Tuttle, Katherine R.
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Aim: To perform a meta-analysis to quantify the effect of tirzepatide on blood pressure and lipids. Methods: PubMed, Ovid/Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library and CINAHL databases were screened and the randomized controlled trials evaluating the effects of tirzepatide on either blood pressure or lipid profiles were included. Results: Seven randomized controlled trials have investigated the effects of tirzepatide on blood pressure and lipid profiles. Regardless of the dose administered, tirzepatide resulted in significant decreases in systolic blood pressure of median -4.20 (95% confidence interval [CI] -5.17 to -3.23) mmHg for 5 mg, -5.34 (- 6.31 to -4.37) mmHg for 10 mg, and -5.77 (-6.73 to -4.81) mmHg for 15 mg. At all three once-weekly doses, tirzepatide treatment resulted in significant decreases in total cholesterol levels: median -3.76% (95% CI -5.20% to -2.31%) for 5 mg; -4.63% (-6.07% to -3.19%) for 10 mg; and -5.93% (-7.36% to -4.49%) for 15 mg. Additionally, tirzepatide treatment led to increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels and decreased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Conclusions: Tirzepatide induced clinically meaningful reductions in the levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, along with increases in the level of HDL cholesterol.