Researcher: Kalantarov, Varga
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Kalantarov, Varga
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Publication Metadata only Stabilization of solutions of marine riser equations(Wiley, 2024) Ahmedov, S. Z.; Namazov, A. A.; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Kalantarov, Varga; College of SciencesWe study the problem of stabilization to zero stationary state of nonlinear fourth-order wave equation with nonlinear damping term modelling dynamics of marine riser by feedback control terms that employ finitely many Fourier modes. Additionally, we demonstrate that the corresponding equation with linear damping, which represents the dynamics of pipes conveying fluids, can be exponentially stabilized by a feedback controller employing a finite number of Fourier modes.Publication Metadata only Counterexamples to regularity of Mane projections in the theory of attractors(Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing, 2013) Eden, Alp; Zelik, Sergey V.; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Kalantarov, Varga; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 117655This paper is a study of global attractors of abstract semilinear parabolic equations and their embeddings in finite-dimensional manifolds. As is well known, a sufficient condition for the existence of smooth (at least C-1-smooth) finite-dimensional inertial manifolds containing a global attractor is the so-called spectral gap condition for the corresponding linear operator. There are also a number of examples showing that if there is no gap in the spectrum, then a C-1-smooth inertial manifold may not exist. on the other hand, since an attractor usually has finite fractal dimension, by Mane's theorem it projects bijectively and Holder-homeomorphically into a finite-dimensional generic plane if its dimension is large enough. It is shown here that if there are no gaps in the spectrum, then there exist attractors that cannot be embedded in any Lipschitz or even log-Lipschitz finite-dimensional manifold. Thus, if there are no gaps in the spectrum, then in the general case the inverse Mane projection of the attractor cannot be expected to be Lipschitz or log-Lipschitz. Furthermore, examples of attractors with finite Hausdorff and infinite fractal dimension are constructed in the class of non-linearities of finite smoothness.Publication Metadata only Continuous dependence for the convective brinkman–forchheimer equations(Taylor & Francis, 2005) Çelebi, A.O.; Ugurlu, D.; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Kalantarov, Varga; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 117655In this article, we have considered the convective Brinkman–Forchheimer equations with Dirichlet's boundary conditions. The continuous dependence of solutions on the Forchheimer coefficient in H 1 norm is proved.Publication Metadata only Decay and growth estimates for solutions of second-order and third-order differential-operator equations(Elsevier, 2013) Yilmaz, Y.; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Kalantarov, Varga; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 117655We obtained decay and growth estimates for solutions of second-order and third-order differential-operator equations in a Hilbert space. Applications to initial-boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear non-stationary partial differential equations modeling the strongly damped nonlinear improved Boussinesq equation, the dual-phase-lag heat conduction equations, the equation describing wave propagation in relaxing media, and the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation are given.Publication Metadata only Global attractors and determining modes for the 3D navier-stokes-voight equations(Shanghai Scientific Technology Literature Publishing House, 2009) Titi, Edriss S.; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Kalantarov, Varga; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 117655The authors investigate the long-term dynamics of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes-Voight model of viscoelastic incompressible fluid. Specifically, upper bounds for the number of determining modes are derived for the 3D Navier-Stokes-Voight equations and for the dimension of a global attractor of a semigroup generated by these equations. Viewed from the numerical analysis point of view the authors consider the Navier-Stokes-Voight model as a non-viscous (inviscid) regularization of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. Furthermore, it is also shown that the weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Voight equations converge, in the appropriate norm, to the weak solutions of the inviscid simplified Bardina model, as the viscosity coefficient ν → 0.Publication Metadata only Attractors for damped quintic wave equations in bounded domains(Springer, 2016) Savostianov, Anton; Zelik, Sergey; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Kalantarov, Varga; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 117655The dissipative wave equation with a critical quintic non-linearity in smooth bounded three-dimensional domain is considered. Based on the recent extension of the Strichartz estimates to the case of bounded domains, the existence of a compact global attractor for the solution semigroup of this equation is established. Moreover, the smoothness of the obtained attractor is also shown.Publication Metadata only Existence of an attractor and determining modes for structurally damped nonlinear wave equations(Elsevier Science Bv, 2018) N/A; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Bilgin, Bilgesu Arif; Kalantarov, Varga; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Sciences; N/A; 117655The paper is devoted to the study of asymptotic behavior as t -> +infinity of solutions of initial boundary value problem for structurally damped semi-linear wave equation partial derivative(2)(t)u(x, t) - Delta u(x, t)+gamma(-Delta)(theta)partial derivative(t) u(x,t) + f(u) = g(x), theta is an element of(0, 1), x is an element of Omega, t > 0 under homogeneous Dirichlet's boundary condition in a bounded domain Omega subset of R-3. We proved that the asymptotic behavior as t -> infinity of solutions of this problem is completely determined by dynamics of the first N Fourier modes, when N is large enough. We also proved that the semigroup generated by this problem when theta is an element of(1/2, 1) possesses an exponential attractor. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Publication Metadata only Global behavior of solutions to an inverse problem for semilinear hyperbolic equations(Springer Nature, 2006) Eden, A.; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Kalantarov, Varga; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 117655This paper is concerned with global in time behavior of solutions for a semilinear, hyperbolic, inverse source problem. We prove two types of results. The first one is a global nonexistence result for smooth solutions when the data is chosen appropriately. The second type of results is the asymptotic stability of solutions when the integral constraint vanishes as t goes to infinity. Bibliography: 22 titles. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.Publication Metadata only Non-existence of global solutions to nonlinear wave equations with positive initial energy(Amer Inst Mathematical Sciences-Aims, 2018) N/A; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Bilgin, Bilgesu Arif; Kalantarov, Varga; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Sciences; N/A; 117655We consider the Cauchy problem for nonlinear abstract wave equations in a Hilbert space. Our main goal is to show that this problem has solutions with arbitrary positive initial energy that blow up in a finite time. The main theorem is proved by employing a result on growth of solutions of abstract nonlinear wave equation and the concavity method. A number of examples of nonlinear wave equations are given. A result on blow up of solutions with arbitrary positive initial energy to the initial boundary value problem for the wave equation under nonlinear boundary conditions is also obtained.Publication Metadata only Blow-up of solutions of coupled parabolic systems and hyperbolic equations(Springer, 2022) Kalantarova, Jamila; Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Kalantarov, Varga; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 117655The problem of the blow-up of solutions of coupled systems of nonlinear parabolic and hyperbolic equations of second order is studied. The concavity method and its modifications are used to find sufficient conditions for the blow-up of solutions for an arbitrary positive initial energy of the problem.