Turkish adaptation of dissociative subtype of post traumatic stress disorder scale


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Şar, Vedat


Icin, Zuhre Neslihan
Kose, Cigdem

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Routledge Journals, Taylor and Francis Ltd
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After the changes in DSM-5, dissociative subtype was added to post-traumatic stress disorder. That caused a necessity for a scale to measure the mentioned change. A scale named Dissociative Subtype of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (DSPS) was developed to measure this subtype and help the diagnosis. The purpose of this study is to adapt the Dissociative Subtype of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to Turkish and examine its reliability and validity. The Dissociative Subtype of PTSD (DSPS) was translated into Turkish. DSPS, Turkish forms of The Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale and Dissociative Experiences Scale were sent to participants via Google Forms and data from 279 people aged 18-45 were analyzed. Reliability tests and factor analysis were conducted. Factor analysis showed that scale has good model fit scores and items were loaded to the factors the same as the original study. Scales internal consistency was examined, and a good score was obtained (alpha=.84). Fit index values of confirmatory factor analysis were found as chi 2/df = 2.51, GFI=.90, RMSEA=.07, RMR=.02. As a result of the high reliability scores and sufficient model fit scores, this scale is considered as a dependable measure to evaluate the dissociative subtype of PTSD.



Psychology, Psychoanalysis




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