Researcher: Türeli, Derya
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Türeli, Derya
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Publication Metadata only Ultrasound-guided popliteal sciatic block provides adequate analgesia during urgent endovascular treatment of critical limb ischemia with resting pain(Springer, 2018) N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; Türeli, Derya; Deniz, Sinan; Ünlükaplan, Aytekin; Oğuzkurt, Levent; Doctor; Doctor; Doctor; Faculty Member; N/A; N/A; N/A; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; Koç University Hospital; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 13559Purpose: To demonstrate feasibility and safety of ultrasound-guided popliteal sciatic nerve block for providing analgesia during urgent endovascular treatment of critical limb ischemia with resting pain. Materials and Methods: Ultrasound-guided popliteal sciatic blocks were performed by an interventional radiologist in angiography suite immediately prior to commencement of urgent endovascular treatment of 30 critical limb ischemia patients. Subjective pain levels prior to and following sciatic block were assessed using the visual analog scale (VAS). Need for any supplemental anxiolytics or analgesics during treatment was recorded. Post-procedural evaluation of patient and operator satisfaction levels regarding the intervention was also documented. Results: Ultrasound-guided sciatic block provided adequate analgesia in all patients; VAS scores were 0 (no pain) in 87% and 1–3 (mild to annoying pain) in 13%. Two patients required anxiolytic premedication. Additional analgesia was not required during course of endovascular treatment of any patients. Time necessary to perform sciatic block ranged 3–9 (mean 5.9 ± 1.3) min. Median number of needle attempts was 1 (range 1–3). Onset of satisfactory block ranged from 5 to 20 min (mean 9.4 ± 2.6 min). Mean treatment time was 102.2 ± 36.7 min, and balloon time was 22.4 ± 6.1 min. Patient and operator satisfaction with pain control were very good in all cases. There were no procedure-related complications. Conclusions: Ultrasound-guided popliteal sciatic block is a feasible and safe alternative for providing adequate analgesia during urgent endovascular treatment of critical limb ischemia with resting pain.Publication Metadata only A very rare case of cervicothoracic vertebral synostosis spanning eight adjacent segments: congenital vs acquired(Marmara Univ, Fac Medicine, 2018) Cengiç, İsmet; Altaş, Hilal; Buğdayci, Onur; N/A; Türeli, Derya; Doctor; N/A; Koç University Hospital; N/AAn elderly female presented with acute post-traumatic neck pain. Cervical roentgenogram revealed a long-segment cervicothoracic vertebral fusion spanning 8 adjacent spinal levels. The patient was evaluated with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imagings of the spine, electromyography (EMG) and growth differentiation factor 6 (GDF6) gene mutation analysis. Imaging findings were atypical for congenital block vertebrae and there was no GDF6 mutation. A revision of very old medical records and patient's recollections revealed long-term stay in sanatorium for rehabilitation of chronic partially-treated brucella spondylodiscitis during adolescence. Block vertebrae spanning several levels have previously been reported; but, this is the first report of an acquired cervicothoracic fusion spanning 8 adjacent vertebral bodies. / Yaşlı bir kadın hasta travma sonrası akut boyun ağrısı ile başvurdu. Servikal direkt grafisinde 8 ardışık spinal seviyeyi kapsayan uzun segment servikotorakal vertebral füzyon saptandı. Hasta spinal bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) ve magnetik rezonans (MR) görüntüleme, elektromiyografi (EMG), ve büyüme-farklılaşma faktörü 6 [Growth differentiation factor 6 (GDF6)] gen mutasyonu analizi ile detaylı tetkik edildi. Görüntüleme bulguları konjenital blok vertebra için atipik olan olguda GDF6 gen mutasyonu saptanmadı. Hastanın eski tıbbi raporları ve anamnezinde adolesan dönemde kronik ve kısmen tedavi edilmiş brucella spondilodiskiti rehabilitasyonu amacıyla sanatoryumda uzun dönemli yatış mevcut idi. Birkaç seviyeyi kapsayan blok vertebra olguları daha önceden bildirilmiş olmakla birlikte; bu, 8 ardışık vertebral cismi kapsayan ilk edinsel servikotorakal füzyon olgusudur.Publication Metadata only A potential therapeutic pitfall in the treatment of venous reflux due to variant planar anatomy of varicose segments(Sage, 2018) N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; Deniz, Sinan; Türeli, Derya; Erkan, Burcu; Oğuzkurt, Levent; Doctor; Doctor; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; N/A; N/A; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; N/A; 13559Purpose To elaborate on a planar anatomic variant of great saphenous vein as a potential therapeutic pitfall in the treatment of venous reflux. Materials and methods Lower extremity veins in 568 limbs with great saphenous vein insufficiency were sonographically mapped. A rather overlooked variation, the saphenous bow, was studied with emphasis on anatomic clarification and its involvement in venous insufficiency. Results This variation, observed in 5.1% (n=29) of limbs, comprised two segments; one uninterrupted great saphenous vein proper coursing throughout saphenous compartment and one extra-compartmental segment originating distally from and proximally fusing with it. Venous arch remains within compartment only briefly during take-off and re-entry. Extra-compartmental venous arch had reflux either alone (10.3%) or together with intra-compartmental segment (75.9%). Conclusion This variation, part of saphenous segmental aplasia/hypoplasia complex, is associated with venous insufficiency. Meticulous mapping of great saphenous vein territory and identification of such variants during planning stage is indispensable for optimal clinical outcomes of treatment.